Chapter 5 Cooperation
The energy of mutated animals and plants is huge. Food that has not been purified can easily explode and cause mutations because the body cannot absorb these powers after eating. Purified food can be absorbed and transformed into power to enhance abilities. Purifiers are especially important.

But the current purifier guild can't purify 100%, and needs to cooperate with the pharmacist guild to neutralize the side effects of the remaining mutations, so Ji Zhixi's ability to purify directly is simply against the sky!

Ji Zhixi packed up her things and was about to go back to the hut to rest for a while, Xiao Hei immediately shrunk down and jumped into her hands, taking out a bunch of low-level crystal nuclei as if flattering her.

"You collected this on purpose? Thank you, Xiao Hei, let's go home!" Ji Zhixi looked at Xiao Hei in surprise. It seems that with Xiao Hei's right-hand assistant, he can save a lot of effort.

Xiao Hei happily twisted his body, jumped down, dragged the tied Gugu Chicken and followed Ji Zhixi home.

Back at the door of the hut, when the Misty Vine saw Xiao Hei, they all shrank into a ball, but they didn't dare to run away, their weak and helpless appearance made Ji Zhixi dumbfounded.

Looking at this dilapidated hut, Ji Zhixi planned to rebuild the house, after all, this is her future home!But how could she build without the tools?By the way, go to Xingwang to buy a robot!
Ji Zhixi opened the live broadcast software, and found that just one day's live broadcast had earned more than 30 star coins. If she had money, she could buy a robot. She immediately went to Xingwang to place an order for a home robot.

Robots in this era are very intelligent and can basically do everything, but after buying them, there is not much money left, and it seems that the detector is nowhere in sight.

Suddenly found a private letter in the background, Purifier Guild?I checked the information of the guild, and it happened that I also lacked a detector. The announcement of the data can attract more people to watch the live broadcast. It would be great to kill two birds with one stone!So Bai Genghuai replied in a private letter and agreed, and left his address.

Find a corner to place the Cuckoo Chicken, and then take out the blueprints to design a new home. When I think about having my own home in the future, plant some flowers at the door, there are countless foods outside the house, and raise a pet, then life will be complete up!

While Ji Zhixi was happily designing the house, a message from Xingwang quickly became a trending search!Overwrite the original #hopelesszonefood! #'s trending searches.

#Imperial Marshal Artis Tang died unfortunately#
#帝国Marshal was attacked, the mecha was blown up, or died#
#Ge Laohui Quickly Takes Over Command#

At the same time, Ji Zhixi was also facing a little trouble.This is also thanks to the Star Network, after seeing the live broadcast, the criminals on the ancient earth are about to move, and a few supernatural beings who are not afraid of death quietly come to the door.

Several wretched figures appeared near the hut, and Huang Mao said to Red Mao, "Boss, that little beauty lives here."

The red-haired boss stroked his chin and said, "If we can catch this little beauty, we will have nothing to eat!"

Lumao smiled maliciously and said, "Yes! Yes! That chicken soup is so fresh that my tongue almost falls off! And that little beauty looks delicious too! Hehe~"

"But that bloodthirsty vine is not an ordinary plant, it is a third-level mutant plant!" Huangmao scratched his head and said.

"What are you afraid of? I went to buy a high-grade potion to deal with mutated plants, and I spent a lot of money! As long as it is released, the mutated plants will be immobilized within 10 minutes. At that time, we will also take the bloodthirsty vines. If you sell it, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Boss is wise! As expected of the boss!" Lumao said flatteringly.

The red hair approached the house and sprinkled the potion into the air. The mist vine at the door immediately fell down. Xiao Hei sensed the abnormality and quickly came outside the house. After the strength, it can no longer be confused with ordinary mutated plants.

The thorny vines quickly surrounded several people. Although affected by the potion, their movements were a bit slow, but it didn't affect the speed of its blood sucking at all.

"Ah! My hand!" The green hair's arm was strangled by the vines, and the thorns of the vines pierced the skin, immediately sucking the flesh and blood inside, and the blood of the body was quickly sucked away!
The red hair made a decisive decision, and immediately cut off the green hair's hands, and threw fireballs at the vines one by one. It turned out that the red hair had a fire ability.

Huang Mao immediately erected an earthen wall to block the attack of the vines, Huang Mao is also a supernatural being, no wonder he dared to come to the door.

The innumerable vines are inexhaustible. Seeing that the time of the medicine's effect is fast passing, the attacks of the bloodthirsty vines are becoming more and more fierce. The three people began to have wounds of different sizes, and it seems that they will not be able to hold on anymore. Then a voice came.

"Xiao Hei, stop." Ji Zhixi heard the voice, stepped out and looked at the three people in a panic.

Xiao Hei stopped immediately, ran to Ji Zhixi's side and rubbed against her, with an extremely well-behaved appearance, completely opposite to the bloodthirsty and violent one just now.

The red hair panted and said to Ji Zhixi: "Thank you for saving me, miss. We were just passing by, but we didn't expect to encounter bloodthirsty vines here."

"It's just passing through? Why use high-grade potions for passing through? Yangjinhua, Mandala, Chuanwu?" Ji Zhixi touched the potion on her hand and said.

Hongmao couldn't stop being surprised, who is this woman?You even know the ingredients of the medicine? "This is just a potion for our self-defense. The bloodthirsty vine is too strong, so we have to use it to save our lives."

"Really? Since it was a misunderstanding, forget it, you guys go!" After Ji Zhixi finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to go back to the room.

Suddenly the red hair jumped up, and a grabbing hand grabbed Ji Zhixi, the thief was the first to capture the king, and he caught her, afraid of the bloodthirsty vine.

It's a pity that he underestimated Ji Zhixi, she is more terrifying than the bloodthirsty vine!
Ji Zhixi pulled her backhand, and Hongmao was thrown to the ground by the volley. With a backhand twist, her hand twisted Hongmao's arm behind her back. There was a crisp "click", and her arm was twisted abruptly. His fighting skills are also top-notch.

The red hair wanted to turn into a flame form, but was suppressed by a burst of coercion. The strong sense of oppression made him tremble uncontrollably, this!This mental power is at least above S rank, maybe even SS rank!I thought she was just a harmless little beauty, but I didn't expect to kick the iron plate this time.

Seeing that the red hair dared to sneak up on his master, Xiao Hei wanted to suck him dry immediately!Stopped by Ji Zhixi, he looked at the red hair lying on the ground and said: "People don't attack me, I don't attack others, if people attack me, I will kill them. If you want to live, you have to listen to me from now on."

The red hair, yellow hair, and green hair were sweating coldly, and they could only nod their heads incessantly.

"I don't want anyone to disturb my life again, do you know what to do next?"

Huangmao and Lumao immediately said: "Miss, don't worry, you will be our boss from now on, we will do whatever you ask us to do, and we will also help you look after the house, so that no one else will disturb you."

The red hair was silent for a moment and expressed no opinion on the decision to recognize Ji Zhixi as the boss, "Hey, boss, since we can find you, others will too. The biggest gang here is the Leng Sect, and their leader Leng Ran is SS rank Ice-type supernatural beings, there are many masters in the sect, if they come to the door, I am afraid that you may not be able to deal with it, the boss."

Ji Zhixi thought about it for a while, and she was indeed guilty of carrying a biscuit, how could she not be coveted if she carried a treasure.I don't want to be disturbed at all to my leisurely life.

Ji Zhixi said to Hongmao: "I think you are also a smart person. You come to me because you want supplies. Since they want it, it's not like we can't cooperate, so we don't have to fight to the death."

The red hair immediately understood Ji Zhixi's meaning, "Next, you will convey my meaning. As for how to cooperate, let their suzerain come to talk to me, and you can get out." Ji Zhixi entered the room without looking back. , leaving the three of them looking at each other with a sigh of relief.

Ji Zhixi felt that she was hungry again and needed to get something to eat.Turning on the live broadcast, I found that there were actually many people in the live broadcast room.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Ji Zhixi. Why are there so many people? Didn't everyone quit?" Ji Zhixi was surprised to see the number of over 30 people still increasing.

[Ice Cream: I knew that if I squatted down, I would be able to squat down to Miss Sister]

[Food Xiaomi: You must have dinner, how can you miss it? 】

[Office worker Yueyue: Hearing from a friend's recommendation, he came here immediately when he said there was delicious food. 】


"I'm going to make crispy roast chicken for dinner tonight. Since the ingredients are limited, let's have a simple meal today!" Ji Zhixi said.

I picked a relatively tender Cuckoo chicken, and after cleaning it, cut the onion into slices, shredded the ginger, chopped the garlic into minced garlic, mixed it with the seasoning evenly, poured part of the marinade into the chicken belly, and left Then apply the marinade on the whole body of Gugu chicken, and put it in the machine to dry.

After air drying, apply a layer of honey, repeat brushing twice, air dry again, and finally put it in the oven.The machines in this era are easy to use, and you don’t need to spend time, you can do what you want to do right away.

"Ding" the oven indicates that it is finished roasting, and the crispy roast chicken is taken out of the oven, and the aroma is tangy.

Ji Zhixi tore off a chicken leg, took a bite, the skin was crispy and the meat was juicy, the taste was simply amazing.Soon the whole chicken was eaten, and the live broadcast room was filled with the sound of gobbling.

Ji Zhixi looked at the screen and smiled, "This is the end of today's live broadcast, tomorrow I will continue to take everyone to explore the hopeless zone, goodbye!"

[Ice Cream: This terrible smile! 】

[Passerby A: I already know what she wants to do! 】

[Don't urge me to do my homework: I can finish all the three-year college entrance examination and five-year simulations after eating this chicken! 】

[Office worker Yueyue: I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel very refreshed now. 】


Jiang Chen also felt his body warm and full of strength.This is just a simulated sharing to feel like this. If you really eat these foods, the energy is estimated to be unfathomable!It seems that he needs to report to his father.

Ji Zhixi packed up, put the finishing touches on the design drawings, absorbed the crystal nuclei collected by Xiao Hei, and then went to wash and rest, really looking forward to tomorrow's arrival, and then went to sleep beautifully.

 Work hard!thanks for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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