Chapter 20 Patents
After the meal, Ji Zhixi asked Liu Jianwei and the others to pack the prizes and prepare to send them out, only to find that Wen Yan even designed a logo exclusively for her.

The logo depicts a little white tiger wrapped around vines, and white flowers bloom on the vines.Wen Yan asked Ji Zhixi: "Do you like it? You can change it if you don't like it."

Ji Zhixi touched the logo and said, "No, I like it very much, thank you. Wen Yan, you are really thoughtful." The little white tiger represents Xiaobai, and the vines represent Xiaohei. Bloodthirsty vines do not bloom, so the white flowers on the vines represent she.

In fact, the inspiration for this design also came from Ji Zhixi. The scene of Wen Yan watching Ji Zhixi treating the little white tiger that day was always engraved in his mind.

She really regards the little white tiger and the bloodthirsty vine as her family. She is so happy to have such a family. It would be great if they could become her family too. Wen Yan couldn't help but smile when she thought of this.

Leng Ran frowned and looked at Wen Yan, a little dissatisfied with his gentle look at Ji Zhixi, pinched his neck to divert his attention, Wen Yan was pinched for no reason, why is this cold popsicle crazy.

"The first step is to have our own logo so that others can know it. Then we have to apply for a patent. The second step is to reproduce the product to ensure our quality. The third step is to open channels so that we can officially Sell ​​it to the outside world." Wen Yan said.

Interstellar’s ​​patent at this time is good. Once a patent is applied, others cannot counterfeit it. The product is unique and cannot be counterfeited by marking the product. All product information can be queried with one scan.

"Wen Yan, you are worthy of being a military advisor! You are thoughtful!" Ji Zhixi said in admiration.

Ji Zhixi happily said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, do you like it? This is you!" Artis's blue eyes lit up, very satisfied that he and Ji Zhixi were put together, although the vines next to it were a bit of an eyesore, and they were rounded up. I can't see it, it's a bit like a couple logo.

Cough, Comrade Xiaobai is too imaginative, and there is nothing wrong with it.He glanced at Wen Yan, saying that he did a good job.The corners of his mouth moved softly and silently, why did he feel praised by his boss when facing a little white tiger.

"By the way, can my food be sent out directly? It hasn't been inspected and approved, so there won't be any troubles later, right?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It's okay. Starnet's food safety inspection is very fast now. As long as you upload the data, you will get the results in a few minutes. I have asked Captain Liu to upload the data, and the results have come out."

"The Food Inspection Bureau saw that our food has such a high energy value, and kept asking us if we want to sell it publicly. I said that we have not yet. They also said that the public sale should notify them as soon as possible. If we notify them as soon as possible, In the future, a top-level VIP channel will be specially opened for us."

"They also helped us greet the Drug Administration in advance, and they also said that they would open a special channel for us." Wen Yan said.

"This Food Supervision Bureau is clever. I'll leave it to you to deal with any transactions. Just tell me if you need anything." Ji Zhixi said, and Wen Yan nodded with a smile. It's a good feeling to be trusted.

"The test results have been printed on the courier, and those who receive it can eat it with peace of mind. We will send it out immediately." Liu Jianwei said.

"Send it? Are you going to send it yourself? Although there are only 100 copies, it would be troublesome to disperse the planets. If I had known, I wouldn't have drawn the lottery. I didn't even consider the issue of delivery. Can't I just send it to the interstellar express?" Ji Zhixi was a little bit Said angrily.

"It's okay, Ms. Zhixi, it's just troublesome now. Once we send it out, we will be famous far and wide. Only those who have really tasted it will know the taste! After all, we have all experienced it, so we can guarantee it."

"And we have adjusted the previous lottery draws to include some important industries and influential figures. I believe that after they try it, we will see the effect soon."

"We have discussed with Sect Master Leng. Our goods are too precious. If they are stolen or robbed along the way, our losses will be very serious, let alone make others cheaper. Now many people in the outside world are eyeing us, so we don't We are going to set up our own logistics company." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you to be such a Lieutenant General Jiang, haha, I like it!" Ji Zhixi laughed and said.

When Artis heard this, his eyes immediately darkened, and he looked at Jiang Yuxuan, as if he was considering whether this person could stay, after all, Ji Zhixi had already said twice that he liked him.

He is still in the form of a white tiger now, and there is no way to express his heart to Ji Zhixi, don't wait for him to recover, Ji Zhixi fell in love with someone else.

"Miss Zhixi has won the award. This is what the marshal meant. How could I think of such a way with my elm brain." Jiang Yuxuan said immediately.

The marshal's eyes made him sweat, and he was full of desire to survive. He hoped that Miss Zhixi would stop saying such things, otherwise he was afraid that he would not live until tomorrow.After hearing this, Artis's eyes were not so sharp, but he still stared at him, and Lieutenant General Jiang felt bitter.

"Marshal? Isn't he? Oh! I understand!" Ji Zhixi looked around and whispered, "Your Marshal is definitely not dead, but you are just hiding and conducting secret operations, right? Don't worry, I will definitely keep the secret." Said Comparing the action of pulling and closing the zipper.

"No wonder I said that you dared to transfer the legion here. It must have been authorized by your marshal. Since your marshal supports me so strongly, if you have anything to say in the future, I will definitely help if I can." Ji Zhixi patted her chest and said.

"Okay, I will definitely convey it to the marshal." Jiang Yuxuan glanced at Xiaobai and said.

"That's right. In order to develop our ancient earth in the future, logistics and transportation must be indispensable. How do you plan?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"We will buy time to establish the logistics system first, then deploy personnel and equipment, establish a company to apply for patents, and open air routes." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Manpower, material resources, transportation equipment, air routes? We also need to build a defense network and a logistics system. How much will it cost? Where do we have money?" Ji Zhixi said with a headache.

"Hey, don't worry, Miss Zhixi, our marshal has a lot of money, so don't worry about money." Jiang Yuxuan said cryptically.

"By the way, why is your marshal so rich? Aren't all the soldiers relatively clean?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

Jiang Yuxuan glanced at Artis and said that he didn't want to hide anything, so he said directly to Ji Zhixi: "The Jones family, the marshal's mother, Lisa Jones, belongs to, is the wealthiest family in the federal empire. There are 20 Jones family members under the marshal's name. % of the equity, and there are special financial planners to help manage the funds, so there are more and more funds under the name of the marshal, and there are marshal properties all over the interstellar world."

"And the marshal is handsome, has a lot of military work, is upright, and has never had any gossip. Therefore, the marshal is also the number one golden bachelor in the interstellar." Jiang Yuxuan talked a lot, and Artis gave a Appreciative look.

"Well, why is such an excellent person still single? Could it be something unspeakable?" Ji Zhixi raised her eyebrows and said.

"Ahem, of course not. It's just that the marshal has always been focused on his work, and rarely has contact with women, and he hasn't met a woman who makes him fall in love." Jiang Yuxuan quickly explained.

"Oh! Well, I won't gossip anymore, I'll leave it to you to arrange it! I won't send anything until you have done the logistics. It's too much trouble, and the shipping fee alone will cost you money." Yes, this is a family delivery."

"If you need to hire someone, let me know. I will promote it during the live broadcast. After all, many people in the live broadcast room are clamoring to come to the ancient earth. Anyway, I don't know anything else. The only thing I can do is to increase production and sell more. If the things go out, then we will have money. But your marshal is so powerful, shouldn't I have to share it with him?" Ji Zhixi thought.

"No, the marshal said no, the previously agreed 30% share to the legion is already a very high income, and allowing the legion to receive treatment has already helped us a lot." Jiang Yuxuan said gratefully.

"Okay! I will help you heal your injuries as soon as possible, and I can also help you improve your abilities, but this requires a training plan, which will be discussed later, first heal the injury first. Ah! Speaking of this, here, take it Let's go!" Ji Zhixi handed the crystal nucleus of Fenghuo Niao to Jiang Yuxuan.

"Absorb him, and your abilities will be restored. With my potion, it may be possible to improve the abilities!" Ji Zhixi said.

Jiang Yuxuan looked at her in surprise, not daring to take the crystal nucleus, "This, this won't work, it's too precious, me."

"What's the matter? I said that you can continue to look for the crystal nucleus. The hopeless zone is so big, there must be many high-level crystal nucleus. You are the leader now, and the legion is relying on you now. You can recover quickly if you recover quickly." Good job, and in case of any unexpected situation, you can protect me!" Ji Zhixi said.

Jiang Yuxuan looked at Artis hesitantly, and seeing that Artis had no objection, he took the crystal nucleus with trembling hands. "Thank you, Ms. Zhixi, I will definitely protect you, if you have anything to do, just ask me to do it."

Ji Zhixi patted Xiaobai's head and said to him: "Xiaobai, don't worry, your crystal nucleus is broken, and I can't help you restore it for the time being, even if you want to absorb the crystal nucleus, you can only absorb it from the low-level crystal nucleus." The core starts to absorb, if it is effective, we will try to increase it step by step."

In the last days, their powers also evolved by absorbing crystal nuclei. Only after a certain amount of crystal nuclei had been absorbed at each level could they absorb a higher level of crystal nuclei, otherwise they would easily explode and die .

Artis wraps his tail around Ji Zhixi's hand, expressing complete trust.

"You will have some in the future. We will work hard together in the future, and we will have the same blessings and share the difficulties!" Ji Zhixi said to Leng Ran and the others, and everyone smiled happily.

"Ah! By the way, I also bought a bunch of things! You built a defensive shield, how did you deliver it by express?" Ji Zhixi asked. "We will intercept it outside, and the courier will be sent to you immediately after all the couriers have been checked," Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Okay, then go get busy! I'll take this potion together, so I'll go to rest first." Ji Zhixi hugged Xiaobai and said.

"Yes, you have worked hard!" Jiang Yuxuan saluted Ji Zhixi, and then they left.

After Ji Zhixi and Xiaobai finished washing, they slept on the newly processed latex mattress, covered with a quilt made of Phoenix fire feathers, it was extremely comfortable.There are also a few white tiger-shaped pillows on the bed, Jiang Yuxuan specially helped to make them, they are so thoughtful.

Feeling this touch, Artis felt a little guilty in his heart. He used to sleep on iron frame beds in the army. Now that he lives so comfortably, he probably won't get used to it in the future, especially without Ji Zhixi's embrace, ahem!

Looking at Ji Zhixi's sweet sleeping face, Artis couldn't help but leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. As if Ji Zhixi had sensed it, she also kissed his forehead back.

Artis sighed, and fell asleep in her arms. Anyway, she will be his wife in the future, and she can only be his wife, so it's okay to sleep together!

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(End of this chapter)

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