After the metaphysician set up a stall in Interstellar, she exploded

Chapter 8 Attempt to Fool, Qu Jiaorou's Press Conference

Chapter 8 Attempt to Fool, Qu Jiaorou's Press Conference
After 1 hours.

Everyone learned that the long-haired evil spirit fell into a well and died because of a headache and baldness.Because it was an abandoned well, no one noticed, so she lived at the bottom of the well.

This residence is hundreds of years.

He and the Taoist temple became neighbors who treated each other like guests.

Qu Jian'er looked at Meng Qingyang, and asked casually, "Let go or snap?"

The long-haired evil spirit was so frightened that she almost died again. She shivered and shrank into a ball, not daring to speak.

Meng Qingyang said cautiously: "Since it's not really abominable, there's a reason for it. Sister Qu, it's fine to punish her as a housekeeper, but you don't really have to ask for that?"

The long-haired evil spirit seemed to come alive, kowtowed and said: "I am willing to guard the gate for the master! I have never harmed anyone before, and I will not harm anyone in the future. I beg the master to spare my life!"

The reason why Qu Jian'er gave Meng Qingyang the right to choose was because she was the family member of the victim, and secondly, she also wanted to see Meng Qingyang's character clearly through this matter.

Fortunately, the other party did not disappoint her.

Qu Jian'er was full of hostility, she smiled and removed the red thread binding the long-haired evil spirit.

After letting go.

Only then did Qu Jian'er look at Hu Banxian and Han Zhaoyuan, who were reserved and uncomfortable.

Hu Banxian knew that meeting Qu Jian'er was a chance, and he wanted to make a familiar face: "Thank you, fellow daoist, for letting go of the past, who did you learn from? I knew the previous master of Qingxu Taoist temple, but I don't remember any fellow daoist Such a person."

Qu Jian'er said indifferently: "The former masters of the Taoist temple are my parents, it seems that you are not only good at tricks."

Hu Banxian was surprised: "You turned out to be the daughter of the former Taoist master who has been missing for many years. They can rest in peace. Yes, I originally wanted to worship under the Taoist temple, but unfortunately I am not good at learning and I am used to making small movements. That's why~"

Qu Jian'er doesn't like flattering nonsense.


In order to save food money, no one was left to eat.

Hu Banxian's goal of meeting each other and keeping a good impression has been achieved, and he left as he wished.

Qu Jian'er looked at Han Zhaoyuan: "Do you want to stay?"

Han Zhaoyuan pursed his lips, shook his head and said, "Thanks to Master Meng, what virtue can I do."

The voice fell.

Qu Jian'er glared at Bai Wei: "Is this your trick? It's useless at all!"

Bai Wei put her hips on her hips: "It takes 90 minutes to do the test paper, it's because you didn't give enough time!"

Qu Jian'er folded her arms and laughed, "I'll perform a hilarious show first. It only takes 0.003 seconds to fire a blaster. If you are not capable enough, you need to improve. Don't be dissatisfied."

Bai Wei stood up, trying to raise her aura: "I think you were notorious back then, and I used my sharp tongue to keep Xiao Zhang. Otherwise, where did you get the driver and the current manager of the diplomatic department? You even questioned my strength!"

Qu Jian'er also stood up: "Xiao Zhang is able to stay in the Taoist temple now because I am completely convinced by my personality charm. You only played a supporting role in it, OK?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel.

Meng Qingyang blinked: "Persuasion?"

Han Zhaoyuan had one head and two big ones: "How can I persuade you? Your persuasion is useless, can I do it?"

Meng Qingyang said earnestly: "Yes."

Han Zhaoyuan tried: "Well, stop arguing, both of you."

Qu Jian'er looked at Han Zhaoyuan: "You don't agree to stay, does that mean she is useless?"

Bai Wei also looked at Han Zhaoyuan: "How long have I fooled you, how can this prove that I am useless!?"

Han Zhaoyuan was pinched from left to right, and his mind was muddled.


He nodded no and shook his head no.

When Han Zhaoyuan agreed to extend the time of fooling around.

Use the latest statistics table to analyze whether Bai Wei is useful or not.

Qu Jian'er and Bai Wei clapped their hands.

Only then did Han Zhaoyuan reply: "...So, did you quarrel on purpose just now?"

Qu Jian'er and Bai Wei looked at each other and smiled, they had an incomparable understanding.

Han Zhaoyuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm indeed a Taoist priest, but I'm not as good as you think. I'm an outlier in my family... I hope you won't be disappointed after a day's experiment."

Qu Jian'er said meaningfully: "We'll wait and see."

In laughter.

Xiao Zhang came back with a basket of vegetables. He heard that he had missed the fun appetizers, so he was just lucky.

In order to reward Qu Jian'er and comfort the frightened child, Meng Qingyang cooked a table of delicious dishes.

After eating and drinking.

Qu Jian'er started to have a headache again on how to make money.

Bai Wei handed the phone to Qu Jian'er: "I'll show you some news that doesn't bother you. Some of the people who bullied you at the dinner party got into car accidents, and some became vegetative. To be honest, this kind of retribution will not be caused by you." Bar?"

Qu Jian'er knew their ending a long time ago, so she was not surprised.She gave Bai Wei a supercilious look, and let the other party experience it for herself.Now she doesn't want anything but money.

Seeing that Qu Jian'er didn't respond.

Bai Wei continued to swipe her phone.


Bai Wei clicked on a video: "Sister, look quickly, that Qu Jiaorou is lying in the hospital and not honest! It's really a white lotus, why didn't I see it before?"

In a holographic projection.

It was Qu Jiaorou's video conference.

Qu Jiaorou sobbed: "I can understand that she doesn't want to donate organs. She likes Brother Xiao and wants to push me into the water. I don't think she did it on purpose. Don't talk about her. Besides, she also suffered from falling into the water, so I forgive her." her."

The beauty is crying until the pear blossoms are raining, I feel pity.

Especially this beauty is still sick in bed, after a wave of effects, all the comments below the video empathize with the light ones, and the heavy ones @曲营儿 start the mode of exhaling fragrance.

Even Qu Jiaorou's fans followed the rhythm, each in armor, and greeted Qu Jian'er thoughtfully.

[I feel sorry for my sister, I don't cry. 】

【Rou Rou is too kind-hearted to be bullied by that damn bitch! 】

【@曲艳儿If you still have a little conscience, you should stand up and apologize now! 】

[To sum up, your kindness was not born together with your appearance.The time has come to reflect your unique value, why don't you rush to donate? @曲艳儿]

[It’s just an organ donation, what can I do?I didn't see Rourou and didn't care about you being a mistress and pushing her away. If you have any humanity, go to the hospital immediately! @曲艳儿]

In an instant.

The reviews online are pretty uniform.

Netizens criticized Qu Jian'er one after another from the commanding heights, asking Qu Jian'er to get acquainted and take the initiative to donate.

Bai Wei was so angry that she was so angry: "It's really a group of fools who are blinded. They don't know the pain unless the knife is stabbed in their body. They have avoided the compulsory education for ten years, right? No? Do you dare to imitate others and become a keyboard warrior with sharp eyes? Let me come and see if I don't kill them!"

Qu Jian'er pressed Bai Wei's shoulders, suppressing Bai Wei's anger.

Bai Wei was puzzled: "Can you bear this?"

Qu Jian'er stared at Qu Jiaorou's face: "Purple qi comes from the east, blessings are added to the body, and bathing in honor is Qu Jiaorou's good fortune. Although you have both blessings and fortune, you will only ask for trouble when you meet her. Deal with her , need the right time, place and people.”

Bai Wei was stunned.

Qu Jian'er smiled wickedly.

A and rustling, every cell in Bai Wei's body screamed crazily driven by instinct.

Bai Wei's passionate voice and beating heart all turned into a word called excitement.

Since Qu Jian'er has the chance to win.


She also agreed to wait for Qu Jiaorou's retribution.

(End of this chapter)

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