Chapter 2 Live Streaming
Looking at the dense barrage, it can be said that this is the live broadcast with the highest traffic of the original body, but it is a bit ridiculous to sacrifice his life for this traffic.

Ji Zhixi looked at the bracelet information, opened the background of the live broadcast software, and saw the income from this live broadcast, 5 star coins, which is considered a considerable income, and with this income, the balance is only 52250 star coins. It seems that In the past, the original body was really poor, and there was no traffic.

In order to live, it seems necessary to continue the live broadcast, and now she is not afraid of this virgin forest. After all, she is a plant-type supernatural being, and the ten years in the last days were not in vain.

She stood up and looked at the surrounding environment. Due to the tens of thousands of years of growth, many plants here have undergone mutations. Ji Zhixi picked a leaf and felt the energy inside the leaf. It is dozens of times higher, and even has other effects.

But after all, they are mutated plants, which cannot be touched by ordinary people. However, Ji Zhixi's plant-type abilities also include purification functions. As long as they pass through her hands, everything can be purified. she.

Ji Zhixi took a look around and found several plants of Zihua Diding, which is a kind of herbal medicine that can detoxify snake venom, clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and reduce swelling.After Ji Zhixi purified the zihuadiding, smashed it up and applied it to the place just bitten by the mutated snake.

She tidied up her clothes and hair, and reopened the live broadcast.There were only a few people left in the live broadcast room, and when they suddenly saw the live broadcast open, they were all shocked!
[Hugging Tiger: Wow!It's a scam! 】

[Give you a little red flower: The anchor is not dead?Obviously saw her fall down? 】

[Sober in the world: It can't be acting!Enough for flow! 】

[Little Rabbit: As long as the beauty is fine, life is precious!Don't do it any more! 】


Originally, a lot of people had quit the live broadcast room, but when they saw the live broadcast was turned on again, suddenly many people came in, and everyone was discussing enthusiastically.

Ji Zhixi suddenly approached the camera, looking at herself in the picture.Standard melon-seeded face, willow-leaf eyebrows, clear and bright eyes, and a tear mole next to the eyes, which is pitiful, fair skin, red lips and white teeth, with a slight smile, the whole face brightens up, which is exciting.

[Meow~: Beauty crit! ! ! 】

[Little Rabbit: Oops!What's going on with this heart-pounding feeling! 】

[Soberness in the world: This is not the tenth level of beauty, is it! 】

[Ice Cream: As a young lady's face fan, I tell you that there is absolutely no beauty, the young lady is just so beautiful! 】


Ji Zhixi looked at the self in the picture, and found that she was almost the same as her previous self. The difference was that the original body had an extra softness, and every frown and smile easily made people feel protective.It's a wonderful feeling, is this the parallel world that others say, so there are people exactly like me.

"Hello, audience friends! I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi calmed down and greeted everyone. "Thank you for your concern. I was bitten by a mutated snake just now, and I was taken aback. Fortunately, I found the medicinal herb in time. Now it has been detoxified, so I'm fine." Ji Zhixi showed everyone her feet covered with medicinal herbs.

[Hugging Tiger: Herbs?What kind of herbal medicine is so powerful, it can even detoxify the poison of mutant snakes! 】

[Little Rabbit: The poison on the foot seems to have really been cured, it was red, swollen and bleeding just now! 】

[Soberness in the world: How is it possible, the anchor also understands medicinal herbs?Could it be nonsense! 】

[Herbal Apprentice: According to the existing potions, only purified herbs can be used after refining. The anchor can find a random herb to detoxify. It's absurd! 】


"Yes, the mutated plants on the ancient earth cannot be used without purification. The medicines on the market today are all purified and refined from artificially cultivated plants, so the effect is naturally not as good as that of the original ecological plants." Ji Zhixi held her hands Let's show you the Viola chinensis on the Internet.

"However, the current plants on the ancient earth, after tens of thousands of years of growth and mutation, are completely incomparable with artificially cultivated plants. You can see it by looking at my feet." What about others?Ji Zhixi thought to herself.

[Soberness in the world: You said you can't compare them, can't you?Are you a Potion Master? 】

[Herbal Apprentice: Without testing, how do you know that medicinal herbs are more effective than cultivated ones? 】

[Pharmacist Gu Tian: Let’s not talk about the efficacy, it is very difficult to purify the plants on the ancient earth. Even the top purification masters can only purify 90%, let alone other people. 】

[Su Yue: Yes, yes, even the pharmacist said that, it must be a lie! 】


"Yes, it is because of the difficulty of purifying the ancient earth's animals and plants, and the high degree of danger, so this hopeless area can not be disturbed, the fittest survive, and even amazing mutations have taken place! Its efficacy is definitely better than that of the medicines on the market. It's a hundred times better!" Ji Zhixi said in a confident tone.

"If you want to know the current situation of the ancient earth, continue to watch Ji Zhixi's live broadcast, leading you to explore the hopeless zone! The live broadcast will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, see you tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, he ignored everyone and downloaded the broadcast.

[Soberness in the world: These are all gimmicks!Dare to talk big for the sake of traffic! 】

[Huabaohu: It seems a bit interesting. If it's just talking big, let's see how the anchor is doing it tomorrow! 】

[Pharmacist Gu Tian: I want to see how she proves that the ancient earth is more effective than herbal medicine! 】

[Ice Cream: Young lady, is it not good to be a beautiful anchor?Why did the style of painting change suddenly, adventure? 】

[One Piece Wuwu: Is the king with a strong mouth? 】

[Meow~: Interesting! 】


In the laboratory of the Department of Herbology of Federal University, a student was searching for information about Viola chinensis. This person was [Apprentice of the Department of Herbs]. He was Jiang Chen, a senior student of the Department of Herbs. He was very interested in what the anchor said.

Many of the herbal medicines in the past are missing, and only a small part of the medicinal herbs cultivated on the market are left. The Viola chinensis cultivated on the market cannot be used directly. Even if it is to be used, it must be jointly refined with other medicinal herbs. Probably used directly, unless she has some special powers.

If there are really other ways to purify the mutated plants and use the mutated plants from the ancient earth, it will benefit the entire interstellar, so he decided to continue to observe.

After Ji Zhixi downloaded the broadcast, she planned to take a good rest first, and start exploring the hopeless zone tomorrow.Out of the hopeless zone, back to his dilapidated hut.

This is a dilapidated wooden house with no other buildings around it. Original body found this place because it was close to a hopeless area and sparsely populated. Don't worry about those criminals who encounter them. It can only be said that Yuan body thought too much Simple.

However, how nice it is to return to the pastoral life!Ji Zhixi thought to herself, now she can live a peaceful life of hunting and farming, she is simply too happy.

Although it is not the end of the world now, it does not mean that this place is safe. I took out the misty vines I snatched from the hopeless area, sprinkled them around the house, and activated the newly recovered ability to spawn them. In an instant, the misty vines grew rapidly. Surrounding the entire cabin.

Misty vines can emit a fragrance that confuses people's minds and make people fall into a misty environment, so it is called Misty vines.We can only do this for the time being, and wait until tomorrow to renovate the house.

Ji Zhixi went back to the house, cleaned it briefly, drank a bottle of unpalatable low-level nutrient, licked her lips, thought of fresh meat, vegetables, rice, and fruits, couldn't help swallowing, a happy life is coming , and then fell asleep exhausted.

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(End of this chapter)

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