Chapter 99 The rhythm in the early stage, and the late stage win

In front of a tower in the bottom lane, with Zhao Yun's Thain TP landing to keep people, Qian Jue and Sivir behind them decisively began to output wildly, chasing ruthlessly at the fleeing WE crowd.

Luo, who was the first to resist the tower and was the worst, died first, and was easily killed by Qian Jue twice.

Then, the mouse that didn't flash and couldn't run became the second target of the fire, and was knocked into the air by Zhao Yun's Thain, and then disappeared.

Then, the prince who was blown to the wall by the wind girl's big move.


One by one, people on WE's side were chased to death one after another.

In the end, Rambo and Galio were left, and they were quickly chased and fled back to the tower.

Then, just when the two of them thought they were safe, when they looked back, they saw Rookie's Malzaha slowly walking out of the grass behind WE Tower.

That's right, after playing the bottom lane for a long time, Rookie walked down from the middle lane abruptly, crossed the WE wild area and went around to the next tower of WE, cutting off the back lane of Galio and Rambo.

Facing a Malzaha with a big move in hand, the top two in WE had no escape, and their hearts were completely chilled.

[IG, Rookie killed WE, Xiye]

[IG, Rooki killed WE, 957]


[IG and Rookie have gone berserk]

Galio and Rambo, who had unhealthy blood volumes, were easily accepted by Malzaha alone.


With the deaths of Galio and Rambo, WE was directly beaten out of the group.

At this moment, the total head ratio on the field is 0:7.

In 9 minutes, a wave of 0 for 5 was directly eliminated. When the sound of 'ACE' sounded, the audience in the entire venue immediately boiled.


Incomparably warm cheers resounded through the audience.

In the commentary booth, the three commentators were also very excited.

Remember: "Wow, this Bo Ning Wang Qianjue's anti-squat is so critical, he was knocked out in 9 minutes, this WE is like an avalanche!"

Guan Zeyuan: "WE has already made decisive decisions in this wave, but this Qian Jue is really annoying. The big move is immediately invincible, and Fengnv made the most critical big move. This wave is really bad. up.

But despite the great disadvantage, WE is not necessarily doomed, they still have a chance! "

Su Xiaoyan: "In such a chaotic battle, Sion's hero's ability to chase and keep people is really too strong. When the mouse is killed at the most important output point, and most of the other players have no big moves, The few remaining people have nothing to do with this Thain.

Well, I can only say that in this wave, WE's tactics and decisions were completely anticipated by IG. After all, they themselves are the masters of the forced opening system. They really understand this lineup and what to do at what time. "

Remember: "I took an early and mid-term lineup, but now IG's late-stage lineup has such a big advantage, and the heads are all given to double AD and Malzaha. In this round of WE, if we don't find a better If a good opportunity comes back, it feels really difficult to play."


As the commentary said, when WE fell into such a huge disadvantage in the early stage, the entire game rhythm began to fall into absolute passivity.

The development of the middle and lower fields is all behind, and the most intuitive impact is the loss of line rights.

Whether it's Malzahar in the middle or Sivir in the bottom lane, after getting kills, the economic advantage will soon be converted into an equipment advantage.

As for these two heroes, as long as the equipment is up, the line pushing speed will directly change qualitatively.

And the economy brought by these head assists directly accelerated the equipment formation speed of the two C heroes several times.

Especially Rookie's Malzaha, who came home in 10 minutes and already had a ghost book + how to wear shoes + little yellow book.

Not only is the economy the highest in the game, but the matchup is directly ahead of Galio by nearly 1600 yuan.

What's more, the dark seal bought at some time has already stacked up to eight layers.

Development is luxurious!

Although the development of Ning and West is not as exaggerated as Rookie, after these two waves, they are also clearly ahead of WE by a large margin.

Sitting on such a huge advantage, and IG's multi-core lineup is still getting stronger as it goes to the back.

Basically everyone understands that as long as IG does not give a chance and continues to develop in such a stable manner, the single-core lineup on WE's side will basically have a lower winning rate as it is delayed.

The audience understands, the explanation understands, IG understands it, and WE understands it too.

So after this, they still chose to continue to work hard to find opportunities, wanting to use the powerful fighting power of the prince Galio in the early stage to fatten the rats as much as possible.

Unfortunately, IG did not give them any chance.

Malzaha in the middle basically has two skills and a wave of soldiers, coupled with passive shield protection, WE has no way to start.

The mother of the bottom road has her own shield and Fengnv's personal protection, and WE can't even drive.

The pure meat Thain on the road has begun to take shape. More than 2000 HP and a pair of armor shoes are enough to keep the mouse at this time for a long time.

Even though Qian Jue looks like a crispy skin, his level and development are still too fat. With four layers of imprints in hand, if the mouse really wants to be invisible and catch him alone, don't even think about it. People, it's more like delivering food.

All of a sudden, even though he chose the mouse, Mystic looked up, and he couldn't find a real bully among the five members of IG.

But the lineup has been selected, and if we don't find more opportunities to do things in the early and mid-term, it will be even more useless to wait until later.

With this in mind, WE quickly made a decision.

If there is no opportunity, it is to force yourself to find an opportunity!

At 15 minutes, the mouse seized the gap between the IG bottom lane duo returning home, and brought the support Luo to the middle lane, ready to cooperate with the prince. When Malzaha pushed the line, the four of them forcibly arrested people together.

It can only be said that they have grasped the timing really well, and this idea of ​​looking for opportunities to open up the situation is also very commendable.

However, the end result was a bit sad.

Mysitic's mouse approached in stealth first, and Ben's Luo R and EW's speed was fast enough. If it was Zhao Yun, who has always been focused on replenishing soldiers, he couldn't react 100% to this wave, and he would definitely die here.

However, Rookie reacted.

The moment Luo rushed out of the grass, Malzahar handed over his own flash when he saw the yellow flash.



Luo's speed of light R flash W, which can be called lightning flash, was dodged by Malzahar just like that.

This directly caused Malzaha to not get Luo's knock-up control at the first time, but was just charmed by Luo's big move, breaking his own shield.

Then he was able to make a big backhand move, firmly holding down the mouse that only had time for A to make a move.

In an instant, because of Rookie's key flash, the prince next to him could only hand in his flash EQ to force his big move, and brought Galio into the arena together.

The few seconds of critical time gained allowed Qian Jue, who was playing F6 next to him, to react in time. He flashed across the wall a few times to level A and connect to the third ring. Instead, he cooperated with Malzaha's big move damage and fell instantly. mouse!

The mice were all dead, so Galio's big move followed suit.

However, at this time, the output is dead first, and Galio's entry is obviously meaningless.

A meaty prince, a meaty Galio, and an auxiliary Luo, three people together are enough for the control room, but they have no output ability.

For a moment, it seemed that Prince Galio's big move was aggressive and full of impact.

But after handing in the skills, only half of Qian Jue's crispy blood was knocked out, and he couldn't even force Qian Jue's ultimate move.

Instead, it was these three people who ran away with their heads in their arms after handing in their skills, and were chased by Qian Jue alone.

[IG, Ning killed WE, Mysitic]

[IG, Ning killed WE, Ben]

[IG, Ning killed WE, Condi]


[IG and Ning are already unstoppable! 】


The wave was originally a gank rhythm initiated by WE, but in the end it was a wave of 0 for 3 backhanded by IG Nakano's beautiful counterattack.

Two hit four kill three.

The moment they saw this scene, everyone knew that WE had gone far.

And the fact is that.

Although the game time is only 15 minutes, in many people's minds, the time after this round is already equivalent to garbage time with no viewing value.

IG held such a huge advantage, the rhythm of the middle field took off, and the damage of Malzaha and Qian Jue exploded. The speed of light took over the game and killed them indiscriminately. Finally, at 23 minutes, they ended the game with a wave of dragon buffs.

During this process, Zhao Yun didn't even do anything, just pushed the line online, saw that the team was playing, walked over to use the big move to start the team, and just followed the super god teammate so smoothly. The game is over.


23 minutes 21 seconds.

WE was directly flattened by a wave, and the game was over.

More importantly, the head ratio directly hit a 17:0.

In all the team battles of WE after this, due to poor development, the output of the mouse was seriously insufficient, and until the end, they were not able to get a single kill.

Such an eye-catching score made countless WE fans feel dizzy and unacceptable.

Zhao Yun was extremely satisfied with such a result.

People who play tools, help their own double C to gain advantages in the early and mid-term. In essence, they are like an old father raising a son. All good things are prepared for him, and he is well-fed.

Now I can see that my son has grown up and is promising, and he is killing all directions outside.

Hey, what a sense of accomplishment, isn't it!

(End of this chapter)

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