Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 86 Heart Shaped Beach

Chapter 86 Heart Shaped Beach
After everyone packed their things, they all went back to the tent to rest, but at this moment, Tang Xin's crying and howling could be heard.

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I want to sleep with my sister-in-law, big brother." Tang Xin struggled non-stop in Artis's hands.

"You are not a child anymore, you have to sleep by yourself." Artis said seriously.

"I'm just a child, and I've been sleeping with my sister-in-law before, why not now!" Tang Xin said angrily, glaring at Artis.

"Because she is mine now, she can only sleep with me." Artis said domineeringly.

Ji Zhixi was speechless to Artis, this shameless guy actually said these words out loud.

"I'm mine. If you two want to argue, I'm going to go in and sleep." After Ji Zhixi finished speaking, she went in regardless of the two of them.

"It's all my brother's fault, put me down quickly, you and your sister-in-law are not married yet! You can't sleep with her, Mommy said you are playing hooligans like this!" Tang Xin said with sharp claws.

"If you continue to quarrel, I'll send you back to the base!" Artis warned, Tang Xin's mouth was aggrieved, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Artis looked at Tang Xin with a headache, and sighed, "Only allow this time, and sleep by myself after returning to the base."

Tang Xin's tears disappeared instantly, "Oh! That's great!" She cheered and ran into the tent.

Xiao Hei, Xiao Jin and Xiao Shen also went in, and Artis looked helplessly at these unsightly little guys.

"Hee Hee, good night." Artis said to the tent, regretting that he couldn't give Hee Hee a goodnight kiss, and then turned to go to his own tent.

Ji Zhixi hugged Tang Xin, and said "Good night!" to Artis outside the tent.

Before going to bed, Ji Zhixi didn't forget to help Tang Xin sort out her mental strength, check her physical condition, and went to sleep sweetly after there was no abnormality.

Ji Zhixi felt a warm hand caressing her face, she couldn't help rubbing that big hand, suddenly the thumb of that big hand touched her lips, slowly rubbed it, and slowly traced her lips shape.

Ji Zhixi felt her lips getting hot, and wanted to push this hand away, when a deep magnetic voice came, "Xixi, are you still awake? Do you want me to kiss you awake?"

Ji Zhixi felt the breath getting closer and closer, and the hot air hit her face, and her heart couldn't help beating. Just when she was about to kiss her by a millimeter, pop!She was awakened by a paw.

Ji Zhixi looked at the claws on her face, then glanced at Tang Xin who was sleeping sprawled in her arms, sighed, almost, and then covered her hot face again.

It's over, Ji Zhixi, what are you thinking!Wake up!Then he patted his face and quickly got up to wash up.

After she washed and looked at Tang Xin who was still sleeping soundly, she still couldn't bear to wake her up, so she decided to let her sleep longer. Xiao Jin, Xiao Hei and Xiao Shen went somewhere, and Ji Zhixi acted lightly. Get out of the tent.

As a result, when he raised the tent, he saw a tall figure at the door. Artis turned around, the sun shone on him, and his whole body seemed to be radiating light. Ji Zhixi couldn't help swallowing when she saw it.

When Artis came over, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but backed away, but was caught by Artis in his arms.

Ji Zhixi leaned against his chest, "What are you doing? It's early in the morning! You~"

Before he finished speaking, he was so frightened by Artis' approaching face that he couldn't speak, no way!It's really like a dream!Want to kiss her?How to do?Do you want to decline?But they are already in that kind of relationship, isn't it normal to kiss?

Just when Ji Zhixi was struggling, Artis's kiss had already landed on her forehead, "Good morning, Xixi, I didn't give you a good night kiss last night, so I will make you a good morning kiss."

Ji Zhixi was dumbfounded, she just kissed her forehead, then shook her head, what the hell was she doing!

"Xixi, what's wrong with you?" Artis lifted Ji Zhixi's chin, looking at her with those beautiful blue eyes.

"Cough, it's okay, why are you so early? Have you been waiting here for a long time?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Not long, because I want to be the first to say good morning to you." Artis said, "Do you want to exercise?"

Ji Zhixi nodded, so Artis started his daily sparring practice again, but today the two had a lot of red bubbles, outsiders would feel that the two looked at each other very crookedly.

When the two of them finished exercising and were sitting in the dining room having breakfast, they didn't think of Tang Xin. Ji Zhixi hurried back to the tent, just when Tang Xin also woke up in a daze.

Tang Xin rubbed her eyes, "Sister-in-law, good morning, are you just getting up too?"

"I've been up for a long time! Seeing that Xinxin can't get up, she said to exercise together!" Ji Zhixi said deliberately.

"Ah! That's right! I need to exercise! Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, Xinxin will definitely get up early tomorrow. I'll set an alarm clock. If I don't get up, just wake me up." Tang Xin said while setting the alarm clock.

"Okay, then get up and wash up and have breakfast!" Ji Zhixi said as she hugged Tang Xin.

After Tang Xin had breakfast, they came to the command room. Li Huai had been working here early in the morning. Tang Xin felt a little guilty. sharp contrast.

Tang Xin thought, no, I can't lose face to my brother and sister-in-law, so she jumped onto the table and started to check the system data.

"Master, you are here, sit here." Li Huai told Ji Zhixi to sit down, and opened the data, "Look, this is the scanned image of this sea area."

"Huh? Seen from above, this coast looks like a heart!" Tang Xin said in surprise.

"That's right! What a coincidence! Is it so romantic?" Ji Zhixi said.

"Wow! It looks like Xinxin's head tattoo! Sister-in-law, please give this sea area to Xinxin! Xinxin likes it very much." Tang Xin said coquettishly.

Artis came over immediately when he heard it, "No."

"Why not? Brother is so rich, why don't you just buy it?" Tang Xin said dissatisfied.

"My money belongs to my future wife. What's the matter with you?" Artis raised an eyebrow and looked at Ji Zhixi.

"Hmph, then I'll buy it myself. Anyway, I've saved a lot of money over the years." Tang Xin said angrily.

Artis took Ji Zhixi's hand and said, "Don't think about it, this is the ocean of love between me and your sister-in-law, no one can buy it away."

Ji Zhixi blushed, and what Artis said was right, this is a commemorative place.

"Why don't we name this sea area after Xinxin?" Ji Zhixi asked, changing the subject.

"Really? What's your name?" Tang Xin jumped up and asked.

"What do you think of "Sea of ​​Heart"?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"The sea of ​​hearts, isn't it just the sea of ​​hearts? It sounds good! That's all!" Tang Xin shook her head triumphantly.

"The heart-shaped sea is quite suitable." Li Huai said, ignoring Tang Xin's white eyes.

"Then it's settled, let's see what's going on under the sea." Ji Zhixi brought the topic back on track.

"The situation on the bottom of the sea is fairly clear, but there are a few places that cannot be scanned. We suspect that there are advanced mutant beasts hidden in the ones that cannot be scanned. Moreover, there seem to be faults on the bottom of the sea, and the energy value displayed on each layer is much different."

"You see, some low-level creatures live on the surface, second and third-level creatures live on the second layer, and relatively high-level creatures live on the third layer, such as the fourth-level mutant beasts like the megalodon yesterday."

"The fourth layer is the more advanced creatures. They seem to have agreed or divided the territory. The higher the level, the richer the resources they occupy, and the higher the energy value."

"But the higher the level, the more difficult it is for us to scan, and there are certain difficulties in detection." Li Huai said.

Ji Zhixi looked at the many black areas on the screen, "I think we need to install more monitoring systems, first monitor the situation on the bottom of the sea, and let's talk about it after understanding the situation!"

"I have asked Jiang Yuxuan to invite ocean and biological experts to come over. We will develop this area after we let them study it." Artis said.

(End of this chapter)

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