That's what we do with silver

Chapter 39 I know it's wrong, but I'm sick, I can't control it!

Chapter 39 I know it's wrong, but I'm sick, I can't control it!

On the road, the game time is 3 minutes, and Dashu has become 0-2.

But at this point in time, the factory manager's excavator has only half-filled his wild area.

Seeing an accident on the road, he hurried over.

Although he didn't help with other things, he still helped Dashu after all and ate up all the remaining soldiers.

Immediately, compared to Qinggang Ying who only had a red buff and a river crab, although he lost two assists, the experience of the excavator was actually a lot ahead.

Well, not bad.


A good field excavator.

And the words of the single big tree.

Um... It's really a shame.

The kind of hemp in hemp in hemp in hemp.

In terms of Dashu's resistance to pressure, Mouse, as the third generation of EDG's top laner, can at least rank in the top two in LPL in terms of rich experience. After two years of professional career, it is reasonable to say that he has seen a lot of big scenes.

However, it was the first time he saw a scene like today's.

It's been 3 minutes, and the highest level in the audience is level three, and even the bottom lane duo has been level two for quite a while.

And what about him, the top laner in the solo lane?
Still level one!
What a fart!
If this is placed in the ranking, the top laner can almost start to "post, the gap between the jungler and the jungler".

But unfortunately, this is a competition, not a ranking.

Therefore, even though Mouse felt aggrieved, he could only quickly adjust his mentality and breathing, and continue walking on the road under tremendous pressure.

On Zhao Yun's side, the two barbarian kings had their heads in their hands at this time, and they went home and took out an attack speed shoe.

In 3 minutes, the barbarian king went home for the first time, the pawn line perfectly advanced the tower, and he could directly sell a pair of second-level shoes.

This development, if one word is used to describe Zhao Yun's mood at this time, it can only be.

Beautiful drops!
Back online again.

Because the line of soldiers entered the tower before, the line at this time is the push line.

Seeing the obsequious big tree on the opposite side, Zhao Yun once again played out the one and only advantage he has compared to professional players, besides luck.

That is, lip service.

Yes, that's right.

In this 2017 season, the tactical core of the game basically revolves around the middle and bottom lanes.

Therefore, for top laners, if you want to compare the strength of two top laners, it is basically to compete in team battles or to operate in the middle and late stages.

For example, the pros and cons of laning in the early and mid-term, basically not many people will pay attention to it.

Because everyone feels that this is completely meaningless.

Even if you choose a warrior hero with a strong lane in the top lane and press dozens of knives, it will have little effect on the subsequent team battles. Instead, the opponent chooses a tank to stabilize the pressure, and then a wave of team battles will start. But it can turn the tide of battle in an instant.

This price/performance ratio is not at the same level at all!

This has also led to the fact that in most games, each team basically does not pay much attention to the top lane.

Even if there is a laning gap in the top lane, the junglers of both sides will rarely come to the top lane to help expand the advantage or relieve the pressure. It all depends on the top laners of both sides to play.

The dominant side also didn't dare to press too hard because they were afraid of going wild, so there was still room for it.

Therefore, in most matches, the gap that can be widened between the top laners of the two sides is extremely limited, and it will never happen, such as the situation where the dominant side in the ranking is showing a strong face and is determined not to give the other side a way out.

Before that, Mouse always thought so. Even if he was at a disadvantage in the lane, he would definitely be able to survive and develop, so that he would not be completely unable to play.

But today, for the first time, he questioned this view.

Because the barbarian king on the opposite side actually passed through the pawn line after going online, and then stood still between the big tree and the pawn line!
Such a move immediately reminded Mouse of those power leveling brothers who fry fish in low-end rounds.

This guy!

Could it be that he wants to completely drive himself out of the experience zone, and he doesn't even want to give me experience?
What did he think of me?

Fish pond fry?
Playing like this in LPL games?
What the hell are you doing, you're really not afraid of junglers coming to catch you, are you?
For a moment, Mouse's eyes widened, and even though he always boasted of being patient and good-natured, he couldn't help but get a little angry.

So, Mouse immediately shouted in the voice.

"Brother, come on, this barbarian king is completely unreasonable. If I don't mess with him once, I really won't get any experience."

When the factory manager heard the words, he was stunned for a moment.

"Good guy, at the third level, let's put the Yuebing line to suppress people. You are really so arrogant, who do you look down on!"

"Wait for me, I'll be right there!"

Both Ueno and EDG felt a little angry in their hearts.

And Zhao Yun here.

Uh... To be honest, he really didn't look down on people, nor did he want to be so arrogant.

Really just, get used to it.

As we all know, when a silver top laner makes a solo kill in the lane, there is a high probability that his self-confidence will be severely inflated after that, and the opponent will be automatically classified as weak.

When looking at the opponent's top laner, it is easy to raise your chin and look at people with your nostrils.

Unless the opponent comes back from another solo kill, during this period of time, it is basically assumed that the opponent is not qualified to replenish troops.

If the situation is more serious, they don't even want to give the other party experience.

Seeing the other party gaining experience secretly is even more uncomfortable than owning a sports car!

Just like being sick!
Even though everyone knows it's wrong to fight like this, but every time this happens, they just can't help it.

And Zhao Yun himself turned out to be one of these critically ill patients.

In the past one month or so, because of his guilty conscience and lack of self-confidence, this symptom disappeared for a long time, making him think that he had recovered.

However, after the battle with Snake, coupled with the impact of the winning streak in the past three days, now that he has obtained the confident Barbarian King and still has such a big advantage in the early stage, his symptoms immediately appeared without warning relapsed.

Seeing that he was already 2-0 attack speed shoes, and the big tree on the opposite side only had Dolan Shield on him, but still dared to eat experience, in Zhao Yun's heart, two voices of a little angel and a little devil appeared in an instant.

Little Angel: "It's just a little experience, just eat as you like, anyway, he didn't make up the knife, so we don't need to risk getting caught and continue to press him."

Little devil: "Shut up! The strong want to humiliate the weak! Why does he need experience for 0-2! He doesn't deserve it!"

Little Angel: "Really, don't go too far. What if the jungler comes to catch it? It's not worth the loss to lose the previous advantage."

Little Devil: "Shut up! Seeing him eat experience makes me feel sick! So what if the jungler comes to catch him! Even if 1 people come today, even if I die, I won't let him eat this experience!
I'm going to show my face!I'm going to show my face!I'm going to show my face!Don't give me lip service, I won't ring spicy! "

Little angel: "Then, well, just listen to you."


After a fierce psychological struggle, the little devil decisively won.

Therefore, the current picture appeared.

The barbarian king himself stood behind the pawn line, and when he saw that the pawn was about to run out of blood, he went up to make up for it. After making up the knife, he walked back and got stuck. Seeing that he took two more steps, he was going to completely drive Dashu out of the experience area.

He knew he was taking a big risk and it wasn't right.

But there is no way, he is sick, and he can't control it!
(End of this chapter)

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