Chapter 150 Rainstorm
Thankfully, the rain didn't start until 07:30 in the evening.

The rain was very strong, and it lasted for almost two hours, and it didn't stop until after nine o'clock.

Su Jianye was quite happy.

"Corn is only planted in this field. It's raining now, so we won't have to water it ourselves."

Early the next morning, just as Su Xiaoruan arrived at school, the sky began to rain lightly again.

It wasn't raining much, but it was annoying to keep on raining.

Because of the rain, the weather outside is gloomy. There is no electric light in the classroom, and it is very dark. The words written on the blackboard by the teacher have to be twice as large as usual to barely read.

When it came to the fourth class, the teacher stopped talking at all and asked the students to read the textbooks by themselves.

At 11:30, the rain stopped.

After discussing with the principal and vice-principal at the school, they simply let everyone go back. They all lived in the nearby villages, taking advantage of the fact that it wasn't raining at the moment, so as not to get wet.

When Su Xiaoruan got home, it was not yet twelve o'clock.

He and Huo Yunlei trotted back all the way.

On the easy road, run faster, on the difficult road, Huo Yunlei will explore the road ahead, and Su Xiaoruan will run a little slower.

Grandma Su looked outside worriedly: "I don't know when it will clear up this day. If it continues like this, it won't be good."

Su Xiaoruan understood what grandma was worried about. The corn had just been planted, and if it continued to rain, it would not be a good thing.

"Mom, I'm back."

Su Jianye and Zhao Hongmei came back with hoes on their shoulders.

It rained heavily last night, and it started to rain again this morning. After a discussion in the brigade, people went to the fields to watch the water come out.

This is also a precaution, if there is another heavy rain in the afternoon, at least there will be no big losses in the field.

"Are you still going to work in the afternoon?"

"I'm going. The weather isn't very good. And now the field is not the most worrying thing in the brigade. If the rain keeps falling like this, although it is small, many old houses may not be able to bear it." .”

Grandma Su nodded, indeed.

Old houses are generally adobe houses. If it rains like this all the time, the house is likely to collapse.

Thankfully, the afternoon was just cloudy, but it didn't rain.

But on the third day, Su Xiaoruan was trapped in the school.

More precisely, the entire school is trapped inside the school.

It was raining too much.

No one expected that the sun came out and showed its face this morning, and when it was past ten o'clock, it would rain as soon as it said it was raining, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Su Xiangdong couldn't walk in the commune, the rain was too heavy.

Coupled with the wind, riding a bike, you can't see the road ahead at all.

After Su Xiangdong hesitated for a few minutes, he still rode to school.

Even if he couldn't go home, he had to find Ruanbao first.

At one o'clock, the rain eased a little, and Su Xiangdong rode a bicycle to bring Su Xiaoruan and Jiang Hongli back.

Considering Jiang Hongli's poor health, Su Xiangdong gave her his raincoat to wear.

At this time, no one will pay attention to politeness anymore, and the most important thing is to go home first.

When they got home, the three of them were not in good condition.

Zhao Hongmei boiled brown sugar ginger tea for the three of them, and each of them drank a bowl.

"Change the wet clothes first, and take a hot bath after eating."

Because of the sudden heavy rain, the school decided to suspend classes in the afternoon.

Jiang Hongli didn't have to go to school anymore.

After Su Xiangdong changed his clothes and had a meal, he didn't rest, put on his raincoat and went out.

Zhao Hongmei chased her out: "What are you in a hurry for? Let's go after a while."

"No, let's take advantage of the fact that the rain is not too heavy, or we won't be able to go to the commune."

Zhao Hongmei didn't stop her anymore, knowing that she couldn't stop her.

The rain in the afternoon was obviously lighter, but even so, the situation was quite bad.

There was only one raincoat at home, and Su Xiangdong wore it away, so Su Jianye had to wear the coir raincoat to the field.

Today's rain was relatively heavy, Su Xiaoruan was worried, so she took out a black raincoat.

"Father, you wear this. The rain may be even heavier, so don't get sick."

Su Jianye didn't hesitate, and immediately put on it after taking it.

Because of the rain, those who went to work in the afternoon were replaced by strong laborers.

Wearing a raincoat and rain boots, Su Guoan kept shuttling through the fields, directing everyone to release all the water in the fields.

In some places, the corn has already sprouted, and the rain is still falling, so they can only try to open up the ridges and dams in the field, trying to keep the water in the field, and go directly downstream.

Anyway, there is a river outside the village, so I am not afraid that the water will have nowhere to go.

Su Xiaoruan panicked, always feeling that she seemed to have overlooked something important.

She entered the supermarket, and carefully recalled the events of her previous life inside.

Because it's been too long, and she didn't pay much attention to the trivial matters of the brigade at the time, so it's really hard to remember.

Suddenly, Xiao Shui's face flashed in her mind.


Su Xiaoruan remembered.

The third grandpa's house may collapse!

"Grandma, the third grandpa's house is the oldest one. Why don't you take someone to our house to stay for two nights? You also said that the rain is too heavy. If the house collapses, this person will be in danger." .”

Grandma Su nodded and told Su Jianye.

In the evening, the rain stopped.

Until Su Xiaoruan went to bed, the rain did not fall again.

But that night, there were only a few children who came to Su Xiaoruan's house. The third grandpa and the third grandma said that it wasn't raining anyway, so they didn't want to come.

Su Xiaoruan still felt flustered, but the temper of the third grandpa and the third grandma was so bad that it was useless for her as a junior to say more, so she could only pray that it would stop raining tonight.

Fortunately, until they all went to bed, there was no sign of rain, and everyone was tired for several days, and when they touched the pillows, they all fell into a deep sleep.

But it was not yet dawn, probably around four o'clock, when someone outside knocked on the door vigorously and kept calling Su Jianye's name.

"Jianye, get up quickly, the house of the third grandpa's house has collapsed, get up quickly and save your life."

Su Jianye didn't care too much, and hurriedly got up in the dark and put on his clothes. Zhao Hongmei touched the solar lantern on the side and pulled it up, and the room was lit up immediately.

Only then did Su Jianye see that the pants he hadn't found all along had just been dropped on the ground by him.

Zhao Hongmei vaguely heard Su Guoan's voice, worried that something serious had happened, so she also got dressed.

"You wait at home first, don't go out. It's raining outside again."

Zhao Hongmei responded, but she kept putting on clothes.

Grandma Su was getting old, and her sleep was shallow. Now that she heard the movement, she naturally woke up.

Those who didn't wake up, probably only Su Xiaoruan was left.

(End of this chapter)

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