Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 39 Restoration Ability

Chapter 39 Restoration Ability
There is really no one to worry about, Ji Zhixi looked at Artis angrily, and promised herself to be careful, but turned around and came back injured.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help stretching out her hand to touch Artis's back with black stripes on a white background. Although she had grown bigger, her hair was still very soft, just like this person, who always makes people tickle.

Because of mental exhaustion, Ji Zhixi leaned against Artis, her strong and slender body was very warm, listening to the steady heartbeat, Ji Zhixi slowly closed her eyes.

She went to bed too late last night, and just now she had a lot of trouble, and she couldn't help but fell asleep exhausted.

Xiao Jin and Xiao Hei were talking next to each other. Xiao Jin was taken aback by Artis, thinking that he was the same as Xiao Shen. Seeing Artis suddenly grow bigger, his fur exploded.

The beast's intuition, this is a very strong opponent, its strength is definitely higher than it, but he was obviously a cub before?Why did it grow up all of a sudden? Could it be that it became as violent and gigantic as it was before?
Xiao Jin scratched his head, looked anxiously at the sleeping two people, and after watching for a long time, ran to Ji Zhixi's tent, dragged Ji Zhixi's quilt out, and covered her.

Xiao Jin sighed, he was really worried, the little ginseng was not healed yet, and there was another one.

Xiao Hei obediently returned to Ji Zhixi's hand, hoping that the master would not punish it when he got up.

Ji Zhixi seems to have had a very long dream. She dreamed that when she was in high school, the end had not yet come. While she was studying for the college entrance examination every day, she was still looking forward to meeting someone she liked after she went to college. .

However, when she was in college, she often hid in the medicinal material room for research, and she had no extra time to fall in love. She still remembered that there was a cherry blossom tree next to the medicinal material room. It was very beautiful every flowering season, and the fallen flowers were colorful, and the air was filled with cherry blossoms. aroma.

A cherry blossom floated into the window sill of the medicine room with the wind. Ji Zhixi went to the window sill, picked up the cherry blossom, and suddenly found a person standing under the cherry blossom tree. fully revealed,

The sunlight was so dazzling that Ji Zhixi couldn't see his face clearly. When she wanted to get closer, she heard him shout, "Xixi!"

"Xixi—" A magnetic voice rang in his ears, causing Ji Zhixi to open her eyes suddenly, it turned out to be a dream!

Ji Zhixi sat up all of a sudden, a pair of deep and shining blue eyes with a sharp oppressive sense crashed into her heart, and those blue eyes, which were more radiant than ever before, were looking at her gently.

Artis woke up and found Ji Zhixi lying on top of him, fearing that something might happen to her, so he hurriedly woke her up.Seeing that she had nothing to do after waking up, my heart was relieved, but seeing her tired face, I guess it was because of myself that I made her tired, and I felt very guilty.

"Xixi——" Artis called Ji Zhixi's name again, and Ji Zhixi came back to her senses in an instant. Reading the words was completely different from hearing them with her own ears.

"What's wrong? Hey, you can talk?" Ji Zhixi asked in surprise.

"I could speak at first, but after losing my ability, I can't speak in the form of a cub." Artis looked at Ji Zhixi's surprised look with amused expression.

"Oh! So that's the case. By the way, how do you feel now? Has the ability recovered?" Ji Zhixi asked anxiously.

Artis swung his paw, a wind blade slid across, and a tree next to him fell down.

"Wind element ability, yes, I remember you have dual-element ability, right? Besides wind element?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Artis stretched out his claws to point to the sky, and after a while, a bolt of lightning struck, split another tree and set it on fire, and then extinguished the fire with the water rolled up by the tornado.

"It's amazing, wind and thunder!" Ji Zhixi said in admiration.

"Thank you, Xixi, I feel that the ability is stronger now than before." Artis looked at Ji Zhixi gratefully.

Ji Zhixi pulled her ears in embarrassment, "I didn't do anything, I promised to restore your ability, but now your ability has only been restored to level one, because the crystal cores are used up, if you continue to collect crystals Core, it is estimated that your ability will improve soon, what level was your ability before?"

"Level five, both systems are level five." Artis said.

"That's really amazing. It would be a pity if you just lost your abilities like this. Don't worry, your abilities will recover soon here, and you will be even stronger than before." Ji Zhixi said confidently.

"I believe in you." Artis looked at Ji Zhixi affectionately and said.

"Hey, since that one is fine after waking up, we still have to settle the score!" Ji Zhixi changed the subject.

At this moment, Artis was startled and froze. Settle the score?

"What did you promise me before you left?" Ji Zhixi looked at him, and you with a serious face, Ji Zhixi poked Xiao Hei in his hand, and Xiao Hei pretended to be dead at this moment and remained motionless.

"Hee Hee, I'm sorry, I—" Artis wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

"Do you know what I hate the most? It's deception!" Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Zhixi's indifferent appearance made Artis flustered, and hearing Ji Zhixi's words made him feel cold.

"If you want to collect crystal nuclei, you can tell me. We can discuss anything. If you can't do what you promised me, then don't promise me." Ji Zhixi said.

"Hee Hee, I'm sorry." Artis said regretfully.

"I won't cooperate with people who deceive me. After you recover your abilities, you can leave." Ji Zhixi said indifferently.

"Impossible!" Artis nearly lost his mind when he heard that.

"Hee Hee, I know you are very angry, I know you said this because I was hurt, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I know it's useless to say anything now, I promise, I promise with my life, I will never I will lie to you again." Artis said sadly.

"I know you care about your family more than anyone else, I am your family, Xixi, family members can't say to leave casually, I said that I will always stay by your side, no one can let me leave, even if it is Neither can you." Artis said seriously.

"You!" Ji Zhixi was so angry that she couldn't speak, she turned around and wanted to leave.

Artis suddenly threw her down, pressed her under him, and let Ji Zhixi look into his eyes.

"Hee Hee, don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to me, I still want to protect you, I will protect everything you want to protect for you, you just need to be yourself." Artis said.

After hearing this, Ji Zhixi's nose was sour, tears could not help but flow down, Artis licked away her tears distressedly, Ji Zhixi shyly covered her face with her hands.

"Hee Hee, if you get angry in the future, you can't say goodbye. You can beat me and punish me. I'm really sad to hear you say that." Artis said in a low voice.

Hearing this low and hoarse voice ringing in her ears, Ji Zhixi felt her scalp go numb, and her ears couldn't help turning red. Why didn't she realize that she was a voice controller before?
No, no, why was she led away by his nose? It was obvious that he did something wrong, so she couldn't tell.

"I want to forgive you, unless you agree, I will listen to everything in the future." Ji Zhixi put down her hands and said calmly.

"Okay, as long as it's good for you, I'll listen to you." Artis said with a smile.

"Don't pick my words, I mean you have to listen to me." Ji Zhixi said angrily.

But seeing Artis making such a decision, Ji Zhixi could only admit defeat, but she couldn't get angry, so she grabbed his tiger's head and became rua madly!
Seeing Artis' rua face and disheveled hair, Ji Zhixi finally couldn't help laughing, "Haha, haha~"

Seeing Ji Zhixi's smiling face again, Artis was finally relieved, and Xiao Hei was also relieved.

After Ji Zhixi laughed enough, she pushed the furry chest, "Hey, how long do you want to hold on?" Ji Zhixi looked at Artis's ambiguous actions, but fortunately he is now in the shape of a beast, huh?Beast?
"Can't you restore your human body?" Ji Zhixi asked, isn't the ability restored?Is there something wrong?

Artis got up and sat aside, and said, "No, it's just that I don't have any clothes, so I'll keep the animal shape for now."

"Cough, so that's the case, then do you plan to continue returning to the base in animal form? When do you plan to let the marshal return?" Ji Zhixi also got up and asked.

"Ge Laohui has already known about my current state. I didn't show up because I wanted to lure them into action. If these scourges are not eradicated, I don't know how many innocent lives will be killed in a day." Artis said.

"What else does the Ge Laohui do besides fighting for power and profit?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Ge Laohui has been conducting research on genetic mutations. They have a secret research institute, and they have arrested an unknown number of people to do research on genetic mutations. They have also colluded with other planets and have always wanted to research medicines that enhance genes and abilities."

"Every year they take away many mutated plants and animals from the hopeless zone for research. The unpurified mutated plants and animals are used on humans or citizens of other planets. You can imagine the consequences." Artis said with a disgusted expression.

This reminded Ji Zhixi that in the last days, there was also a mad scientist. In order to use the virus, he forcibly injected the extracted virus into the human body for experiments. She once watched the people around her mutate, their bodies turned into half-human and half-beast, and their limbs were twisted. , beyond recognition, completely lost his mind, and was shot to death in the end.

Later research gradually became fruitful. Although those people maintained their minds, they exploded and died because their bodies couldn't bear the strength. There were too many innocent victims. During the period of working in the laboratory, Ji Zhixi , is a shadow that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

"Moreover, I suspect that they have already extracted the virus from the hopeless zone. With August Simon's character, he can do anything crazy. If he spreads the virus, the entire interstellar world will become a hell on earth." Artis frowned.

"But now you have appeared." Artis looked at Ji Zhixi, "You are the only one who can fight the virus now."

"Because of my purification ability and healing ability?" Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, you have already mastered the method of improving abilities. If you are willing to join their research and help them make potions, they will definitely welcome you, but it is impossible for you to be willing to join forces with them, so they will definitely try their best. There is a way to get rid of you," Artis said.

"And your healing ability will definitely attract Yao Jianchen's attention. He is the director of the research institute. Because his wife died of a genetic disease, he has been researching how to make the gene stronger to achieve the healing effect, and your healing ability is so powerful. Strong, if you are caught by him, you will become a research subject." Artis said.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help but shuddered, as expected, she shouldn't be too high-profile, it's good now, she was being watched.

"But Xixi, don't worry, I will definitely protect you. Now that the Jagged Legion is here, it won't be so easy for the elders to succeed." Artis said.

"However, no matter how prepared you are, there will always be times when you are negligent, just like Xiao Shen." Ji Zhixi said with a frown.

Before Artis comforted her, Ji Zhixi said: "So, only by becoming stronger can we not be afraid of the enemy! We can't hide from these people all day, we still have to live, and we have to live happily! I'm not afraid of old skills, I'm sure they'll beat the crap out of them!"

Seeing Ji Zhixi's fighting spirit, Artis couldn't help laughing, his Xixi was indeed not an ordinary woman.

 Ask for powder, ask for powder ~ come on!Babies hurry up to invest and share the proceeds!
(End of this chapter)

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