Chapter 24 Poisonous Bee
Then a group of people came to the entrance of the Hopeless Zone. Everyone looked at the Misty Vine, and then at Ji Zhixi. Seeing that Ji Zhixi had no intention of moving at all, they immediately realized that they had to rely on themselves next.

So Zhan Bei stood up first, "Level [-] mutant plant, mist vine, let me see how powerful it is!" He took out the potion and distributed it to other people. This potion can keep people awake, but Ji Zhixi was not given it.

"Cut, cheapskate!" Ji Zhixi was speechless at Zhan Bei's childish behavior.

Speaking of approaching the misty vine with a knife, the misty vine immediately attacked. Zhan Bei found that the poisonous mist vine here was stronger than they knew, and the vines were stronger and more powerful.

But after all, it was only a first-class mutated plant, and Zhan Bei took care of it all at once, and even dug up a vine to put it in the nanometer space and take it back for research.

"You have to purify the things here before you can take them away!" Ji Zhixi stopped.

"What? We need to purify now?" Zhan Bei frowned and said, seeing Ji Zhixi nodding, he had no choice but to hand the Misty Vine to Xiang Nange, who stroked his beard and said, "Why should I help you?" Purification?"

Zhan Beiqi's jumping feet! "Old man Xiang, we are in the same group now, who do you want to help if you don't help me? Let me tell you, if you don't help me now, don't beg me later!" Zhan Bei threatened.

Xiang Nange weighed it up and said, "Purification is fine, but you have to give me a bottle of high-grade mental soothing agent."

"You are taking advantage of the fire! Just purify a mist vine, and you want my high-level mental soothing agent! Do you know how difficult it is to configure?" Zhan Bei said in disbelief.

"Then you don't want the Misty Vine!" Xiang Nange waved his hand and said, with a look of reluctance.

"I will purify everything I want next, and I will give you a high-level mental soothing agent!" Zhan Bei said.

"Two bottles!" Xiang Nange said, "Okay!" Zhan Bei said with teeth gnashing.

Ji Zhixi had a great time watching these two old men playing tricks, it seems that the next days will not be too boring.

[Passerby A: Haha, I didn't expect you to be such big bosses! 】

[Bao Mama: Haha, old naughty boy! 】

[Pharmacist Meimei: President!Bring more points back for us to do research on! 】

[Brother Purifier: President, you are welcome, please ask more! 】


Ji Zhixi watched as Xiang Nange used his mental power to purify the Misty Vine, and then took out a potion from the nanospace and dropped it, and the Misty Vine was completely purified.

Ji Zhixi looked at the potion, it turned out that the remaining 5% was purified by this potion, it seems that the person who prepared the potion was also very powerful.

The group continued to walk forward, everyone looked around curiously, while Ji Zhixi was sitting on Xiao Hei, eating the banana that Xiao Hei picked for her, "Thank you, Xiao Hei!" Ji Zhixi happily touched the vines.

Ji Zhixi peeled the bananas for Xiaobai and Xiaojin to eat, and handed one to Li Huai. Li Huai took it reflexively, without any intention of giving it to anyone else!
"Hey! You little girl, why don't you know how to respect the elders!" Zhan Bei said dissatisfiedly, the banana Li Huai was holding in his hand felt a little hot at this time, he and the president were in the same group, but now?
"Please, I'm just an ordinary child. Although you are old people, it's obvious that you have more temper than me! Do it yourself, have enough food and clothing, understand?" Ji Zhixi said.

The others had no choice but to look at Xiang Nange unanimously.The corners of Xiang Nange's mouth twitched. If they want anything along the way, he will purify it. His mental strength can't hold it!

But everyone's eyes are telling him, if you don't purify, hum!Xiang Nange wanted to eat it himself, but it was impossible to eat it by himself, so he had no choice but to take the banana purification and share it with everyone.

Thinking about it this way, he is at a loss!How could two bottles of high-grade mental soothing agent be enough!Ten bottles are not enough, rely on him alone, don't exhaust him to death!
He now understands why Ji Zhixi is looking for people from the major guilds, obviously they are all free labor.

Xiang Nange thought that he just had to persevere for a while, but Xiang Nange was completely wrong in thinking this way, this was just the beginning.

Next, I encountered some poisonous weeds, poisonous insects, and low-level beasts occasionally, and they were easily resolved. Everyone gradually relaxed, and there was a kind of power in the forest, which anyone with strong mental strength could feel.

When she continued to walk forward, she found that Xiaojin and Xiaocan were looking into the middle of the forest, and she understood that they wanted to find Grandpa Gushu.

"Go if you want, but come back early." Ji Zhixi said to them.

Xiao Shen looked at Xiao Jin, but Xiao Jin shook his head and tugged at Li Huai's hair, expressing that Ji Zhixi had said before that he would protect this human being. He looked at Xiao Jin disappointed, but still listened to Xiao Jin.

"Xiao Jin, you are really a responsible boss, Li Huai, you are really lucky." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Li Huai didn't want to pay attention to this woman at all. He wished that the hamster would leave immediately. It was so heavy that he would die. Standing on his shoulder all the time, he felt that his shoulder was about to be broken.

[Gorilla Awakening: What's going on?Recognize hamster as the boss? 】

[Hard-pressed office worker: Haha, the way the little handsome guy dares to be angry but doesn't speak up is so funny! 】

[Bao's mother: The anchor can't bully others, this child is still so young. 】


Fans in Ji Zhixi's live broadcast room began to brush up on Li Huai. As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Even the boss dared to tease him. Li Huai saw the barrage and was so angry that his fame would be destroyed.

The more you go inside, the more exotic flowers and plants.Zhan Bei couldn't move his footsteps seeing those herbs, he kept arguing for Xiang Nange to purify, but Xiang Nange refused to die, he became more and more suspicious of what he came in for?Just to help others?
He is a majestic president, and it is usually difficult for others to ask him to purify, but now he has become a cheap labor force here, and the mental energy required to purify the things here is even more powerful than he imagined. It's running out.

"Old Zhan, that's enough! You can carry as many things as you want, and after my mental power is exhausted, you won't be able to take anything away!" Xiang Nange said angrily.

"Old man Xiang, isn't it! I usually say that you are so powerful, but you can't purify such a little thing? You are really old! Don't worry, I will treat you for you after your mental power is exhausted, and you will recover immediately!" Zhan Bei said.

At this time, Liu Jianwei came out to smooth things over, "Both presidents, we still need to preserve our spiritual power. There will be dangers in the forest at any time. If the mental power is exhausted, it will be difficult to get out of the forest." Liu Jianwei said.

After all, they came in with Miss Zhixi and knew how dangerous the forest was. Without Miss Jizhi's help, they would definitely not be able to get out of the forest safely.

"Little girl, can we discuss it? Let's take these things out and purify them? I will purify them immediately after I go back. There are more people outside, so the efficiency is faster, right?" Zhan Bei said shyly.

"Once you start this, everyone can take whatever they want when they come in, and take as much as they want. How will we manage it? If the mutated animals and plants that flow out cause problems, who will be responsible?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Zhan Bei's face suddenly turned ugly, "If you want to be able to use whatever you want in the future, let's help restore the ancient earth! It's impossible now." Ji Zhixi said.

Zhan Bei had no choice but threw the herb angrily, but it hit the poisonous beehive next to it, and a group of poisonous bees flew towards them in an instant!

"Danger!" Liu Jianwei immediately stood in front of Ji Zhixi, opened the rain cover to protect Ji Zhixi, Xiao Jin showed his sharp claws, and instantly killed the poisonous bee approaching Li Huai.

Ji Zhixi pulled Li Huai into the defensive cover. Since the defensive cover was very small, Li Huai's whole body was held in Ji Zhixi's arms, and Li Huai's face immediately turned red.

Artis pushed Li Huai away in dissatisfaction, damn kid, don't think that being small can take advantage. "Xiaobai, don't make trouble, we have to protect Li Huai, after all he is an important bet!" Ji Zhixi joked.

Li Huai's eyes darkened instantly after hearing this, yes!No one has ever treated him sincerely, all good things to him have a purpose, and this woman is the same.He pushed Ji Zhixi's hand away without thinking, and was about to fall out of the defensive cover immediately.

"Stop making trouble! Do you want to die?" Ji Zhixi said seriously.But Li Huai was stubborn and refused to obey, so Ji Zhixi had no choice but to ask Xiao Hei to tie him up, and Xiao Jin pulled Li Huai's hair dissatisfied.

There was chaos outside, and Xiang Nange built a water cage to surround himself to avoid being stung by poisonous bees, while launching water jets to attack.Wen Yan used the wind blade to kill the poisonous bees, but there were too many of them, and the movements were too fast, so it was too late, so he had to use a tornado to sweep away the poisonous bees.

Peter Pan clamped the poisonous bees with two earthen walls, Zhou Qiang protected Xiao Li with a gold shield to resist the attacks of the poisonous bees, and Xiao Li shot at the poisonous bees with an energy gun.Guo Yiming attacked with mental power to reduce the attack power of the poisonous bee. Ximenyue cooperated with Liu Jianwei's water column to freeze the poisonous bee instantly.

The instigator immediately took out medicine to expel the poisonous bees. After some fighting, the poisonous bees were finally exterminated, but everyone's mental strength was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, everyone was not injured, and everyone looked at Zhan Bei with resentful eyes.Zhan Bei, who thought he was in the wrong, could only restore their mental power one by one, but there were so many of them, and his mental power was not enough, so he could only use potions that he was reluctant to use normally.

Xiao Hei happily collected the crystal nuclei, Zhan Bei was so angry that he almost rolled his eyes and passed out.

[Bao's mother: I'm scared to death, but fortunately everyone is fine! 】

[Pharmacist Dahong: President, don't forget to bring back the dead bee for research! 】

[Passerby A: Is the upstairs serious?Expression: Can't laugh or cry]

[Soldier Assault: The anchor really doesn't make a move! 】

[Lady Fen: This is really poking a hornet's nest!Ha ha! 】

[Mecha Warrior: Fortunately, everyone reacts quickly and has strong abilities. If it were an ordinary person, Zhe would have already been overwhelmed. 】

[Beautiful Mermaid: Everyone's eyes are so resentful!Ha ha! 】

[Cong Chong Fei: The Hopeless Zone is really dangerous! 】


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(End of this chapter)

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