Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 66 Division of labor and cooperation

Chapter 66 Division of labor and cooperation
"How is your blue star population statistics work? I told Li Huai before that we will build a talent database. After you sort it out, you can send it to Li Huai for him to file and store."

"What's everyone's attitude now? I haven't had time to visit those people." Ji Zhixi asked.

"Actually, everyone has been very happy since they knew that Blue Star was going to be developed. After all, everyone has lived here for so long, and they regard it as their own home."

"I have adapted to the harsh and tiring environment. Now I can live a life with a stable income, a house to live in, a school to go to, and delicious food to eat. I can't wait to have any opinions." Wen Yan said.

"Those outlaws, Bigar and I have expelled them, these people are always a hidden danger."

"I'm afraid they will sneak back. After all, Blue Star is so big, it's hard for us to guard against it, but when the defense system is built, they won't be able to get in even if they want to," said Leng Ran.

"No problem, my defense system is ready, all that's left is to debug! I'll go debug and install tomorrow!" Tang Xin said.

"Xinxin is really great, don't you mind if I call you that?" Wen Yan said softly.

Looking at Wen Yan coldly, Wen Yan used to have a younger sister who died unexpectedly later, which left him with a shadow in his heart. When he saw Artis' younger sister, he must have thought of his younger sister.

"Sure! That's what everyone calls me! Brother, you are so gentle! I really like a gentle brother." Tang Xin said and cast a glance at Artis.

As if he didn't see it, Artis returned to his human form and drank tea quietly.

"Hmph!" Tang Xin angrily turned his head away from Brother Smelly.

Seeing his brother changing back and forth, he felt irritable, and he flicked his tail vigorously and slapped the ground.

Wen Yan looked at Tang Xin a little strangely. It seemed that she hadn't transformed into a human form since she came here. Could it be that there was something wrong with her body?
Wen Yan looked envious at the interaction between the two siblings. If Wen Xin was still alive, she would be at such a young age.

"How about the recruitment?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The mailboxes for recruitment have been overcrowded. Now we are screening one by one. We can't be sloppy at the beginning. We would rather spend a little more time and carefully check the information of these people, so as not to mix in dangerous elements. " Wen Yan said.

"Yeah, just watch the screening, don't worry too much, your body is the most important thing." Ji Zhixi said, and nodded gently.

"Then Xinxin, you should take a good rest today and adjust the defense system. You can communicate with Xiao Huai more, maybe you can make the defense system more perfect! Let Artis and Li Huai take you to install the system tomorrow." Ji Zhixi Said.

"Okay." Artis replied.

"What good advice does that person have! The things he made by himself are not very good." Tang Xin muttered.

"Xiao Huai has been with Blue Star for so long, and has a certain understanding of Blue Star. You can also listen to his opinions, so that your defense system will be more perfect. After all, Xinxin also wants to make the best defense system against him. Isn't it?" Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay! Since my sister said so, then I'll go and see him!" Tang Xin said.

"Then we won't disturb your work!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't disturb, you are welcome to come and play anytime," Wen Yan said.

Then Ji Zhixi and his group left, Wen Yan looked at Tang Xin's back in a daze.

He touched his head coldly, expressing silent comfort.

Wen Yan looked at him and smiled, then turned around and went back to work, he still has a lot of work accumulated!

"Artis, go to Xiaohuai's studio with Xinxin first! I'll make some snacks and drinks." Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't spoil her so much." Artis said helplessly.

"What's wrong with pampering Xinxin? She's so cute, and I want to eat it too." Ji Zhixi said.

"Then let the cooking class do it for you! Don't be tired." Artis said.

"Thank you sister, I like my sister the most!" Tang Xin said sweetly, and Ji Zhixi smiled happily.

Artis was a little jealous. When he said he liked Xixi, Xixi ignored him, but when Xinxin said he liked her, she was so happy.

Smelly brother, double-standard dog!Tang Xin complained in her heart, turned around and went to the studio by herself, ignoring Artis, Xiao Shen and Xiao Jin also followed.

Tang Xin came to Li Huai's studio and saw that Li Huai was serious about programming. More than a dozen computers were running at the same time, and the huge data was dazzling.

Tang Xin could see how the programming works at a glance. It seems that he still put a lot of thought into it. It seems that he has changed a lot after arriving at Blue Star, even his style has changed a lot, Tang Xin thought.

Leaving aside those family issues, Li Huai is still an admirable opponent, although his strength is slightly weaker than hers.

Tang Xin jumped onto the workbench and tapped on the screen. Li Huai froze for a moment, watching the pair of fluffy claws tapping nimbly, the speed was not slower than his hand speed at all, and felt a little incredible.

After carefully looking at Tang Xin's programming, she immediately caught up with the train of thought and continued to compile. The two of them seemed to be competing, but also seemed to be collaborating. There was only the sound of knocking in the studio.

Grandpa Chris quietly took out a book to pass the time, thinking about what snacks to eat later?
Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen also sat beside them with interest and looked at the two of them.

After watching Tang Xin enter the working state, Artis turned and went to Jiang Yuxuan's office.

"Give Xinxin a copy of the layout of the base, and mark out the key defensive locations for her," Yatis said.

"Okay. Miss Xinxin is here this time, do the Marshal and Madam know?" Jiang Yuxuan asked
"They know, otherwise Xinxin wouldn't be able to come out," Artis said.

"You didn't tell them about your power restoration, so the marshal and his wife sent them over. It seems that they knew about it. You should contact them and report that you are safe!" Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Contact them later," Artis said.

"Will the elders in the pavilion do the same?" Jiang Yuxuan asked.

"The Ge Laohui must already know that they will definitely send people to sneak in this time, so we must be careful."

"The state banquet is probably already ready and waiting for us," Artis said.

"Or tell Miss Zhixi not to go there, anyway, now the cooking team has a good grasp of the ingredients of Blue Star." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Xixi wants to go, let her go! It is impossible for us to hide in Blue Star forever. I will protect her. The most urgent task now is to quickly improve my ability, so we must hurry up and collect crystal nuclei." Ya Tees said.

"Yes! The team has been assigned, and tomorrow we can start training in the hopeless zone and collecting crystal cores." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Everyone can't relax the defense of the base when they go to training." Artis said.

"Yes! I hope that Miss Xinxin's defense system will run quickly, so that we can save a lot of work." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Xinxin should be able to fix it tomorrow, and then you will take her and Li Huai to debug and run it," Artis said.

"Yes! Then I will check the equipment that needs to be installed right now." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"By the way, send someone to Hemla Star to collect some beautiful flowers." Artis said.

"It just so happens that John's team is on duty, and they will pass by Hemla Star when they come back. I'll let him go!" Jiang Yuxuan said.

Artis nodded, Jiang Yuxuan turned around and left, and Artis immediately went to the restaurant to find Ji Zhixi.

 Eargrass, also known as "busy species", is the ninth solar term of the 24 solar terms and the third solar term in summer. The temperature rises significantly, the rain is abundant, and the air humidity is high. Everyone should pay attention to rainfall!Chinese medicine believes that this is a good time to nourish the spleen, everyone can pay more attention to eating more spleen nourishing food!

(End of this chapter)

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