Chapter 96 First Kiss
Ji Zhixi was shaken farther this time, directly onto the door, and was firmly pressed down by her mental power, the defensive cover automatically opened, Ji Zhixi didn't dare to resist, for fear of affecting Artis.

It took a long time to absorb Artis this time, before he could fully absorb the power, and finally couldn't hold it anymore and passed out.

As soon as the mental power disappeared, Ji Zhixi immediately threw herself on Artis to check his body.

Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief after finally recovering the level 5 ability. What a powerful power.

Artis was fine, but his mental strength was exhausted and he fell into a coma. Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Zhixi hurriedly helped Artis heal the wound, and used her mental power to help him recover, and she was relieved when she saw his pale face gradually recovering blood.

Ji Zhixi looked at Artis's exposed muscles, and immediately blushed, and quickly grabbed the quilt next to her to cover it.

I couldn't help but secretly pulled back the quilt to take a peek. The strong muscles and lines are very beautiful, strong but not too much. You can vaguely see the eight-pack abdominal muscles and the attractive mermaid line.

Ji Zhixi immediately couldn't help swallowing, and when she was fascinated by watching, she suddenly seemed to feel a burst of sight.

Looking back, he found that Artis had opened his eyes at some point, looking at her with a bewildered smile.

Before Artis could speak, Ji Zhixi directly pulled up the quilt and put it on his head, it was like a large-scale death scene.

"It's good that you're fine. I'm leaving. I'm so sleepy. I haven't slept all night. I'm going to sleep." Ji Zhixi said and hurriedly fled the room.

As soon as she took a step, Artis pulled her back. She threw herself on Artis and kissed the corner of Artis' mouth.

What a Mary Sue plot, oh my!Ji Zhixi wailed in her heart.

Ji Zhixi propped up her hands, and as soon as she thought about it, Artis pinned her head. Artis looked straight at Ji Zhixi, his eyes were full of strong colors, very hot, and he felt as if he wanted to swallow Ji Zhixi.

"Hee Hee." Artis shouted in a hoarse voice.

Hearing that Ji Zhixi's hands softened, she couldn't hold on and fell down again, this time Artis directly tilted her head and kissed her lips.

Ji Zhixi didn't know how to react to that fiery breath and soft lips.

Artis pressed Ji Zhixi's lips against Ji Zhixi's lips, clumsily kissing her instinctively, sometimes biting and sometimes sucking.

Ji Zhixi's whole body was numb from the kiss, and her head was dizzy. So this is the feeling of kissing?It seems to be a little drunk.

It wasn't until Ji Zhixi's lips were red, swollen and slightly stinging from the kiss that Ji Zhixi came back to her senses and pushed Artis.

At the end, Artis kissed Ji Zhixi hard again before letting go of Ji Zhixi. Ji Zhixi blushed and lay powerlessly on his chest, panting.

Neither of them wanted to break this ambiguous moment, and Ji Zhixi was too embarrassed to look up at Artis, so she had to lie on Artis' chest and pretend to be dead. Unexpectedly, she fell asleep while lying down.

She didn't sleep all night, and she just exhausted her mental strength, so Ji Zhixi was so tired that she fell asleep.

Hearing Ji Zhixi's gentle breathing, Artis smiled helplessly, then turned over and gently put Ji Zhixi on the bed.

Ji Zhixi muttered, hugged Artis' arm, Artis gently pulled away Ji Zhixi's hand, quickly changed into a nightgown again, then went to the bed, hugged Ji Zhixi into her arms, her heart was instantly filled up.

Ji Zhixi also felt very satisfied holding Artis, and fell into a deep sleep.

After a long time, Tang Xin woke up and found herself in an unfamiliar environment. Luckily, she was accompanied by three little ones. Otherwise, she thought she had been kidnapped. When she walked out of the room, she found that there was no one there.

"What's going on? Xiao Jin, where's your sister-in-law? Where are you all? " Tang Xin asked.

Squeak——Xiao Jin pointed to the cab, then to the room.

Tang Xin ran to the cab to take a look. The target was the base, and they were temporarily parked in the forest.

"Why did we suddenly go back to the base, and only us?" Tang Xin asked suspiciously.

Then seeing San Xiao only looking at her, she suddenly understood that yesterday she suddenly felt very tired after eating and fell asleep, it seemed that her condition had worsened, that's why her elder brother and sister-in-law rushed her back to the base.

Thinking of the devouring ability in her body, Ji Zhixi couldn't help rubbing her paws on the ground.

It took me a long time to realize that it was so late, why my brother and sister-in-law didn't get up yet?And only the door of one room is closed. Could it be that brother and sister-in-law live in the same room?

Will the sister-in-law be bullied by her brother?Tang Xin immediately became anxious. Mommy said that doing these things before getting married is playing hooligans. Girls should remember to protect themselves.

So he rushed to the door of the room immediately and knocked on the door frantically, "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, are you in? How are you?"

Ji Zhixi was awakened by Tang Xin's voice, she opened her eyes in a daze, her face was pressed against a piece of warm skin, it felt very nice and elastic, Ji Zhixi couldn't help rubbing it.

"Hee Hee, don't light the fire early in the morning." Artis' deep voice came from above.

Ji Zhixi woke up instantly, and immediately looked up. Fortunately, Artis dodged in time, otherwise Ji Zhixi's head and his jaw would burst into bloom.

Ji Zhixi looked at Attis who was smiling all over her face, the corners of her mouth curled up in an evil smile, brought Ji Zhixi's memories back in an instant, her heart thumped, and her face immediately turned red.

"What is Xixi thinking? Are you thinking about the kiss last night? Do you need me to review it for you?" Artis smirked.

Ji Zhixi covered Artis's mouth, "If you talk nonsense again, I will gag you."

Artis really wanted to say, I'd be happy to use your mouth to stop me, but I didn't dare to offend my wife, so I had to give up.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, how are you? Open the door!" Tang Xin was still knocking on the door frantically.

Artis was very helpless and decided that this troublesome brat would throw her home when she recovered from her illness.

Artis kissed Ji Zhixi's palm, and Ji Zhixi immediately withdrew her hand, as if her palm had been scalded, she glared at Artis, and then hurriedly got up to open the door.

As soon as Ji Zhixi opened the door, Tang Xin immediately threw herself into her arms.

Tang Xin asked anxiously: "Sister-in-law, are you okay? Did brother bully you?"

"Cough, no." Ji Zhixi said awkwardly.

"Mom said, you can't mess around if you're not married. If your brother bullies you, you're playing hooligan." Tang Xin stared at Artis and said

"Ahem, where do you want to go? No, we were just recovering our abilities last night. We were too tired and fell asleep. We didn't do anything." Ji Zhixi said.

"Hee Hee, is it a pity that I didn't do anything last night?" Artis' voice came from behind.

The tall figure of Artis enveloped him, and Artis put his hands on the door frame, feeling that Ji Zhixi was surrounded.

"That's enough for you, don't just drive if you disagree with me, there's still a child here!" Ji Zhixi said shyly.

"Driving? Brother didn't drive!" Tang Xin asked suspiciously.

Ji Zhixi didn't know how to explain it, so she glared at Artis angrily, it's all your fault.

Artis looked at Ji Zhixi dotingly, "Okay, you guys go to wash up first! We are going to go back to the base too."

Ji Zhixi nodded, and carried Tang Xin to the bathroom to wash up.

(End of this chapter)

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