Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 211 Smooth customs clearance

Chapter 211 Smooth customs clearance
The surrounding soldiers were stupefied. Sure enough, the Marshal's companions were not ordinary people. They were too strong. There was really no way to compare their talents. No matter how hard they worked the day after tomorrow, they couldn't catch up with such people.

"However, I found that controlled by mental power, the power of the mecha is indeed greater. The movement of the machine is always slower and the operation is more complicated. No wonder the current mechas require mental power to drive."

"The combination of man and machine can exert the greatest power. Mechas without mental control can only be improved from the operation and weapons. Can anyone achieve mechanical operation faster than mental control?" Ji Zhixi asked. road.

"Not yet, maybe there will be in the future, mainly because there is no chance for ordinary people to drive mechas. Well, let's come down and have a rest first!" Artis said.

"I'm fine after drinking the potion. I think I can continue to practice. I can control it proficiently now. Can I challenge the primary training mode?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Seeing her high spirits, Artis could only let her continue, "Remember, stop immediately if you feel uncomfortable."

Ji Zhixi nodded, and then resumed fighting mode after Artis went down.

Then the system starts to prompt, "Do you want to enter the primary training mode?"

"Yes." "Start entering the primary training mode, the first level, please prepare."

More and more soldiers outside came to watch after hearing about it. Even Jiang Yuxuan was alarmed and ran over, "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, what are you doing! You don't need to train, right?"

"Lieutenant General Jiang, we are all here to observe and study, and this opportunity should not be missed." A soldier said.

Everyone else nodded, "Yes! Yes! How can we miss the heroic appearance of the marshal's wife."

Artis, who originally wanted to disperse the crowd, suddenly felt extremely comfortable when he heard the word Marshal's wife, so he reluctantly let them take a look!Then he began to figure out how to make this appellation real, he had to hurry up.

When Artis was distracted, Ji Zhixi had already started the primary training. This time the training was no longer a simple movement, but started the task directly. The first obstacle run had to be passed within 1 minute, testing the reaction ability and physical fitness .

Ji Zhixi concentrated her mind and rushed out as soon as the passage opened, and soon there were various obstacles on the road, and flying stones would hit her from time to time. She had to run, jump, and dodge. A cylindrical passage appeared ahead.

Ji Zhixi was dumbfounded, how did this pass?The mech is bigger than the cylinder?

"Sister, change the shape of the mecha." Yueya reminded.

"What? What form?" Ji Zhixi asked, "I can change various forms, and automatically change forms according to the passage in front, and I can pass through smoothly."

"Oh! I see, Crescent Moon, changing form." Ji Zhixi said.

Crescent Moon immediately changed its shape, quickly shrunk its body, and quickly passed through the cylinder passage, but within a few seconds of hesitation, it arrived in one minute.

"Training failed, please continue to work hard." The system prompted.

"Sure enough, it's a bit difficult, let's try again! Crescent Moon!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, sister." Crescent Moon said, and then returned to the original place to start the primary training again.

After the passage was opened, Ji Zhixi immediately flew in, and found that the obstacles were different this time. It turns out that the content of each training will change, and the only constant is the difficulty. This is also a test of everyone's resilience.

After Ji Zhixi quickly avoided all kinds of obstacles, two walls suddenly appeared in front of her, with only a little space left in the middle, and it was impossible to pass through, so Ji Zhixi reflexively punched and smashed the wall.

Everyone was stunned, as expected of Miss Zhixi, the training said that she would pass, but she did not say that the things in the passage could not be destroyed, but many people were too honest during the training, and never thought of breaking the wall, so they were stuck here for a long time.

Next, Ji Zhixi seemed to have been unlocked, and she was violently demolished all the way, and passed smoothly within 1 minute.

The system prompts: "Congratulations on passing the first level, do you want to continue to the second level?"

Ji Zhixi said eagerly, "Yes." She seemed to be enthusiastically ignited suddenly, and wanted to see how the next checkpoint would be.

Everyone was frightened by Ji Zhixi's violent side, and they dared not provoke her.

Artis smiled helplessly. Although the first level can be opportunistic, the latter is not so simple.

The second level started, and there were many lasers shooting out at the beginning. You can only avoid the lasers. This time, there is no way to destroy them. Once you are shot by the lasers, you will fail. If you avoid the lasers and pass through the passage, you will be successful. This is mainly training flexibility and Response capability.

Ji Zhixi began to dodge flexibly, and Yueya reminded her how to operate. The angle of the laser emission became more and more tricky. Hide to the right, change the shape of the mech at the same time, jump, and avoid three lasers.

Wow!Everyone onlookers applauded!This movement is getting more and more agile!
The next three or four lasers were fired at the same time, and they became more and more dense. As soon as they avoided the three lasers, the fourth one came over and was shot directly.

"Training failed, please continue to work hard." The system prompted.

"Oh, I failed, it's okay, Yueya, let's do it again, I've already mastered the method." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, sister." Yueya said, and started training again.

Ji Zhixi entered the tunnel again. After the previous practice, she had mastered the operation method. She quickly avoided all the lasers. She found that the more she communicated with Yueya, the more surprises she found.

Especially when she was in mind control, she didn't feel like she was controlling a machine, as if she had a feeling of spiritual integration. Why did the mecha give her such a feeling?

And when I feel this way, I feel that my mental power is not consumed so much, but instead I feel like I am replenishing it. Why?

After Ji Zhixi successfully passed the passage, the system prompted: "Congratulations on passing the second pass, do you want to continue to the third pass?"

Ji Zhixi planned to try again, so she continued to the next level of training, "Yes."

With the opening of the channel, the third level is to avoid obstacles while shooting the target, and pass the channel within the last minute to test the reaction ability and shooting ability.

Ji Zhixi opened the muzzle of the gun and prepared to shoot according to Yueya's instructions, but there were always obstacles preventing her from aiming. While she was dodging, she asked Yueya to calculate the best shooting angle and time for her.

After the crescent moon is calculated, quickly come to the corresponding position and start shooting, whoosh!Hit all the targets at once, then passed through the channel at the last second.

The soldiers around were clapping and shouting, "It's amazing! You can pass the third level of elementary level in the first training. Sure enough, this is beyond the reach of mere mortals."

"That's right, that's right, it also proves that the 3S mecha is awesome! It's completely different from the ones we piloted in the virtual cabin."

"It will be great when we can achieve such results in ordinary mechs!"

"Don't be discouraged. As long as you train hard, there will be such a day. You have to believe that technology is constantly improving, and we are also constantly improving. Here, we will grow faster and stronger." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly. They have indeed become much stronger after coming to Blue Star.

"Let's go, don't look, let's hurry up and train! Otherwise, Miss Zhixi's one-day training will surpass those of us who have been training for a year."

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's go! If I don't pass the ninth level today, I won't eat!"

"Good boy! Be ambitious, let's go, I'm going to pass the eighth level today."

The soldiers ran back to training enthusiastically, and Ji Zhixi also stopped because she felt a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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