That's what we do with silver

Chapter 49 Fans reported that his Barbarian King competition is open!

Chapter 49 Fans reported that his Barbarian King competition is open!
There is one thing to say, and what Zhao Yun said is from the bottom of his heart.

He really doesn't know much about hero counters and operations.

And when you get the Barbarian King, you will indeed be a little more confident than usual.

However, this does not affect the audience's deeper interpretation and analysis of this sentence.

Soon, Yu Shuang also asked the second question with a smile.

"Then the second question, I would like to ask our jungler Ning!"

She turned to Ning and continued to ask.

"After today's two games, we also noticed that you used two heroes, Qinggangying and Prince, respectively, and Rookie took Galio in the middle lane. The rounds have played quite well.

Compared with the previous IG games, you were very aggressive in the early and mid-term of the two rounds, and the overall rhythm has obviously become more violent and compact.

So what I want to ask is, what is the reason for your style to make such a huge change? "

Hearing this, Ning thought about it, and then replied with a smile.

"Uh... the combination of Prince Qinggangying and Galio is mainly because we play that explosive damage top lane hero very well in the top lane. Brother Yunzi can often play an advantageous carry team by himself, and If the output of the top lane is enough, our middle and jungle team will play well with this strong team-opening combination, so we chose this combination."

It can only be said that considering the relevant tactical system involved, Ning did not say all of it, but gave an ambiguous answer.

And hearing this answer, Yu Shuang also showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"Oh? Did you make such a choice because you trust your teammates' carry ability? It seems that although Lancer is a newcomer, his integration with the team has been quite smooth."

On stage, post-match interviews continued.

In the live broadcast room, after hearing Ning's answer, many bullet screens scrolled rapidly.

"It can be summed up in one sentence: You are a big daddy on the road, and you can be a C if you raise it well!"

"It's broken, it seems that he really understands the game a little bit."

"Indeed, League of Legends is essentially a game of raising a father. Whoever raises a stronger father will win."

"Lancer's performance today is like a father in a father (manual dog head)"

"MD, if I can have such a top laner daddy who collapses all the way, let alone helping to climb the tower, he can eat all the wild monsters! (Gritting teeth angrily)"

"Hee hee, there is really a big dad like Lancer taking me, I wish I could kill myself and exchange gold coins for him to give him equipment."

"Pass over brothers, pay attention to your face, pay attention to your face (serious face)"

"Starting from today, it seems that this LPL's top road is really going to change!"


On the stage, Yu Shuang also asked the last question.

"I would like to ask Lancer, in the crucial last round of the canyon vanguard team, I remember very clearly. At that time, when Luo was already defeated by the first move, facing three opponents, you had no teammates by your side. Still chose TP, and then played a wave of pretty good team battles, what did you think at that time?

Are you really not afraid that a person will be shot down by the opposite side in seconds? "

Hearing this, Zhao Yun couldn't help showing a trace of embarrassment.

Are you afraid of being seconded when you come down alone?
Nonsense, how can I not be afraid of one dozen three, I am so frightened to death, okay?
If I didn't know how to cancel the TP, I wouldn't take the initiative to take this trip back then, okay?

Zhao Yun thought so in his heart.

But at this moment, after thinking about it several times in my mind, when I said it from my mouth, it became.

"Honestly, I'm a bit scared now looking back, but at the time I didn't have that much time to think about it because it would have been hard for us to play if we had given them that lead, so I just wanted to try it out and went for it."

Upon hearing this, Yu Shuang asked again with curiosity in her eyes.

"In this wave of team battles, I remember that your Rambo had an operation that impressed everyone very much, that is, the big move deliberately hidden in the wall, which not only interrupted the entry of the rock sparrow's big move, but also made the The opponent's double cs were scalded to residual blood, and it was precisely because of this key big move that it became the turning point for IG to win that wave of team battles.

I believe everyone is very curious. At that time, when the frontal battlefield was so chaotic with three people focusing on it, they could still pay attention to the rock sparrow entering the field from a distance, and interrupt the opponent's entry with a big move. Can you reveal What did you think at the time?
Could it be that from the beginning of the fight, they were already prepared to prevent the rock sparrow from entering the field? "

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Yun froze for a moment.


I hid the big move on the wall to interrupt his entry?

Fuck!I have done this before?

I remember that Rock Sparrow was not solo killed by NIng's prince?

As for what I was thinking?
Convinced, the team battle is so chaotic, I don't remember what I was thinking, I forget it after the fight, who would remember these things!
Zhao Yun subconsciously began to think carefully about the situation at that time, and then, after two seconds, he fell into a brief silence.

Because he found that regarding that team battle, all his attention had been on Verus, and he didn't even know where the rock sparrow died.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun hesitated to speak, looked at Yu Shuang's expectant and curious eyes, and held back for a long time without saying anything good.

Could it be that you are wrong, in fact, I was a group of confused minds at the time, and I didn't think about it so much. It was purely a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse to come up with this result?

Zhao Yun deeply understood that with his own face, he did not support him to say such straightforward words in front of so many people.

But if he had to lick his face and admit that he was awesome, he couldn't open his mouth.

So at the end of the day, after thinking about it again and again, he smiled a little embarrassedly.

", no, I'm not as good as everyone thinks, that wave was really purely due to the timely support of my teammates, plus I was lucky haha...ha."

While talking, Zhao Yun couldn't help scratching his head.

His eyes were erratic, and his voice and expression carried an extremely obvious guilty conscience.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun felt embarrassed at the time. With so many people watching the live broadcast, would his guilty conscience be seen by others.

Soon, he found himself thinking too much.

What he was worried about did not happen.

On the contrary, after he made such a reaction with an already super-good-looking little boy face, in the eyes of the beautiful host and many female audiences, he immediately created another style of painting in his mind.

It's just that he was praised a few times, so he's actually embarrassed?

What a shy, introverted, humble, and innocent genius boy, I love it!

Even Yu Shuang, the host next to her, couldn't help laughing.

"Such a perfect wave of key performances, in the eyes of our Lacner player, is all due to his teammates and his own luck, okay? It seems that our Lancer player, although his style of play is extremely fierce on the court, but off the court, he himself It's surprisingly humble."

All of a sudden, there were bursts of booing and teasing from female fans at the venue.

Hearing these voices, Zhao Yun couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth slightly.

I'm so humble!

Do not believe it!
At the same time, seeing the enthusiastic response and cheers from the female fans off the field, they seemed to believe Yu Shuang's polite words.

Zhao Yun could only sigh silently.

Yan Gou is really awesome!
Then with such emotion, Zhao Yun and Ning also left the stage soon after the end.

This post-match interview is also officially announced to be over.


After returning to the club, I had a full meal and it was already evening.

Zhao Yun, who had just returned to the training room and sat down, didn't want to play the game directly for the time being, but remembered that he hadn't checked the post bar for several days, so he clicked in directly.

'Hey, anyway, my buddy is now an official professional player, go to the post bar to see if anyone secretly praises me! '

With this in mind, Zhao Yun clicked on the ten-level anti-stress bar that he had already achieved by signing in.

Then, the first time he clicked in, the title of a post caught his attention instantly.

'How do you comment on how EDG fans went to LPL official Weibo to leave a message after losing the game 2:0, and reported that the opponent's top laner Barbarian cheated? '

Seeing this post, Zhao Yun's heart skipped a beat instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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