After the metaphysician set up a stall in Interstellar, she exploded

Chapter 3 The pattern is opened, and everyone enters the game

Chapter 3 The pattern is opened, and everyone enters the game

"The Zuo family, is that the Zuo family I understand?!"

Bai Wei, who was numb, came to her senses not long after, she grabbed the business card and couldn't help exclaiming.

Zuo family, an imperial family rich in commanders, an ancient family admired by thousands of people.

Qu Jian'er said seriously: "I really want to praise that I am the next line of the nursery rhyme 'The river bends and flows eastward'."

Bai Wei asked back: "What?"

Qu Jian'er was very arrogant, boastful and praised: "That's how awesome it is."

() Bai Wei: Although I don’t want to admit it, I’m really awesome.

In the 3000th year of Xingyuan, the most famous member of the Zuo family is the eldest son of Zuo——Zuo Chen.

Sinister and cunning thugs.

Pure heart and asceticism.

A mysterious and low-key sick man.

All of the above are his representative words.

Due to mental confusion, he was unable to join the army or enter politics.However, he has still dominated Bo Yun's treacherous shopping mall for many years, and is one of the heavyweights in the entire interstellar world.

His presence matters.

Bai Wei regained her composure, and calmly looked at Qu Jian'er: "Hey, are you really a big shot in that area? You've hidden too much! But why don't you refute the rumors on the Internet?"

Qu Jian'er took out her phone: "The format is open."

Bai Wei nodded: "I understand, it's because you don't care about them~ what are you looking at?"

Qu Jian'er was so serious that it was incomprehensible: "The IP address of the malicious comments, cursed those who scolded me on the Internet, to go to Siberia to dig potatoes."

() Bai Wei: Overestimating your mind, wait, which unknown planet is Siberia?

Flipping and cursing.

Qu Jian'er recalled the original plot.

Zuo Chen's mental power in the later stage will not be able to control the riots, killing innocent people indiscriminately, and the methods are extremely cruel.

Labeled a crime by the Empire and sentenced to death with a reprieve.

Definitely a sinful evil villain.

Look at the original owner again.

What she took was the supporting role of the abuser.

The original owner was not beaten by the Qu family, but she was stared at. It can be said that she even breathed wrongly in the Qu family.

Because of low mental strength, the original owner failed to enter the university.Before stepping into the entertainment circle, she was almost abducted by a fake talent scout, but when she met the male protagonist who rescued her, she gave her all her heart.

The original owner didn't know that the hero and heroine were underground lovers.

It is inevitable to fall in love with the savior.

The original owner had never been spoiled before, she was instantly blindfolded by the male lead's sweet words.Later, he listened to slanderous words and exposed the two people's love for each other on the Internet.


Netizens found out that she was the "little three" who robbed love with a sword.

It's a fake daughter who begs Bailai and doesn't want to leave the Qu family.

The heroine plotted every step of the way, and successfully retaliated against the original owner and took away her glory and wealth, causing the original owner to be blocked.In the end, the original owner became a stepping stone for the heroine's return and starved to death on the poor planet.

Recall this.

Qu Jian'er looked at the dark night outside the car, since she had replaced the original owner for the rest of her life, the ending would have to be changed.She smelled the evils in Zuo Chen's body. To him and outsiders, evils were disasters, but to her they were a great remedy.

Bai Wei answered the phone: "Hi, it's Sister Li, we are together."

Manager Li Jie's impatient voice: "Hurry up and let Qu Jian'er calm down!"

Bai Wei thought for a while: "I'm communicating with her, and she said that she will be very good in the future."

Qu Jian'er, who would be very obedient, smiled slightly.

Li Jie sneered: "Heh, you tell her to come to the Century Royal Court Hotel immediately. If she can't come, you pack my bag and leave the company!"

Bai Wei told the truth, she vaguely felt a conspiracy.But for the sake of her job, she ignored this bad smell.

Qu Jian'er closed her eyes: "I will go if she wants me to?"

Bai Wei shook Qu Jian'er's arm: "Little ancestor, you know, I ran away from home and was penniless. Without an iron rice bowl, I can only drink northwest wind."

Qu Jian'er looked at Bai Wei seriously.

Then smiled sweetly: I don't want to go either, but she calls me little ancestor~
The vehicle detours.

Come to Century Royal Court Hotel soon.

Bai Wei pulled Qu Jian'er back: "The dinner table is probably full of high-level executives from the company, do you just wear this to go in? There are spare dresses in the car, you should pick one and change into it."

Qu Jian'er refused: "They are not qualified to treat me with strict clothes."

With that said, she walked in gracefully.

The rain stopped at some point.

Bai Wei turned her head and told Xiao Zhang to park the car. She was really worried that Qu Jian'er was alone, so she hurried after him with her bag.But when she ran into the hotel, she found that the other party had long since disappeared.

Li Jie didn't say the room number, and even Bai Wei didn't know, but no one told her, but Qu Jian'er knew the location.

While waiting for the 18th floor in the elevator.

Qu Jian'er remembered that the Hongmen banquet that led to the original owner's resignation was that the hostess bribed the original owner's manager.

The dinner was full of high-level people in the circle who did not behave well to the original owner. It was said to be a meal, but it was actually selling meat in disguise.

It just depends on whether the meat owner is willing to compromise.

But regardless of whether the original owner agrees or not, she will be drugged by the agent, and indecent photos will be taken of her, and her reputation will be completely discredited.

When things get fermented on the Internet, the original owner will become an embarrassing existence where everyone shouts and kills.

It was completely frozen, blocked and retired.

"Knock knock" a few times.

Qu Jian'er knocked on the door very politely.

Li Jie stepped on her high heels and pushed open the door and walked out: "Why are you here dressed like this!"

Qu Jian'er said: "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

She passed over the agent who was so angry that she exploded, and sat in the empty seat with arrogance, like a leader who came to inspect.

Qu Jian'er's eyelids drooped slightly, and her dark eyelashes made her eyes appear infatuated and blurred.

If the crazy and evil parts in her eyes are removed, she looks a bit like an innocent girl who has suffered a lot.

I have to say that Qu Jian'er's looks are definitely top-notch in the world, regardless of everything else.

This is also the main reason why she can still sit here peacefully despite the scolding on the Internet.

A weak and innocent beauty.

It is the one that most appeals to people's desire for protection.

The bald boss walked up to Qu Jian'er, showing his big gold teeth with a smile: "Your manager told you, right? As long as you are obedient, your benefits will be indispensable in the future."

Qu Jian'er raised her eyes: "Yintang is black, sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and round chin. There is no future in life, and you will go to jail in middle age. If you meet me, you will not have much time to enjoy life."

Wang Shimei laughed: "Are you joking? Who doesn't know that I, Wang Shimei, am a real estate company tycoon! Let alone whether I will go bankrupt, I have many sons and daughters, and I have no descendants?"

Qu Jian'er glanced at the time: "Then you'd better do a paternity test, 9, 8, 7..."

Wang Shimei was vigilant: "What are you counting?"

Qu Jian'er said: "3, 2, 1."


Several police officers opened the door and entered, went straight to Wang Shimei's side, and detained her.

"Wang Shimei, you are suspected of tax evasion, and now the evidence is solid, come with us."

No matter how Wang Shimei explained to the police.

He was taken away directly.

. . .The scene was very silent for a while.

Qu Jian'er grabbed a handful of frosted peanuts, ate them, and handed them out: "Uncle policeman, I'm reporting them for allegedly breaking the law and collectively bullying me, a beautiful young girl."

Young police officer: "Thank you, I'm not hungry. With us here, tell me slowly, how did they break the law and bully you?"

Qu Jian'er clapped a piece of cucumber stick: "Come on, let's throw the question to the other audience present."

Li Jie hurriedly stepped forward: "No, nothing, don't listen to her nonsense. She has a brain problem, otherwise she wouldn't come out and run around in a hospital gown!"

Qu Jian'er smiled: "Good guy, I think he has to interfere with official duties. We have a dinner in the middle of the night, and there are more men and women than women. Is it because we are afraid that our police uncle will not see the clues? I have to boast, you really challenge the imperial criminal law." .”

The police officer looked at Qu Jian'er approvingly: You are a law-abiding citizen, you are very politically aware.

Qu Jian'er sat upright, looking like a good person.

Li Jie got goosebumps, seeing the serious faces of the police officers, her heart sank to the bottom.

The policeman just looked around calmly, and then pressed the headset: "This is Yaoyao Liuyao Liu, the scene is very weird, and I apply for a thorough investigation of the scene."

Everyone who didn't move their chopsticks: WTF? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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