Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 140 Temporary Safety

Chapter 140 Temporary Safety
Jane Su looked at Betty, "No, Princess Betty's appearance is too eye-catching, and she can't hide it just by changing clothes."

"Use this!" Yuli took out the transvestite.

"Thank you, Queen Yuli." Betty took the disguise.

"You're welcome, now we have to work together, once we are caught, we will be finished." You Li said.

"Where do we go next?" others asked.

"There are soldiers everywhere now. They are going door to door to catch the supernatural beings. Now there is chaos outside, and they will come to us soon." The hostess said.

"What? A person with abilities? Are they planning to capture persons with abilities to create dead soldiers?" Angela exclaimed.

"This damned Augustus, he doesn't even plan to let people from his own country go, he's really not human!" Ji Sihan said angrily.

"Queen, the soldiers have already arrived, you should hide quickly." Kane shouted at the door.

"There's only such a small place here, how can we hide?" Everyone else was running around anxiously.

"Even if we run away now, we will be caught sooner or later. Now there are people from the Gelaohui everywhere. Where can we escape?"

"I heard that all the stations have been replaced by people from the Ge Laohui. Who can we turn to for help?"

"It would be great if Marshal Artis was here. By the way, where is the Iron Blood Legion? We can ask them for help."

"The Iron Blood Legion is not in the Federal Empire, and the distant water cannot save the nearby fire."

"Calm down, everyone, Oli, can you transfer now?" Jane Su asked the maid beside her.

Oli, the time-space user, shook her head, "I can't transfer in a short time. If there is a high-level potion to restore my mental strength, I can transfer again."

At this moment, Cohen came in and said, "Mother, I'm going to attract the attention of the soldiers, you take the opportunity to escape!"

"No, Cohen!" Ji Sihan grabbed Cohen's hand, and she couldn't help but her eyes were red.

At this time, the voice of a soldier came from the door, and just as Cohen was about to go out, a figure stood in front of her.

Cohen looked at the cold man in black in front of him, "You are?"

Palia said coldly: "We belong to the Iron Blood Legion, come with us."

A group of them came to the backyard, Palia nodded, and the other person immediately activated the ability, and a cave appeared in the ground immediately, everyone took the time to hide in, and then the ground returned to normal in an instant.

After a while, the soldiers rushed in, searched everywhere but found no one, and then left.

The people hiding in the cave breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the footsteps of the soldiers leaving.

"Are you from the Jagged Legion?" Jane Su asked.

Palia nodded, "Your Highness Wei asked me to protect you."

Jian Su's eyes turned red when she thought of her husband and youngest son.

"Don't worry, they will be fine, the marshal will rescue them." Palia said.

"What should we do next? Soldiers from the Gelaohui are everywhere now. I heard that the port and the airport are closed." Kane asked.

"Let's find a safe place to settle down first, you come with us." Palia said.

Then everyone walked through the underground passage for a long time, and came to a place similar to an underground laboratory.

Everyone feels uneasy. Now when they think of the laboratory, everyone thinks of that laboratory. They must not be deceived. In fact, these people want to arrest them for experiments, right?

Palia passed the identity verification at the door, and everyone entered inside, and found that there were parts and mechas everywhere, and various machines were running at high speed. No one in the huge laboratory would not affect the operation of these machines at all.

Several robot assistants are adding programs, and everyone sees a bald figure repairing something.

"Dr. Mu." Palia stepped forward and called.

Dr. Mu turned his head and saw a group of beauties. He immediately put down the machine in his hands and wiped the oil on his hands.

"Oh! Palia, long time no see, beautiful ladies, hello, I'm Da Mu." Dr. Da Mu put on a gentleman's etiquette.

"Dr. Mu, hello, is this your laboratory?" Jane Su asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am usually afraid of being disturbed, so I asked Artis to find me a secret laboratory, just in case, I didn't expect it to come in handy now."

"Everyone is tired, let's take a rest first! The place is simple, I hope you don't mind." Dr. Mu said.

"Where, there is a safe place to settle down, we are already very satisfied." Jane Su said gratefully.

Everyone realized that they were finally safe, and they all sat down on the ground without strength. They were all very tired after running away for a long time, but everyone's heart was very heavy.

I don't know what will happen next, what should the virus in their bodies do?
"Palia, right? Can you get in touch with Marshal Artis now?" Kane asked.

Palia shook her head, "The Marshal must be trying to rescue him, so you stay here for now."

Then she turned around and went to prepare food for everyone. The spare food in the laboratory was temporarily enough for a month, but she didn't know how long this battle would last.

Betty turned on the communication and found that there was no signal, "They cut off the communication, so I can't contact my father and the others, and I don't know if they will attack our planet."

Ji Sihan handed her a glass of water, "Drink some water first!"

Betty has been dehydrated for too long, and the scales on her body have come out. She quickly took the water and drank two glasses of water before she recovered.

"Betty, why don't you go soak in the water first!" Angela said.

Betty looked at the scales on her body, nodded, and followed Angela into the bathroom.

"I heard that the Zerg has sent troops to the mermaid. The mermaid has the weakest combat effectiveness. They plan to control the mermaid first." Cohen said.

"Don't tell Betty yet, I'm afraid she won't be able to take the blow." Ji Sihan said.

"Mother, you should eat something first." Kane brought the nutrient solution and said.

"I don't have much appetite now, I can't eat." Jian Su said.

"Queen, you have to eat as much as you want. We can fight at any time. If we don't save our strength, we won't even have the ability to resist."

"We believe in Marshal Artis, and we also need to believe in the father and the king. They have known about Augustus's conspiracy for a long time, and must have prepared a strategy to deal with it." Kane said.

Jane Su nodded and drank the nutrient solution. Yes, she must be strong. There are still many people who need her here. At least she must do her duty as the Queen of the Federal Empire.

"Dr. Mu, I wonder if you need this?" You Li took out an energy stone.

Dr. Mu was very surprised when he saw it, "This is a high-grade energy stone, what is Queen Yuli?"

"This is the only valuable thing left in me. I hope it can help you, and thank you for helping us." You Li said.

"Queen Yuli is being polite, you'd better put away such a valuable thing!" Dr. Mu refused.

"It's useless to stay here with me. I hope you can make use of it, at least let me contribute." Yuli said.

"Dr. Mu, just accept it! Now is the time for all of us to work together." Jian Su said.

Only then did Dr. Mu accept the energy stone. He must make good use of this good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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