After the metaphysician set up a stall in Interstellar, she exploded

Chapter 423 The "confrontation" between the two bureau chiefs

Chapter 423 The "confrontation" between the two bureau chiefs

Ability Bureau.

The top of the tall building is the director's office, which can also be summed up as a place where idlers of the Ability Bureau are not allowed to enter.

And on this day.

An uninvited visitor came to the director's office, and the visitor went from the first floor to the top floor.

In the end, he stepped on the desk and stared deathly at the director who was drinking tea with a thermos cup.

A bureau chief: "..."

He silently put down the glass.


It also made the rest of the Ability Bureau withdraw.

Qu Kai has a very handsome face.

Even in old age.

The years did not leave traces on him.

At this moment.

His eyes were darkened.

It is difficult to discern the emotions hidden in it.

He tried his best to hide the excitement in his heart. It's not that he was not calm. No one would be calm after he noticed that the Life Gem, which had never emitted fluctuations, glowed and glowed.

Qu Kai is the contemporary head of the Qu family.

He has a secret that no one knows.

That is to find his eldest brother.

After the death of his parents, no one in the Qu family knew about this matter except him.

Knowing that he is still persevering in finding someone.

It is their inconvenience to disturb.

It's all because the composer's family training and experience are too cruel.

It goes against common sense and makes people mourn.

Let his elder brother, Qu Di, disappoint the family, and let them lose an excellent leader.

As the saying goes, those who do not want to become dragons are not good dragons.

In fact, the Qu family has trained their juniors so much, and they also hope that some juniors can successfully transform into dragons.

Hope for a child to become a dragon is nothing more than that.

It's just that not everyone wants to become a dragon, and not everyone wants to prosper.

His elder brother is one of them.

It can even be said to be a deep hatred.

Reluctant to marry according to parents' wishes.

I'd rather be stripped of my tendons than compromise.

Qu Kai thought of this.

He silently looked at Qu Jian'er in front of him, what a similar face, what a similar temperament.

He never thought of it.

After many years.

He didn't see his brother.

But he saw his elder brother's child.

Qu Kai took out a shattered red life gem from the collar, this life gem is exclusive to the Qu family.

Just like the life lamp that can see whether a person is healthy or not, the gem of life also has this effect.

In the Gem of Life, there is a drop of essence and blood stored by the Qu family since birth. Whenever they meet someone with the same source of essence and blood, the Gem of Life will glow and glow.

And once the gem of life is broken.

It means the death of those with the same source of essence and blood.

Years ago, when the gem shattered.

Qu Kai's heart stopped.

But he still carries a glimmer of hope.

Hope to meet his big brother again.

Take the broken gem with you this time.

Qu Kai's voice trembled imperceptibly, and he asked cautiously, "What's your name?"

Even with the testimony of the gem of life.

But he was still desperate for confirmation.

So that he lost his composure for a while.

Qu Jian'er was overjoyed, she withdrew her left foot, and said mockingly: "Chairman, you just let the people under you catch me on your front foot, why don't you know me now?"

Don't look at her calm surface.

The shock in my heart is not as small as the people in front of me.

It was like meeting Qu Ze for the first time.

She also couldn't see through the people in front of her.

Combined with the status of the person in front of you.

It is not easy for Qu Jian'er to be sure of the identity of the original owner.


The original owner's parents are even less likely to be simple.

Qu Kai was stunned, did he let someone catch the person in front of him?Wasn't he the Qu Jian'er of the empire who was arrested?

and many more.

Qu Jian'er.

This last name...

Why didn't he think it was a coincidence?
God reminded him of this.

He didn't even know it.

After thinking about it.

Qu Kai wished he could go back to the past.

Kick the self who gave the order before flying.

He was worrying about the news his son had passed on to him, thinking about how to get Qu Longlong back to the country.

Hearing that Qu Jian'er's strength is limited, he didn't let people inquire about the truth as usual.

After the order is delegated.

He was still thinking about whether he was making an enemy of the empire by doing so, and whether he was provoking chaos.

was thinking.

The door was kicked.

The table was trampled.

Qu Jian'er appeared in front of him.

Things are changing too fast.

Qu Kai had some indigestion, and hurriedly said: "This is a misunderstanding, please listen to Uncle explain to you..."

Qu Jian'er took out the Double Nightmare Saber.

Put it on Qu Kai's neck.

Qu Jian'er smiled slightly: "I'm so sorry, if the parents didn't leave behind other people in the family before their death, those who seek relatives will be dealt with as those with bad intentions."

Her voice was cold and hostile.

Qu Kai unconsciously fought a cold war.

The sinister aura revealed by the Double Nightmare Saber made him feel fear unavoidably.

But he is more endlessly dazed.

How much does his elder brother hate Qu Jia?

Even to the point of death, she was unwilling to let her daughter know about the Qu family, that the Qu family still had them.

Qu Kai shook his head: "I know you are angry, just listen to me explain to you slowly."

have to say.

The indifference of his niece in front of him made him feel more painful than sending him to the cruelest execution ground.

Qu Jian'er put away the knife.

She also wanted to know the original owner's parents.

That was the father's love and mother's love that she had never felt in her two lifetimes. She didn't need it, but she still longed for it.

Qu Kai put the gem of life on the table, and told Qu Jian'er the news that even a junior of the Qu family didn't know.

many years ago.

The previous head of the Qu family had two sons and a daughter. The eldest son, Qu Di, seemed to be in charge of the heavens, and he was top-notch in everything.

However, the Qu family paid attention to descendants and bloodlines.

They disregarded Qu Di's wishes, were outdated and decadent in thinking, and secretly made a marriage of She's family.

As soon as the marriage comes out.

Qu Di seemed to be a different person.

From well-behaved and sensible to rebellious and domineering.

The resistance was extremely fierce.

Even without hesitating to lose his tendons, he wanted to get rid of this marriage, and he had to leave the family with a serious injury.


Qu Di succeeded.

Since then.


When Qu Kai talked about being emotional.

even stood up.

Speak passionately.

Qu Jian'er sat in Qu Kai's original position, and she crossed a pair of slender legs over the table.

Every now and then he nodded.

Qu Kai did not forget to restrain Qu Jian'er with emotion: "It's because the Qu family refused to bow down, and it's because your father's temper is too stubborn. There's no need to make trouble like should restrain yourself."

He looked at Qu Jian'er as if no one was there.

I really want to say that a tiger father has no dogs.

Virtue is the same as his elder brother.

Qu Jian'er shook her toes: "What age is it, and you still arrange marriages, you Qu family are tsk tsk."

Qu Kai helplessly corrected it: "It's our Qu family, son, your last name is Qu."

Qu Jian'er shrugged and said, "I'm sorry, but my song is my father's, not yours."

She didn't want to have too much to do with the original owner's parents' family, which would entangle cause and effect.

Asking such a sentence is just the impact of her desire for fatherly love and motherly love.

Qu Jian'er patted her trouser legs, and walked towards the door: "Discipline the people under you well."

There is no need to defuse this bomb.

Because she's already determined it's a dud.


Qu Jian'er left the director's office.

Just went out.

I saw a group of people.

They looked at Qu Jian'er warily.

They were afraid that Qu Jian'er would beat up the director if they disagreed with each other. Although they wanted to beat up, they could only think about it.

Qu Jian'er stroked her chin and said, "Are you waiting for me here because you want to fight fairly?"

Everyone: "..." No!

Why did they come to ask for a fight?

Just wondering what's going on here.

Curious why there is no fighting sound.

They put down their work.

He came to eat melons at the risk of being affected, but now that the melons have not been eaten, the melon skin is going to hit them?
Still let them live?

(End of this chapter)

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