After the metaphysician set up a stall in Interstellar, she exploded

Chapter 12 Black household, stopped at the villa

Chapter 12 Black household, stopped at the villa
[You have no conscience and shrink your head, I can see through a certain person! 】

[Fortunately, we, Rourou, have found a kidney source that is voluntarily donated, you trash should be destroyed humanely! 】

【What are you without a composer?I look forward to the Qu family expulsing the things that dove occupy the magpie's nest out of the house quickly! 】

Bai Wei didn't dare to let Qu Jian'er see the trending searches, but Xiao Zhang clicked casually, and those three-dimensional surrounded holographic comments swiped in the air one by one.

Xiao Zhang quickly closed it, but it was too late.

Bai Wei frowned: "The company's attitude is very clear, they gave up explaining. Or should I put it this way, since your accident, they have not issued a statement for you."

Qu Jian'er continued: "The villains are successful, let them have fun for a few more days."

Bai Wei frowned: "The Qu family is nervous about Qu Jiaorou, and they don't have time to ask about the incident of falling into the water, but they will definitely target you when they react. No, I'll send an announcement."

Qu Jian'er shook her head: "It's useless, ordinary speech can't actually stop you."

She is well aware that announcements without evidence will only welcome black fans and be attacked by groups.If water is sprinkled in boiling oil, what is splashed is often not a small injury.

Bai Wei clenched her fists, full of distress for Qu Jian'er: "Could it be that you let them slander you? You used to evade and refute, but what's wrong now?"

Qu Jian'er half-closed her eyes: "I almost died once, so I woke up. I understand that the situation is stronger than people, and you can't confront a stupid person who can't wake up."

It's not that she doesn't care, or that she doesn't want to refute, but that it's not the time.

Moreover, some of her spells have already taken effect, she just needs to wait for the curse to ferment.

Sensing the subtlety of the atmosphere, Xiao Zhang really wanted to join Han Zhaoyuan's research and stay in the house together.

Meng Qingyang changed the subject: "Look, the spaceship leading to the southern star was attacked by star bandits."

Bai Wei leaned over and sneered: "It's really rampant. It's all because of the empire's inaction, which made the bandits feel confident."

Qu Jian'er's eyes lit up: I felt like I forgot something, the rich man left!
Zuo Chen, whom I met that night in the hospital, had a strong body of sin and evil energy.

How could she have forgotten?

She hurriedly ran to the yard to polish the beads.

Bai Wei and Xiao Zhang are preparing various daily necessities for tomorrow's rush event.

After half a day.

Qu Jian'er was sweating on her forehead, and she turned her head to the side before finishing the work with the beads in her hand.

He looked at Meng Qingyang, who was hesitant to speak.

Meng Qingyang's bright and handsome face was full of tangles, and he looked younger than her.

But she knew that Meng Qingyang had no fewer secrets than her.

Meng Qingyang closed his eyes and explained: "I, I'm actually not a top student in the Imperial Academy who is on summer vacation."

Qu Jian'er lowered her head: "Yes."

Meng Qingyang was surprised: "Why aren't you surprised?"

Qu Jian'er continued to polish the beads: "First, your seal is open and bright, and your eyebrows are gathered from head to tail. You have many family members, and it's not that you are homeless, which means you were lying from the beginning. Second, Bai Weicha The fact that you are not among the top students in the Imperial Academy proves that you are fabricating the facts."

Before Meng Qingyang led Sanbao to the Taoist temple to spend the night, he had already thought about how to speak after meeting someone.So, after seeing Qu Jian'er and the others, he used his excuses.

Meng Qingyang didn't want to deceive Qu Jian'er and the others after only two days of getting along.

Taking advantage of Sanbao's spare time doing exercises, he wanted to confess and be lenient, and strive to be leniently dealt with.

I also hope that Qu Jian'er can see his sincerity and let them stay in the harmonious Taoist temple.

But I didn't expect that the other party had already seen through.

Meng Qingyang was very puzzled: "Then why are you willing to take in us with unknown origins?"

Qu Jian'er didn't even raise his head, "Because I know you don't have any malicious intentions. Moreover, in the modern age where most people can only drink nutrient solution, Taoist temples urgently need a good chef."

Meng Qingyang said as if he was going all out: "Even if we are black households, are we the ones who will implicate you if we are found out?"

Qu Jian'er raised her head and smiled: "Coincidentally, I just learned that I am a last-class citizen two days ago. I am also a person who will be deported if found out. Stay at ease until you don't want to stay. "

She secretly sighed that she is really a good person who is budget-conscious. Not only did she hire a chef, but she didn't need to spend money.

Thinking of money, she began to estimate how long it would take for Han Zhaoyuan's research to pay back.

Seeing that Qu Jian'er continued to polish after finishing speaking, Meng Qingyang didn't bother, but just thanked him silently.He showed a sincere smile, and that smile warmed the entire Nuanyang.

Qu Jian'er stood up, holding the freshly baked beads: "I'll go out for a while, don't wait for me for dinner."

Meng Qingyang nodded and said, "Be careful on the road."

Qu Jian'er waved his hand and shouted into the room: "Xiao Zhang, lend me your magnetic electric scooter for a ride."

Xiao Zhang replied seriously: "Sister Qu, but please remember, from two days ago, the car is yours, and I am yours too."

Qu Jian'er refuses to talk to Xiao Zhang who is sick.

Bai Wei urged: "You are poor, hurry up and clean up, don't forget any skin care products."

Xiao Zhang resigned to his fate and had to pack the third suitcase: "Sister Qu has good skin, and besides, she doesn't like skin care."

Bai Wei was confident and confident, with a cold face: "But this beautiful woman needs it."

Ψ(`_#) Zhang: Very good, you won.

Qu Jian'er, who was going out, put on a helmet, rode a floating car without wheels, and set off towards the destination.

After some divination.

She rode straight towards the winding mountain road.

Layers of artificial branches cover the sky and the sun, and the mottled light and shadow pass through the gaps in the leaves.

Qu Jian'er was driving under the shade of the trees, and she calculated the location of Zuo Chen's private villa in Blue Star.

on the way.

Passed by a valuable suspension car.

There were two beautiful girls in the car, and the co-pilot girl had three pairs of earrings on her ears.Wearing a cool leather jacket, he showed his heroic posture to the fullest.

Zuo Jing rested her arm on the side of the passenger car window: "Sister Youyou, there is a foolish person who rides a magnetic electric scooter up the mountain, and he is not afraid that there will be no magnetism halfway."

Gu Youyou, the main driver, pursed his lips and said nothing, just wanted to use the excuse of giving gifts to meet Zuo Chen: "..."

Qu Jian'er was expressionless. She rode the bicycle with one hand, and gave an elegant middle finger to Zuo Jing in the car.

Σ(っ°Д°;)っZuo Jing: What kind of gesture did she make?What a cool feeling!


Qu Jian'er came to the luxury villa.

When pressing the automatic button to lock the car, she found that the hover car also happened to be parked at the same destination.

The elderly Uncle Fu: "The eldest young master invited the two of you to come, so you can go back."

Gu Youyou's appearance is charming but not bewitching, at first glance she is the kind of young lady who is delicate to the bone.

But she deliberately hides her true self, trying to appear approachable and harmless.

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Uncle Fu didn't say that we are here to deliver something to the young master?"

Uncle Fu said the truth: "I said it, but the eldest and young master don't see strangers."

Gu Youyou's smile was almost unstoppable.

Zuo Jing didn't understand: "How could we be strangers? I'm Zuo... What are you doing here?"

Qu Jian'er didn't even look at Zuo Jing.

Uncle Fu was very excited when he saw Qu Jian as a child: "I have seen your photo, you must be Miss Qu. Thanks to you, the young master was saved from the plane crash that day. The young master is waiting for you, please come in quickly .”


Gu Youyou's eyes were fixed, she knew that Zuo Chen had canceled the flight to Nanxing.Just because she knew that, she also dismissed the idea of ​​meeting Zuo Chen on the same starship flight.

But she didn't know that Zuo Chen canceled the flight because of the unknown girl in front of him! ?
Zuo Jing stopped him: "Uncle Fu, who is this woman? Why can't we enter if she can enter?"

Uncle Fu finally showed his displeasure: "Miss Biao is careful, she is a distinguished guest of the young master. As for why the two of you can't go in? I would like to ask Miss Biao, the young master refuses outsiders, why do you bring strangers over?" "

Zuo Jing hesitated to speak: "Me?"

The stranger Gu Youyou clenched his back molars.

Gu Youyou's chest rose and fell, she quickly lowered her eyes, and suppressed the resentment towards Uncle Fu from her eyes.

Wait until she becomes Zuo Chen's only wife.

She must drive the middle-aged man who doesn't know the so-called out of Zuo's house!
Zuo Jing was both aggrieved and puzzled: "Uncle Fu, sister Youyou is my sister-in-law's natal family, she is also half of Zuo's family, how can she be called a stranger?"

Gu Youyou sobbed innocently: "Don't talk about Jingjing, I came here to disturb you without thinking carefully, blame me for being rude first, and I can't blame others."

Uncle Fu no longer pretended to be false: "Since this young lady knows it well, please go home."

Gu Youyou's teeth were about to be crushed.

Zuo Jing still wanted to defend Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou stopped him immediately, she didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of Zuo Chen just because of this trivial matter.

Zuo Zhijing fell in love with Gu Siyu since he was a child.

In order to get close to Zuo Chen, Gu Youyou tried his best to encourage his parents to marry his cheap sister, Zuo Zhijing, whom the other party didn't love.

I just hope to be closer to Zuo Chen.

Gu Youyou swallowed her jealousy towards Qu Jian'er, and she handed the brocade box in her hand to him: "Then we won't go in, please pass the things to this young lady."

Qu Jian'er said to Uncle Fu: "I'll go in first."

Facing Qu Jian'er's ignorance.

Gu Youyou almost became angry, she gripped the brocade box tightly until her fingertips turned white.

(End of this chapter)

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