That's what we do with silver

Chapter 91 What, is he really called Zhao Zilong?

Chapter 91 What, is he really called Zhao Zilong?

On the stage, Ren Dong also asked a second question.

"OK, now is the second question. I would like to ask Lancer. We also saw in the first game that you chose Ryze, the first top laner of the season. Then, when the widow came to gank in the early stage, did you Using the Q skill to continuously detect the widow's position without any vision.

We are all very surprised, how did you do it, did you rely on prediction or..."

In response, Zhao Yun shook his head slightly.

"No, there is really no prediction. I was just lucky, and then I hit him with a throw."

Ren Dong continued to ask with curiosity.

"What's more, we also noticed that your Ryze outfit in this game is completely different from the mainstream AP outfit on the spot. You just put out a flesh outfit, and then played a very amazing effect. In the top lane, a dozen Three kills and three kills are even more beautiful.

So, why do you think of such an outfit? "

Regarding this question, Zhao Yun didn't even think about it, and just opened his mouth.

"Because I'm not very proficient in Ryze, I can't operate well, and the output is easy to die suddenly. In addition, our lineup lacks the front row, so I just produce meat directly."

Hearing this, seeing Zhao Yun's straightforward answer, Ren Dong laughed out loud.

"What Lancer means is that because the output of the lineup is already enough, he directly sells meat to make up for the front row frankness of his teammates, so that the team has a higher fault tolerance rate and ensures the integrity of the overall lineup. At the same time, Ruiz is more able to restrain the opponent The disadvantage of insufficient output.

It can only be said that our Lancer players really pay attention to their teammates. "

Ren Dong made a wave of analysis like this, and in due course, bullet screens like 'Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I cry to die” and so on.

Then, amidst the laughter, Ren Dong also asked the last question.

"The playoffs are coming soon. What are the two's expectations for this playoffs?"

Zhao Yun: "Take Xia Guan. I heard that the finals will be played in the Bird's Nest. I really want to go to the World Championships."

Rookie: "I think if we play well, we have a chance to win the championship."


The post-match interview ended quickly.

And after today's game is over, the entire LPL points ranking is basically finalized.

After the No.1 EDG won WE, they directly dominated the audience 11-3 and sat firmly in the first place.

No.2IG is currently 9-4.

No.3WE, currently 9-4.

No.4RNG, currently 8-4.

Because of the relationship between victory and defeat, even if WE and IG have the same score, they can only rank third.

And because WE and RNG will have their final key duel two days later, there is still suspense about the third and fourth places.

If WE wins RNG, then sit firmly at No.3.

And if RNG wins WE, then it will be RNG No.3 based on the relationship between victory and defeat.

As for IG, the opponent in the last game is the current NB team in the middle of the LPL. Almost everyone agrees that IG will win.

The suspense of the final grouping in the playoffs is only the final battle between WE and RNG.

Among them, although WE played EDG and IG with a score of 0:2, compared to being beaten by iG, the two games they played with EDG had an early advantage, and they were overturned in the later stage.

Therefore, basically all WE fans hope that WE can keep this key No.3, try to avoid the half of IG in the playoffs, and let RNG face IG.

Why doesn't RNG think like this, they all want their favorite team to avoid IG as much as possible in the playoffs.

Therefore, fans on both sides are paying special attention.

Crazy prayers before the game.

Even, when the pre-match poster for the match between WE and RNG came out the day after tomorrow, and seeing Su Xiaoyan and Wang Duoduo as the commentators for that match, WE fans fell ill directly on a large scale and ran to Su Xiaoyan’s Weibo Leave a message, saying that she will lose every time she explains a key game of WE, and I hope she will not comment on this game.

What's more, I went to the LPL official blog to leave a message, hoping that the official will change the commentary,

This outrageous behavior award once caused a large-scale crowd of netizens in the circle.

All of a sudden, the fans of various companies who were at odds with each other even jumped out to ridicule the fans of WE, watching the excitement is no big deal.

In this way, the already restless LPL e-sports circle has become full of gunpowder and full of highlights during this period of time.

And in this overwhelming fancy rhythm, the popularity of Zhao Yun himself on the homepage of Stress Bar is also not low.

Among them, what is unexpected is that the most popular post on Tieba about IG and Lancer has nothing to do with the game, but with Zhao Yun himself.

[Holy shit, IG's top laner Lancer, his real name is actually Zhao Yun, Zhao Zilong? 】

In the post, countless netizens started a series of funny discussions about Zhao Yun's real name.

"Awesome, I thought Lancer was just picked by him at random, but I didn't expect this kid to be really a spearman."

"Belonging is in line with the personality."

"There are ten buckets of luck in the world, Zhao Zilong has twelve buckets to himself, and the rest of the spearmen owe two buckets."

"No wonder it's called Lacner. After a long time, it's really called Zhao Yun."

"Zilong! My Zilong!"

"General Zilong is really brave, there is no one in the LPL!"

"Lancer plays the barbarian king, Zhao Yun plays Guan Yu, they are brothers and sisters."

"I thought the name Teng Yang Tianxia was enough, but I didn't expect that there is another 2333 named Zhao Yun in LPL."

"I declare that from today onwards, I will be Brother Yunzi's ID fan!"

"Then IG, as one of the two big giants in ancient times, once fell down and is now rising, it feels a bit like Shuhan, hahaha, isn't it right?"

"If IG is Shu Han, who is my Western Emperor, Liu Adou?"

"Hahahaha, Xihuang's truth before this is really a point that IG is holding back."

"This season, it belongs to Changbanpo Zhao Zilong who has made bloody achievements, otherwise I feel that the Western Emperor will retire after playing haha."


Forums, post bars, Weibo, every place has a variety of rhythms flying around.

Zhao Yun himself, on the other hand, doesn't care about these things.

At this moment, after completing the daily live broadcast tasks and Rank tasks, he began to seriously think about his next career.

Sitting in his own position, he watched the game client and meditated for a minute.

Looking back at my competition for more than a month, summed up my current specific situation, and began to comprehensively analyze my overall strengths and weaknesses.

"My current hero pool is: the barbarian king can barely c, the stone man beats the meat or the AD hero can barely mix, and then..."

Zhao Yun paused for a moment, and after careful consideration, his nose turned sore, and he came to a very sad conclusion.

"Then...then fuck, it seems that there is really no more."

Other heroes want to C, all depend on fate.

(End of this chapter)

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