Chapter 177
Su Wenying was obviously a little reconciled, unwilling to admit his mistake, and had no plans to leave.

As expected, Grandma Su has seen the world, looking at the sun and Su Wenying's behavior, she can almost guess what she wants to do.

"Arita, take him back. Listen to your second uncle. Now you are the only male elder in the old Su family. Are you still thinking of disobeying the elders?"

Su Youtian shivered in fright.

Among the many female elders in the Su family, the one who frightened him the most was actually this little aunt.

Although the two of them are about the same age, they are a generation behind, and this little aunt is a real knowledgeable master. When my little aunt got married in the first year of junior high school, the younger generations of the Su family respected and feared her.

What I respect is that this little aunt is educated and very knowledgeable.

The fear is that this little aunt's temper is not very good. Once she is really angry, the consequences will definitely not be what they want to see.

Back then, this little aunt helped deliver letters to the anti-Japanese heroes, and her courage was scarier than that of a man.

Su Wenying was forcibly taken home by Su Youtian's sons. If there is anything wrong, just close the door and talk about it at home. Why bother to stir up trouble?
Su Wenying was still nagging along the way, because she didn't dare to curse because of her elders, but this eccentric statement really embarrassed Su Youtian.

When they reached the door of Su Guoan's house, Su Wenying's voice became sharper, clearly trying to attract more people's attention.

At this time, Arita Niang also realized what this girl was going to do, and immediately slapped her in anger.

Su Wenying was stunned.

She grew up so big, her parents never touched her a finger.

But now at this age, he was slapped by his mother in front of so many people.


"Shut up! If you dare to speak out again, I will smack you with the sole of my shoe!"

Finally left, the yard also stopped.

Grandma Su sighed and shook her head. She also couldn't figure out why the Su family had such an inconspicuous girl.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, you rest, I will go back first."

"Little Four, what do you think about Su Wenying's family?" Second Grandma still asked.

"Let's do whatever we said earlier. We are also trying to save money and food for her. The rules of our country people don't have much gift money. If we go to eat noodles, how much will she spend with so many people? !"

Tsk, this reason is too strong.

The two sisters-in-law had a good understanding and laughed together.

Su Jianye was not in a hurry to go back, but stood outside the gate of the courtyard with Su Guoan and talked for a while, in fact, he just wanted to find out what Su Wenying said, which made the always good-tempered Second Mistress so angry.

Back home, Su Jianye had a Coke.

"Mother, what is Su Wenying thinking? You dare to ask the second aunt for money. No wonder the second aunt keeps saying that her family is struggling to live and needs to beg for food."

Grandma Su also burst into laughter, the second sister-in-law's mind was really spinning.

In fact, Su Wenying's behavior is almost like a begging place.

How can anyone force others to give gift money?

If it really comes out, and you don't let people eat noodles, it's either begging for food or stealing it!
Su Xiaoruan moved a small stool out and sat next to Grandma Su, and started to help her pick up beans.

"Huiyang's wedding seems to be scheduled for September, and Ruanbao will start school at that time, and the weather is better than now, not so hot."

"You can do it whenever you like. It doesn't matter to us anyway. I've met that Xu Huiyang a few times, and I don't talk much, so I don't know his character. It's his sister, who doesn't feel very good when I meet him. , I always feel that the child looks crooked."

Grandma Su was somewhat curious: "Why do you say that?"

"I've forgotten what that child's name is. It's about the same age as our Ruanbao, but when he speaks, he's like a mud leg, a cadre, etc. Anyway, he looks superior to others. When he mentioned that the classmate is from a cadre family, It's as if she herself is that classmate, anyway, I'm quite disgusted."

Grandma Su understood that no one would like this kind of person.

"This child is probably being raised by Wenying. This girl is usually closer to her mother. Boys, when they grow up, they usually have more contact with boys or male elders. I think Huiyang should be okay. .”

Su Jianye nodded and didn't say any more, since it had nothing to do with their family anyway.

Su Xiaoruan thought about her seniority carefully. Xu Huiyang was a few years older than her, but it was a novelty to have to call her Auntie.

Holidays always go by quickly, and school is about to start in a blink of an eye.

Su Xiaoruan's schoolbag was just washed a few days ago. Su Xiaoruan was wearing a short sleeve, and her hair was directly tied into a ponytail.

"Grandma, I'm going to school."


Huo Yunlei and two other classmates from the same village were waiting at her door.

As soon as Su Xiaoruan came out, she chatted happily. She also took out a small bottle, and each of them had an extra milk tablet.

The four of them ate to their heart's content, chatting and walking along the way, and felt that the road was not that long.

Zhao Hongmei didn't go to work. She had already helped make three batches of clothes for the garment factory in the town. She didn't go to bed until twelve o'clock in the evening yesterday, and she didn't get up in the morning.

Su Jianye also said, let her go back to work later, and earn five work points.

During lunch time, Li Yuejiao came over.

This is a distinguished guest, but fortunately Zhao Hongmei is at home today, so the lunch is quite sumptuous.

After sitting down, Li Yuejiao smiled and said, "I've heard from my old Geng that your Su family's craftsmanship is good. After eating at your house last time, I miss it very much. Even the chefs of the restaurants in the town can't make this." What about the taste?"

Grandma Su smiled and said, "Secretary Geng is a very busy person. If you have time to spare, I invite him to have a light meal at home. My daughter-in-law here is pretty good at cooking, and Yingzi is also good at cooking."

After dinner, Li Yuejiao started to discuss business with Su Xiaoruan.

"That's right, the clothes you made before were very popular in the supply and marketing cooperatives. Not only that, the long-sleeved pullover clothes we made last time were also targeted by the clothing factory in the county. They also made it later, but it is a state-owned factory after all, so they can’t do such stealthy things, so they called our garment factory and gave some symbolic subsidies.”

Su Xiaoruan understood that the clothing factory in the town might not be as big as a workshop in the county clothing factory.

Moreover, their rank is suppressed here, so it is impossible for Li Yuejiao and the others not to bow their heads.

"Thanks to the clothes you gave me, I'm about to be transferred to the county clothing factory."

(End of this chapter)

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