Chapter 53 The Couple Mecha
"3S mecha? Did I hear correctly? The person he likes also has 3S spiritual power? There are such people in our federal empire? Does he like people from other planets? Does he like people or other people's abilities?" Dr. Mu doubted, sending out various soul tortures.

"Dr. Mu, stop joking. Our marshal is serious. He is the kind who can risk his life. Otherwise, he wouldn't let you customize the exclusive mecha." Jiang Yuxuan said with a wry smile.

"That's right, couple mechas are a bit interesting. Even mechas are in love these days, and I'm such a bad old man and I'm still single! Are you angry!"

"Do you think I should add some special settings to test the relationship between the two?" Dr. Mu said a little sinisterly.

"For example, two people need to like each other to be able to interact with each other? Or can they launch the ultimate weapon if they are connected with each other? How to test the relationship between two people?" Dr. Mu has already begun to think about the direction of design.

"No! Doctor, please, just let the Marshal go! Let Silver Wing go too! You don't want any accidents to happen to your precious works, do you?" Jiang Yuxuan said with a bitter face.

"Tch, I'm doing this for their own good. Can anyone drive a 3S mecha? And it's a couple mecha, which means that the two mechas are basically the same, so that the other person can fully know the silver mecha. Wing's secret."

"If this person has bad intentions, wouldn't that be bad? If two people really love each other, these settings will only get better."

"However, it's not that simple for me to do it. One silver wing has already lost half of my hair, and another one will make me completely bald?" Dr. Mu said, rubbing his head.

Silver Wing can be said to have cost him half his life, and it is his proudest work!
In order to make the Silver Wing, he went to other planets to learn technology, was suppressed and excluded, and searched for materials everywhere. I don't know how much effort he spent.

When Silver Wing was born, everyone finally recognized him and admired him very much. The Federal Empire finally produced a mecha master, and finally felt proud once.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, the person our marshal likes has a strong healing ability. If she likes the mecha you made, maybe she will help you cure your baldness." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Jiang Yuxuan knew that Dr. Mu was very concerned about his baldness, so it would be no problem to attract him with this.

"Really? Can it be cured? You are not lying to me, are you? Even medical technology as advanced as Interstellar can't cure my baldness." Dr. Mu said dubiously.

The medical technology in the interstellar era is already very advanced, and basically all the big and small diseases in the past can be cured, but his baldness can't be cured after many attempts.

Maybe it's a problem in genes. The medicine of the interstellar era is still difficult to treat genetic diseases. I don't know if it is caused by the mutation of the virus in the past, and the fusion with different races later, resulting in many new genetic diseases.

"How dare I lie to you! You also know that my ability was damaged before, and basically no one could cure it before, but I have completely recovered now." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"If you kid didn't lie to me, and she still has 3S mental power, then it's probably something to play, okay! For this sake, I can make another mecha, but it's very expensive! Tell your marshals to prepare money!" Da Mu said the doctor.

"No problem, our Marshal has a lot of money!" Jiang Yuxuan said.

Although Jiang Yuxuan exaggerated Dahaikou, he didn't know why. After all, the marshal's money was invested in the construction of the ancient earth. I don't know if there is any money left!
"Money is second, and materials are the most important! This silver wing body is made of special materials, and it has already been used up. I don't have any extra materials for another day's mech. You can handle it yourself!"

"That's it, everything is not ready, don't bother me, hum!" Dr. Mu immediately hung up the communication after humming.

Jiang Yuxuan looked helplessly at the blacked-out screen, the materials for this mecha were really hard to find!In order to design the silver wing's body, it was made of high-grade two-dimensional carbon atom crystal graphene, combined with rare and expensive materials such as diamond nanorod aggregates.

This kind of material can only be found in destroying the planet. It cost a lot of money to buy it back, but this time it will probably have another hemorrhage.

Report to the marshal first to see how to purchase materials. Destroyer seems to be not so calm recently. I don’t know if it will affect the procurement of materials.

Jiang Yuxuan sighed and continued to arrange other work. Hey, he was very busy when the marshal was away, but he was even busier when the marshal came back. He is really a hard worker.

He really felt that someone should be promoted to share the work with him. If this continues, he will probably be exhausted, so he needs to talk to the marshal.

On the other side, Ji Zhixi went to take a bath, then sat on the bed and began to meditate. She also wanted to check her body to see if there was any problem.

She used her mental power to run every corner of her body, but found no abnormalities. She breathed a sigh of relief, maybe Artis was too nervous.

In fact, using the power of wood will not necessarily damage her body, maybe it is just exhaustion, the degree may be different, and the length of rest is different, just rest well.

Ji Zhixi is still very energetic now, so she started to think about the daytime things, there are still many treasures hidden in the hopeless zone, how to develop them is a problem.

I don't know the yield and effect of this kind of planting. Since we are going to train in a hopeless area, the area should be purified first, which is also convenient for soldiers to train and reduces danger.

I don't know what's going on with Bluestar's demographics. I haven't seen Wen Yan in the past two days. I don't know what stage the product and investment matters are.

Should she sell the product first, so that more people can really try the real thing?But once sales start, it will be troublesome if the output cannot keep up.

There are a lot of things in Ji Zhixi's mind. Thinking of these things, she feels her head hurts. In fact, she just doesn't care about anything. She just takes care of eating and playing. That.

She also wants to do more, after all, she is the one who proposed to restore the ancient earth, if she doesn't work hard, how can she lead everyone to work together!

But so tired!In fact, she is not suitable for doing these things at all, and most of the time she is trying to be brave.

Otherwise, just leave it to Artis. Anyway, he can definitely handle it. I guess there is nothing he can't handle!

If Artis knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say, I still can't handle you.

Thinking of Artis, that was the first time she saw his real appearance, and it was a close contact. She had always been in cub mode before, and suddenly became macho mode. Distance will do.

She couldn't help but blush at the thought of that unexpected kiss, it wasn't even a kiss!It can only be said to be skin-to-skin contact, yes!Ji Zhixi kept brainwashing herself!
When Ji Zhixi was rolling on the bed with her pillow in her arms, Artis came back.

He knocked on Ji Zhixi's door, "Xixi, you haven't slept yet."

Ji Zhixi immediately jumped up, looked at the door nervously, and didn't answer, she was a little afraid that Artis would break in, but she was also looking forward to it, what's going on?

"If you can't sleep, I'll accompany you and open the door," Artis said.

Listening to that soft and magnetic voice, Ji Zhixi couldn't help rubbing her ears.

"I'm already asleep, and I'll fall asleep right away. I don't need you to accompany me, so go and sleep with you." Ji Zhixi covered her head with the quilt and said.

Artis looked helplessly at the locked door. In fact, this door couldn't stop him from going in, but he couldn't force Ji Zhixi.

"Are you sure you really don't need me to accompany you? Can you sleep well if you don't hold me?" Artis said.

"Who's going to hug you? I have a pillow. Hurry up and don't disturb me!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

"Okay, I can't sleep well if I don't sleep with you, Xixi, really don't let me in? You just need to sleep with my animal shape." Artis tempted.

Beast?Thinking of that fluffy and warm dumpling, no way!She can't be tempted, Ji Zhixi shook her head, determined to ignore Artis.

"Okay! Then I can only stay in the empty room tonight, Xixi, good night, sweet dreams." Artis said regretfully.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away from the door, Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged the pillow in her arms. Although she missed the white tiger pillow, she couldn't go on like this, and couldn't let him lead her by the nose.

Ji Zhixi kept hypnotizing herself, and it took a long time before she fell asleep.

Pretending to leave outside, Artis, who had been at the door the whole time, left after hearing that Ji Zhixi was completely asleep.

When she woke up the next day, Ji Zhixi had dark circles on her face. Last night, she tossed until almost dawn before falling asleep, and woke up after not sleeping for long.

Artis looked at the dark circles on her face and couldn't help but feel distressed, why is this person so stubborn!

Even with dark circles under her eyes, Ji Zhixi still went to finish her morning exercise.

After Ji Zhixi warmed up and was about to go for a run, suddenly there was a tall figure beside her.

Ji Zhixi looked up and met Artis's blue eyes, shining brightly in the morning sun.

Artis was wearing a close-fitting sportswear, his muscular lines were very attractive, exuding male hormones all over his body, Ji Zhixi was stunned.

"Hee Hee, didn't you say you want to run?" Artis asked with a smile.

"You, why did you suddenly turn into a human form? You're not afraid of being seen by others!" Ji Zhixi said shyly.

"The defense system here is the most advanced, and other people will not come to you casually. I have already identified myself with several presidents last night, so don't worry too much." Artis said.

"In case, I'm afraid that it will be troublesome if someone from the Ge Laohui sees it. It's better for you to change back to the animal shape." Ji Zhixi said with erratic eyes.

"Hee Hee, are you shy looking at me like this?" Artis suddenly approached her and asked.

Ji Zhixi was startled, she fell backwards, and was stabilized by Artis's long arms wrapping around her slender waist.

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