Chapter 191 Li Li Awakens
Su Xiangan's thinking was very simple, he wanted to make both his grandma and uncle realize his mistake, but it didn't mean he wanted these people to grind his own mother!

Su Jianjun was also a little embarrassed for a while.

Looking at Li Li's appearance, she knew that she was not doing well in her natal family.

But the reprimand from my old lady before is still ringing in my ears. Some people have to hurt her to the bone to realize how outrageously wrong they are.

Therefore, he still couldn't let go easily.

At least not now.

He wants to see what step the Li family is still thinking about using Li Li, and even more to see if Li Li can really disregard his son's life for the sake of the Li family.

This can be regarded as the last chance for Li Li.

Su Jianjun guessed right, Li Li was surrounded as soon as she got home.

Li's mother took her hand and cried, and she was still talking about the roots of their Li family and they couldn't be bullied.

Father Li sat aside and didn't speak, but the warning eyes he glanced over from time to time were enough to scare Li Li.

Brother and sister-in-law coaxed her with kind words at first, but seeing that they couldn't achieve their goals, they naturally made a big fuss again, pointing at her nose and calling her a waste, and she couldn't handle any small things well.

Li Li felt her ears buzzing, and her mind seemed to be in a mess.

After everyone quieted down, Li Li was still a little groggy.

In the end, it was Father Li, the head of the family, who stood up to 'uphold justice'.

"Li Li, we are all one family. Why is this embarrassing? You go tell Su Jianjun that it's just two children playing around. We asked the children, and we just took a few dollars from Xiang An. In this way, I There is ten yuan, you take it back and give it to Xiang An, let's forget about it."

Li Li looked at her father as if she heard some joke.

"Father, Xiang An was injured and is still in the hospital. The cost of hospitalization, examination and medication yesterday was more than ten yuan."

Father Li's face sank: "What? It's not over yet? You can move your arms and legs, so it's clear that there's nothing wrong. Don't forget, your surname is Li, so you still want to use your son to blackmail your family?" ?”

Mother Li also wiped away her tears and said, "Why do I have such a hard life! I gave birth to a daughter and turned out to be a white-eyed wolf! It's okay to not be filial to me, an old woman, but she still wants to send my grandson in there!" , how can I live like this!"

The old lady's singing, reciting, and sitting meditation are really familiar like flowing water, which shows that she does this kind of thing a lot.

Li Li took a deep breath. She knew that she couldn't explain clearly to her parents today.

However, she still had to say what had to be said.

"Mother, it's fine if you scold me for other things, you say I'm not filial? You go to the neighbors in the neighborhood to ask, is there any married woman who cares more about her natal family than me? How much do you have for food and use these years?" I brought it back from Su's house? Did you refuse to accept it after eating it?"

Li Li was also really angry.

It was not the first time that her nephew bullied her two sons. She did listen to her mother in everything. She always felt that it was a family, and it was normal for boys to fight.

But now, her thoughts have changed.

Even if it's fighting, why is it his own son who sees blood every time?
Also, do they treat themselves as a family these days?
When did she come back without money or food?

Only this time, she came empty-handed, and she was not even given a decent house to live in, and she was directly sent to live in the woodshed.

Forget it, throw all the housework to her, and don't let her eat dry after a while. Is this something my mother can do?
Li Li used to take care of her natal family, because she thought that Su Jianjun was capable and able to earn money, and his family's conditions were not bad, so it was normal for him to help his natal family.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a white-eyed wolf who was used to the whole family!
Li Li's rhetorical question did not make her family members reflect on themselves, let alone see their guilty expressions, but instead scolded them even more fiercely.

Li Li knew that this family really had nothing to do with her when she saw her brother and sister-in-law spitting all over the place, and even wanted to rush over to beat her.

Li Li took her little burden and went to the hospital as if she lost her soul.

She didn't have the key to the house, so she had to go to the hospital to find Su Jianjun.

When Su Jianjun saw her in a mess, her hair was disheveled, and half of her face was swollen, he could guess what the Li family had done to her.

"Jianjun, I was wrong. I will never go back to my mother's house again. I won't go back even if it's Chinese New Year. I broke up with the Li family, and I will treat it as if there is no mother's house in the future."

Li Li was crying like a child, her shoulders were shaking constantly.

Su Jianjun sighed: "You are just talking in a moment of anger now. When your anger subsides later, your mother and your sister-in-law will coax you with a few nice words, and you will turn to them again."

"No, never again! Jianjun, I really know I was wrong, please let me come back, if I don't go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to live."

Su Jianjun didn't say anything, Li Li's current state was indeed a bit miserable.

"What about your nephew, what are you going to do?"

Li Li wiped away her tears: "I don't care, it's up to you. If you think sending people to labor camps can vent your anger, then send them."

Su Jianjun's eyelids trembled: "Are you really willing?"

"What's there to be reluctant about? No matter how close you are, my son won't kiss me! Jianjun, I now realize how outrageously wrong I was before. I was just too stupid to let them take advantage of our family all the time." .”

Hearing what she said, Su Jianjun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm not so stupid yet, I can finally save him.

Su Xiangan stayed in the hospital for three days before being discharged.

Su Jianjun went to the Public Security Bureau with various certificates and receipts issued by the county hospital.

Li Li's nephew was still detained by them.

Because of Song Zhicheng's relationship, the public security bureau's attitude towards Su Jianjun is still very good, and they also attach great importance to this case.

"That's right. Some people from the Li family have come to make trouble these days, and we have already made it clear to them what is at stake. Their family members proposed to reconcile with you in private, and we have also taken into account that you are indeed related. It's related, so I didn't directly reject it, I don't know what Comrade Su's opinion is?"

Su Jianjun didn't even think about sending him to a labor camp. After all, he called himself uncle, and his brother-in-law's unscrupulous temperament, if he really got to that point, he might not know what to do.

"It's not impossible to reconcile, but you have also seen that my son's various expenses here, plus the previous few times he robbed my son's things, and I can't go to work because I take care of my son, this kind of compensation is quite a lot , are you sure they are willing to pay?"

(End of this chapter)

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