Chapter 481 Let You Regret
The first free person-finding expert found by Qu Jian'er asked Qu Jian'er doubts: "Well, boss, the mecha in the photo you gave me is very ordinary, and there are many contestants present It’s driving this kind of mech.”

He looks at the team in the photo.

Although I don't know the grievances between Qu Jian'er and them, I know that the people who make people so eager to find must be hatred.

Qu Jian'er said casually: "As long as it is related to the tenth team, find out."

Her idea is very simple, even if the tenth team is mixed in the crowd, she can find it, let alone a group of contestants who know her skills.

For those who don't want to be used as a shield, there must be someone who is smart enough to stand up.

Find out the real tenth team for her.

So, that's why Qu Jian'er didn't pay attention to what life-saving "products" the tenth team bought, and didn't care whether they replaced their mechs with new ones.


Qu Jian'er's method worked.

There was no more melee in the main competition area, because all the humans or robots who wanted to compete were thrown into the metal wall by Qu Jian'er.Go with the first robot that sneaked up on her from behind.

The machine referee looked at the completely different game style from usual, it hesitated for a while.

It worked hard to run the data in the chip, trying to find a clear rule, so that it would be easy to know whether it should report this matter to the "leader".

Unfortunately, it searched around and couldn't find it.

Theory tells it that as long as there is no chaos in the game, it must go on normally. Intuition tells it that Qu Jian'er's appearance and actions will be more serious than chaos.

Qu Jian'er looked at the group of people who had been found out, and she was so friendly that she greeted a few of them.

"meet again."

The captain of the tenth team was still avoiding the attacks of other contestants. For this reason, he specially changed into expensive and defensive equipment to dissuade some youngsters from leaving.

He didn't expect to persuade some of them to retreat.

But it was still found by more people.

The captain of the tenth team was short of breath: "You are looking for us on purpose... What are you trying to do!?"

He had a strong premonition.

It was a premonition of death!
Qu Jian'er shrugged and said innocently, "I'll let you regret it later."

If you ignore her gesture of drawing the knife, she is as relaxed as saying that it is no big deal.

The captain of the tenth team couldn't believe it.

He and Qu Jian'er had no hatred at all.

Why did the other party target them?

Soon, he thought of Dani.

The captain of the tenth team said something that he couldn't believe: "Do you want to seek justice for Dany?"

Qu Jian'er only smiled, without denying it: "The moment you pushed her away ungratefully, you should have thought about it~"

As soon as this word comes out.

Most of the people present were puzzled.

Only the members of the tenth team were shocked.

They never imagined that Danni, who was marginalized by the team, would be favored by Qu Jian'er.

It's okay to be really favored.

Qu Jian'er wanted to seek justice for her.

This is the behavior between relatives, right?
Is there anyone like Qu Jian'er who protects his shortcomings? ?
The captain of the tenth team was well aware of Qu Jian'er's horror, so he retreated again and again, trying to stay away from Qu Jian'er.

Before he was hired, he had imagined the dangers of the competition area, so he bought a lot of life-saving equipment specially for this reason.He thought he would be able to sit back and relax by participating in the first melee, but who would have thought that someone would be waiting for them in the first melee.

If other enemies were waiting, they would be fearless, but it was Qu Jian'er who was waiting for them.

Obviously, in order to avoid anyone looking for revenge, the competition area deliberately forbids people to check the entry list without permission.

Why did Qu Jian'er know they were competing?
Still looking for them on purpose?
This weird coincidence made him dumbfounded.

He felt like falling into a trap.

The captain of the tenth team hurriedly said: "We are a team entrusted and hired!"

He thought of who had hired them last night.

When that person made a move, it was tens of millions.

Certainly not ordinary people.

He hoped that his words could make Qu Jian'er calm down, retreat in spite of difficulties, and understand that they are also covered by someone.

Seeing that Qu Jian'er really stopped.

The captain of the tenth team continued: "Dani and you are not related, there is no need for you to offend the forces behind us for her, it is not worth it at all!"

He thought he could persuade Qu Jian'er.

Never thought.

Qu Jian'er just looked towards the follow-up camera.

She didn't want Dany to think too much.

Qu Jian'er said something that made people feel sick: "Don't listen to this white-eyed wolf nonsense. Of course you are worthy of falling into the world like an angel, spreading love and being loved."

The tenth team didn't know the meaning of Qu Jian'er's words, but it was not difficult to guess.

Dani is just outside the field.

Qu Jian'er was telling the other party through the tempo follower.

Today's disaster started because of Dani.

The captain of the tenth team shook his head wildly: "It was Dani who left us first, and she asked you to deal with us in turn. It can be seen that she is not worthy of your sincerity at all!"

Qu Jian'er turned her gaze to the person in front of her.

After seeing many villains, she remained silent.

Dani dedicated half of her life to the team, because she had to wait desperately for a marriage contract.

He gave almost everything he could for the team.

The other team members may or may not agree with it. How can someone who was brought up by Danni stand in the commanding heights and criticize Danni instead?
Qu Jian'er clenched the laser knife with a cold light: "Anyone can accuse her, but you can't."

The captain of the tenth team saw that Qu Jian'er didn't get in, as if he drank Danni's ecstasy soup.

He didn't talk too much to people, but took advantage of the fact that there were people behind their team, and let Qu Jian'er know that dealing with them was not that simple, and he had better think clearly.

Qu Jian'er smiled and said, "Why do you think you all appear here?"

A word from her.

The heart of the entire tenth team fell to the bottom, no matter how much they thought about it, they also thought of hiring.

Qu Jian'er smiled meaningfully: "If you don't give you enough bait, you won't be hooked. In order for all of you to compete, I don't have any money."

She ruthlessly shattered the tenth team's last illusion, and put the facts before their eyes.

The captain of the tenth team's mecha helmet was in a trance, and the most terrifying guess still appeared.

Yesterday's hire was a trap.

It was a trap designed by Qu Jian'er!
The opponent did not give them a chance to defend themselves, but pushed them all into the competition area of ​​life and death.

Are they dying?

The members of the tenth team cannot retreat, their equipment is vulnerable to real strength.

Was stared at by Qu Jian'er.

There is a sense of fear of being locked by the god of death.


A terrifying murderous intent swept across the entire area.

The captain of the tenth team begged in despair: "No, you can't kill us, Dany won't let you do that!"

Qu Jian'er looked at the tracker.

She knew Dany was watching.

In fact.

Dany did not look away the whole time.

Even if the former team accused her of viciousness, even if the captain described her as a wicked person.

Dany didn't look away either.

She looked at the viewing screen quietly.

For more than ten years, in order to let the captain gain a firm foothold, she has only been making suggestions behind the scenes, so as not to make people worry about the future. This kind of friendship is unique for her, right?
But the beneficiary has no heart of gratitude.

Even accusing her in front of so many people.

In the end, there was no remorse.

What did she do wrong?
Is it worth these people treating her like this?

Tears slid down his cheeks and he didn't care.

Dani clenched her fists, she wanted to tell Qu Jian'er that if possible, she would prefer to understand the past with her own hands, and cut off the moths that used to suck her flesh and blood!
 (*︶*) Thanks for the reward and the monthly pass, I will save up a wave of monthly pass and add more updates, I can’t seem to reply to comments recently~
(End of this chapter)

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