Chapter 88 Seaside Ore
The three little ones looked at the two embracing each other in puzzlement, why did they hug each other while talking?

Xiao Shen looked at Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin waved his hands and shook his head, Xiao Hei also stopped digging and looked at the two.

Ji Zhixi, who came back to her senses, pushed Artis shyly, "Hey, it's important."

"Look, there are a lot of ores here, do you know what kind of ores these are?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"There are many different kinds of ores here, including rutile, which can be used as solid fuel titanium; monazite, which has niobium for rockets and aircraft casings, and tantalum for reactors and microcircuits; zirconite, zircon."

"There are still some estimates that we will not know until we bring them back for analysis. There are traces of seawater erosion here. It is estimated that these are formed by the erosion, transportation, and deposition of seawater all year round."

"Maybe there are some rare mineral raw materials we need here. Blue Star is really rich in resources. It is indeed a planet that has been precipitated for tens of thousands of years." Artis said.

"Yes, the more abundant the resources are, the more we must be careful not to over-exploit them." Ji Zhixi said.

Artis patted Ji Zhixi's head and said, "Hey, don't worry, we have to take the road of sustainable development and develop well under the premise of regeneration. In order for the Federation Empire to develop and grow stronger in the long run, we must also Protect these resources."

Ji Zhixi touched the stone in her hand, feeling that the stone contained strength, and felt slightly hot when holding it in her hand.

"Let's take these back and test them first! Maybe the energy value inside is not small. After the defense system is completed, we will go to the state banquet and come back to study it." Ji Zhixi said.

Artis nodded and began to collect stones, with the three little ones helping.

Ji Zhixi stroked the three little ones, "You guys are really great, you actually found the baby! But in the future, you have to run out without saying anything, and it's still in a strange environment, it will be bad if you encounter danger, you know?"

The three little ones nodded obediently. They came here because they felt that there was no danger here and there were good things. Is this the instinct of a beast?But they also knew that Ji Zhixi was worried about them, so they were very happy to be told.

Ji Zhixi suddenly thought, "I found that there are no plants on this coast. It seems that the sea water really affects the mutated plants."

"Xiao Hei and Xiao Shen, won't you feel uncomfortable staying in this seawater cave?" Ji Zhixi asked strangely?

They shook their heads, how strange?Didn't you say that it would be uncomfortable to touch the sea water?So why not here?Could it be the reason for these ores?
"Hee Hee, don't think about it, let's go back and test it out, let's go!" Artis said after collecting the ore.

"Okay, let's go!" Ji Zhixi said, and then took Artis's hand naturally.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi in surprise, and Ji Zhixi felt a little embarrassed, "Can you go?"

Artis smiled charmingly, and Ji Zhixi's heart beat a beat slower again, why is this man so handsome!Too foul!

Yadis held Ji Zhixi's hand tightly, and brought the three cubs out of the cave.

When passing through the forest, Ji Zhixi also collected soil and plant samples for comparison and analysis, and took a few mutated Muscovy ducks back.

When they came to the beach, they found that there was a group of seabirds attacking them, which were second-level mutant seabirds.

"What's going on? Why did the mutated seabirds come to attack us?" Ji Zhixi said.

Here, the mutated seabirds gathered together and flapped their wings, forming a tornado. The things caught in the tornado were instantly torn apart, and the tornado hit everyone.

Artis protected Ji Zhixi behind him, preventing her from making a move, and shot the tornado away with a thunderstorm shot.

With another thunderous move, a bunch of seabirds were shot down, and then the people of the Iron Blood Legion rushed up to make up the knife. After a while, all these mutated seabirds were cleaned up.

Seeing the familiar Lei Ming, Liu Jianwei almost cried with excitement, hoping that the Marshal's abilities can recover soon.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Jin also went to harvest the loot, and got a lot of crystal nuclei again.

Liu Jianwei hurried forward, "Marshal, Miss Zhixi, Xiao Hei, Xiao Jin, Xiao Shen, you are back."

"Captain Liu, what happened? Why did the mutated seabird suddenly attack you?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Liu Jianwei scratched his head and said, "We were packing up just now, and found that many shell-like seafood appeared on the beach after the sea water receded. We thought it must be edible, so we planned to pick them all up."

"I didn't expect these mutated seabirds to want to grab our food, so they started fighting." Liu Jianwei said.

"Let me see what's there. Razor clams, cat's eye snails, snails, crabs, pippi shrimp, and white shellfish. The harvest is good!" Ji Zhixi raised her eyebrows and said.

"Okay, pack up quickly, we're ready to go," Artis said.

"Yes!" Liu Jianwei hurriedly packed his things and returned to the starship. It was over, and the marshal caught his gluttony.

When they returned to the starship, they saw that Tang Xin was seriously discussing with Li Huai. Ji Zhixi was suddenly not used to seeing Tang Xin who was so serious.

"Marshal, Miss Zhixi, and you!" Jiang Yuxuan greeted everyone, and the little ginseng climbed onto Jiang Yuxuan's shoulder. It liked this human being very much and was easy to get along with.

Artis looked at the defense system screen, "Where are we going next?"

"Next, we need to go to the snow-capped mountains, because the climate there is extremely cold, the altitude is high, and the rock formations are relatively solid, so it is difficult to shoot into the fixed-point equipment." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Snow mountain! The scenery must be very beautiful. Do we have winter clothes here? Otherwise, we will freeze to death when we go out." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, according to the Marshal's order, the starship is equipped with clothes for all seasons and equipment needed for various terrains." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"It really is very foresight! Marshal!" Ji Zhixi teased.

"Xiao Huai, open the scanned image of the nearby coastal zone and let me have a look." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, master, did you find anything?" Li Huai asked while opening it.

Ji Zhixi took out the piece of blue sea amber, "Look, Xiao Hei and the others found this."

Xiao Hei and the others looked complacent, as if they were asking for praise.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, show Xinxin, it's the same color as my brother's eyes!" Tang Xin exclaimed.

Ji Zhixi put Lan Haipo on the table, Tang Xin immediately jumped over, flipping left and right.

"Everyone says I'm going too! I also want to pick up gems, does my sister-in-law have any other gems?" Tang Xin asked.

Jiang Yuxuan walked over to have a look, "Strictly speaking, this is ore, right?"

"Yes, there are many caves along the coast, which contain many kinds of ores, and there may be many resources that we don't know about." Ji Zhixi asked Artis to take out the ores he just collected.

"Wow! There are many different colors, including red, yellow, and the same color as Xinxin's eyes, but this one is not as dark as Xinxin's bright eyes." Tang Xin said while patting.

Xiao Jin picked up the black stone and gave it to Tang Xin, saying that although the stone was not good-looking, it was very powerful. Tang Xin looked at it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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