Chapter 264 Getting Busy

After Ji Zhixi and the others returned to Blue Star, they immediately went to find Ji Chenghan and Xia Jinxuan.

When Artis saw them, he first bowed deeply and apologized, "Father, mother, I'm very sorry. I dragged Xixi to get the certificate. It was my fault for not telling you in advance. Please punish me."

Ji Chenghan immediately became angry when he saw him, "You all cut it first and played it later, what's the use of talking about it now."

Ji Zhixi immediately stepped forward and hugged her father's arm, "Father, I was wrong. We were too impatient after Artis recovered. You knew that we almost lost each other, so you wanted to confirm the relationship as soon as possible."

"In addition, we are already engaged, and you all agree, so we are too impulsive, but we have already planned to notify you as soon as we get the certificate, who knows that we will be blasted by the Internet first."

"Father, I was wrong. Don't be angry. Getting angry will hurt you. I swear that I will tell you everything first, okay?" Ji Zhixi said coquettishly.

Ji Chenghan looked at his coquettish daughter, and his anger disappeared immediately. Normally, his daughter seldom acted like a baby, and he didn't say he was very close to them.

"Okay, don't be angry, my daughter has already said so, I believe Xixi has us in mind." Xia Jinxuan said to help.

"Of course, you are equally important in my heart, so you can punish yourself however you want, this time it is indeed our mistake." Ji Zhixi said.

"Whatever? You said, the upcoming wedding is up to us, and then you can't meet Artis for the time being. Our custom is that the bride and groom can't meet before they get married." Ji Chenghan said intentionally.

"Ah? Oh." Ji Zhixi was surprised, glanced at her father, and understood that he did it on purpose, so she could only obediently agree.

Can't meet before marriage?Artis immediately frowned. Seeing his wife shaking his head, he had no choice but to agree. At best, he would meet secretly. He just slept with his wife for a night and passed away. It was a bit miserable. Now he wanted to hold the wedding immediately.

"Okay, I'll follow your arrangements. It's just about the wedding. I hope it can be as simple as possible, or I can do it as much as possible. I don't want you and Xixi to be troubled." Artis said sincerely.

"You have never held a wedding before, so how do you know these things! Don't worry! Your mother and I will take care of it. Speaking of which, you two hurry up and take a look at these design plans and see what style you like." Xia Jinxuan said and pulled The two sat down.

Seeing that he had no right to speak at all, Ji Chenghan turned around and entered the room angrily.

The two had no choice but to sit down obediently. Ji Zhixi was a little worried when she saw her father leaving. Xia Jinxuan patted her hand, "You don't need your father, he's still the same age as a child. Just turn around and coax him more."

Ji Zhixi nodded, looking at the pile of wedding design plans in front of her, she felt a little overwhelmed.

"Xixi, do you think you prefer Chinese or Western weddings? By the way, there will be three weddings, one here at Blue Star, one at Federal Empire, and one at White Tiger Planet." Xia Jinxuan said.

"Three games!" Ji Zhixi almost fainted when she heard that, "Mommy, can't we just hold one game? Just invite the people you want to invite to Blue Star at once."

"Although everyone must be very happy to be able to come to Blue Star to attend the wedding, but your mother Lisa and I feel that Blue Star is currently under development, so it's better not to have so many people coming, it's easy to cause trouble, so it's better to hold it separately."

"And if you hold three weddings, you can also experience different types of weddings. Look! I really like Chinese weddings, how beautiful this embroidery and skirt are! Your mother Lisa likes Western styles, and those wedding dresses are also very beautiful. pretty."

"And this European style is also good. We said that we should try all of them, so we don't have to choose." Xia Jinxuan said with a smile.

"No, Mommy, let's keep it simple and just hold one, so you will be too tired." Ji Zhixi said hastily.

"How come, when I talked about this with your mother Lisa, I was very energetic. We are also very happy to help you prepare for the wedding. It is not tiring at all, and it is just spending money to prepare for it. We just pass it by. "Xia Jinxuan said.

Ji Zhixi helplessly supported her forehead, yes, rich people live like this, it seems that what she said now is useless.

Artis saw Ji Zhixi's helplessness, "Mom, let's hold a wedding at Blue Star! The whole wedding will be broadcast live. In fact, it is not necessary to invite everyone to the scene. We will deliver the wedding gifts to the guests one by one. That's it."

"Xixi and I are going on our honeymoon. It would take too much time to hold three weddings, and the army doesn't give me much vacation time. I hope to spend as much time as possible with Xixi."

"That's it! That's right, you are so busy with military affairs, then I will discuss it with your mommy, then you can choose a plan that you like the most first." Xia Jinxuan got up and contacted Lisa.

Ji Zhixi turned her head and gave Artis a thumbs up, "My marshal is the best!"

Artis grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, "Xixi, we have already obtained the certificate, you still don't change your mind, huh?"

Ji Zhixi was stunned by the words, and said in a squeak, "What should I say, isn't it correct to call me Marshal?"

Artis directly blocked her mouth, kissed her passionately, and kissed her dizzily, and said close to her ear, "Baby, what should you call me?"

Ji Zhixi was so teased that her face was blushing and her heart was pounding. Knowing that this guy would not let her go so easily if she didn't call her, she could only call out in a low voice: "Husband."

"Hehe." Artis immediately burst into joy, and actually laughed directly, which shows how happy he is.

Ji Zhixi looked at this coquettish man, and she became so happy when she called her husband.

"Let go of me quickly, my father will be angry again when he sees it." Ji Zhixi patted him and said.

"I don't want to let go of my wife. We just got married, and I'm going to be alone in the vacant room. I'm not allowed to see you in the future. It's too cruel." Artis said coquettishly.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. You still have this idea. Hurry up and coax my father. It will be fine after the wedding is over. And it just so happens that you are busy with the selection competition?" Ji Zhixi said.

"My wife is right, I have to endure it for the time being, and leave the wedding to me!" Artis said.

"Forget it, it's just the wedding, not to mention our own affairs, we can't be so careless, you just go and take care of your affairs, I'll take care of the wedding." Ji Zhixi said.

"My wife is really considerate. How can I be so lucky to marry such a good wife." Artis said flatteringly.

Ji Zhixi looked at him suspiciously, "Why do you say such things suddenly? Have you been impaled by your soul? Or have you done something to apologize to me?"

Artis looked at her helplessly, "Wife, what are you thinking about? Can't I even praise my wife?"

This is the scriptures of marrying my father. I usually have to praise my wife more, but I didn't expect to get such a reaction when I praised someone for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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