Chapter 147 The Inner Ghost
The red dots on the screen began to increase continuously, and they were getting closer and closer to the blue star, indicating that there were more and more enemies. At this time, it depends on how long the defense system can last.

Soon the Gelaohui and the Zerg troops arrived outside the Blue Star defense cover. The strange thing was that they didn't make any moves. Liu Jianwei led the army to them.

Ji Chengxuan and everyone stayed in the refuge, watching the video from the sky, and felt very strange, why didn't they do anything?What are they waiting for?
The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. He turned around and said to the guard, "Choose the number immediately."

Lisa quickly realized that it would be fine if everyone was there, but if there were fewer people and they weren't here at this time, there must be a problem. If there was an inner ghost, helping the elders would break through from the inside, and they would be in danger.

"Li Huai, immediately check whether there is any abnormality in each defense system, and turn on all the monitoring. Everyone pay attention to whether there is any abnormality in the monitoring screen." Ji Chengxuan said seriously.

So everyone began to separate, each responsible for a piece of video, and began to observe seriously, and they also had to do their part.

"We're missing one person in our meeting!" President Peter said with a frown.

"We also lost one person in our guild!" Zhan Bei said, "Made, that person has been in our guild for many years. He is very honest, and he never expected to betray him."

"Li Huai, immediately investigate the identities of these two people." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Okay, right away." Li Huai started to check according to the information provided by the two presidents.

Li Huai frowned looking at the information on the Internet, "Edward, the second-level builder of the Construction Guild, has a second-level soil ability; Yuan Yuan, a guild, has a third-level plant ability. Neither of them had any abnormalities before. I investigated After a while, I found that someone in their family was missing."

"Could it be that people from the Ge Laohui arrested their family members to threaten them?" Xiang Nange said.

"It's possible, otherwise they wouldn't have rebelled for no reason, or they were actually members of the Ge Laohui from the very beginning. The Ge Laohui has infiltrated the guilds since a long time ago, and it may have been planning for many years, with ulterior motives." Ji Chengxuan said. .

"No matter what it is, the important thing now is to find these two people and stop them." Lisa said.

"Yes, everyone, hurry up and watch the surveillance to find out where these two people are." Ji Chengxuan said.

"I activated human motion capture, and it will be analyzed soon, just wait a moment," Tang Xin said.

"Our Miss Xinxin is really great!" Chris still did not forget to praise at this time.

"I found them. One is in the forest to the west, and the other is near the shelter." Tang Xin said.

"It looks like these two have figured out and leaked everything about us," Lisa said.

"Oops, they want to take us hostage first, hurry up, the guards, stop this person immediately." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Yes." The guard rushed out immediately.

Ji Chengxuan dialed the hot and cold communication, "Sovereign Leng, in the western forest, there is a man named Yuan Yuan who intends to destroy the defense system. You should immediately send someone to stop it. I have already sent you the location."

"Got it. Bigal, hurry up!" said coldly.

Bigar immediately took his people and rushed over there, hoping to make it in time.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, looking at the monitoring screen, they realized that it was still a step too late. The two men took out an unknown weapon, and it was a burst of bombing at the position of the fixed-point device. This weapon was amazingly powerful and penetrated instantly. off the ground.

Bang bang bang!After a few shots, the nearby fixed-point equipment has been destroyed, and the signal in a nearby area has been affected by unknown special equipment.

The screen was interrupted immediately. Li Huai detected that the defensive cover above the shelter had disappeared, and at the same time, a hole was opened above the defensive cover above the forest in the west.

Ji Chengxuan immediately dialed the communication to inform Liu Jianwei, "Commander Liu, the defensive cover of the western forest has been breached, and the defensive cover of the shelter has also failed."

Liu Jianwei just wanted to send people to help, but the Ge Laohui began to attack, and part of the army began to move, some to the forest to the west, and some to the refuge.

"Squad Ninth, go back to protect the shelter, Team Eight stay behind, and the other teams follow me." Liu Jianwei shouted.

When Bigar rushed to the western forest, he immediately launched an attack. A lightning bolt and thunder directly knocked away the weapon in Yuanyuan's hand, but it was useless, and the defensive cover was opened.

Yuan Yuan didn't intend to resist, but just stood aside with an ugly face.

"Why do you do this?" Bigar said angrily.

"I can't help it, my family was arrested by them." Yuan Yuan said.

"Do you think there will be good days after the elders will succeed? The whole interstellar world may turn into hell by then. Can you still save your family?" Bigar said.

"Then what can I do? Those are my family members, do I want to watch them die?" Yuan Yuan cried out in despair.

Everyone was silent. At this moment, there was a voice from above, and a large number of fighter jets were flying towards this side.

"Everyone, prepare for battle! We must prevent them from landing on the Blue Star, and even if they come down, we must destroy these people here!" Bigar shouted, picking up the energy gun.

Soon, fierce battles broke out in the forest to the west, and battles began in the sky. The artillery boomed and the whole ground shook.

"Everyone takes up weapons and is ready to fight at any time." Ji Chengxuan picked up the energy gun and said.

Everyone nervously picked up their weapons. Just for this day, the Ministry of Science and Technology worked day and night to make weapons. Although everyone didn't want to use them, at least they had weapons for self-defense at this moment, so that they would not be powerless to resist.

"Xinxin, can the defensive cover be repaired?" Xiang Nange asked.

"I'm trying to see if I can expand the nearby defense cover to fill this gap." Tang Xin's claws clicked quickly.

"Or try to use fixed-point equipment in the air to repair it." Li Huai said.

"No, you will be shot down soon in the air, and everyone is fighting now, and you may be involved at any time." Tang Xin said.

"President, take the two of them away first. We will be caught here sooner or later. The two of them cannot be caught. If they are caught, the entire defense system of Blue Star may collapse." Jiang Chen said to Zhan Bei.

"That's right, we can't sit still, let's run away separately! Let's attract their attention first, and you find a place to hide first." Peter said.

"President Zhan, I'll leave them to you. Find a safe place to hide as soon as possible." Ji Chengxuan said.

Zhan Bei nodded, hugged Tang Xin, and called Li Huai to leave.

"Mommy, Grandpa Chris, let's go!" Tang Xin shouted anxiously.

"I'm sorry, Xinxin, Mommy wants to stay here, you hide first, Mommy will look for you soon." Lisa shook her head and said.

"No! Mommy, if you don't leave, I won't leave either!" Tang Xin struggled and said.

"Xinxin, now is not the time to lose your temper. We need to work together now. Mommy is also a white tiger. My mental strength has also recovered, and I will not lose easily in battle."

"You obediently hide, so that Mommy can concentrate on fighting, understand?" Lisa said seriously.

Tang Xin couldn't help crying, she was just an ordinary little white tiger who couldn't do anything and became a burden to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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