Chapter 260
Su Guoan approached Su Xiangdong to discuss the Mushroom House because too many people came to him during this time, and he was really powerless.

But in this situation, whether it is a mushroom house or a farm, it can only be a national or collective one.

Can't a certain family hide and make a fortune secretly?
If this is discovered, it will be educated.

Su Guoan wanted to expand the planting of this mushroom house, and thought about choosing another brigade to cooperate with, but it was not easy to decide who to cooperate with at the moment.

Ordinarily, Su Xiaoruan was the first to figure out this technology of growing mushrooms, including the new mushroom that was cultivated just last month, which was also Su Xiaoruan's initiative to disclose the technology.

And Su Xiaoruan's mother and sister-in-law are both from the People's Brigade. If there are no special circumstances, the People's Brigade is their first choice for cooperation.

But the problem is, apart from the Weimin brigade, other brigades also came to him for cooperation, and he lost his mind for a while.

For example, the Red Flag Brigade, there is a cadre in that brigade, and now he works in the county, so it's not easy to offend.

Another example is the Dongfang Brigade, the captain and Su Guoan are brothers who got out together when they were young.

In this way, Su Guoan felt embarrassed.

"Did Uncle Xie ask Secretary Xie for instructions?"

Su Guoan sighed: "I looked for Secretary Xie twice, one time he went to the county for a meeting, and I didn't see anyone. The second time I did, but Secretary Xie said that our Red Star Brigade can do this kind of thing by ourselves." It’s not necessary to let the commune make the decision. And I’ve heard from Secretary Xie that if the commune gets involved, it will only be more troublesome.”

Su Xiangdong understood.

The interpersonal relationship in the commune is not so simple.

"Tang uncle, we can do this. Right now, we will build a mushroom house to suit the Weimin brigade. To the outside world, you can tell us that we will build a mushroom processing factory next year. You only say that we will wait until the mushroom house has a certain amount of money." Only when the scale is large can this mushroom processing factory be opened, otherwise, what's the point of shutting down the factory every three days?"

Su Guoan thought about it, this is a good idea!

Moreover, Secretary Xie originally supported them to set up a mushroom processing factory next year, and their Red Star Brigade did have this plan.

"Just one thing, no matter which brigade we cooperate with, we must firmly grasp the technology of growing mushrooms."

Su Guoan heard some tricks: "Tell me specifically?"

"We can only let our own people master the ratio of these various mushroom bags. If we cooperate with the Weimin Brigade, let them pay for our mushroom bags, or let them exchange them with mushrooms. In short, the production of this mushroom bag has to be in our Red Star Brigade, and only the core personnel know about it.”

Su Guoan understood immediately, and looked at Su Xiangdong in a different way again.

"Your statement is a bit interesting. I understand. If we only make mushroom buns, can our brigade have a lot of income?"

"That's right! At that time, let's train our own manpower to make mushroom bags, and then we can let other brigades join us on the road to prosperity."

"Haha! Not bad! You are indeed the right-hand man who has followed Minister Geng, and this matter is settled like this!"

The weather is not too cold now, and the land has not been frozen yet, so when the Weimin brigade heard it, they believed it, and all the men were very motivated!
Who doesn't know that the Red Star Brigade will distribute food and money on August [-]th!

I heard that there will be more money at the end of the year.

Now they can also build mushroom houses for the People’s Brigade, and people have said that they can build larger land. As long as the house is built, it can be used immediately. The mushroom bag is also easy to take care of, but it needs to be sprayed several times a day. Just water, and it will grow out in ten or so days. It's all money!

The captain of the Weimin Brigade is also surnamed Zhao, and if this matter can be negotiated, Captain Zhao still feels that he should thank Zhao Hongmei's parents.

If it weren't for the fact that the two parties are in-laws, and that this technology was invented by Zhao Hongmei's daughter, how could the Red Star Team easily choose their team to cooperate?

Captain Zhao's thinking is also simple, if people are willing to give them this face, they have to cooperate well.

As long as it can feed and clothe the members of the brigade, nothing else matters!
The mushroom house of the Weimin Brigade was built in just a few days.

Peasants have nothing else but strength.

On the other hand, the mushroom buns that the Red Star Brigade has been rushing to make are finally almost ready.

Su Guoan and Captain Zhao have discussed it. Years ago, the mushroom bags they used were all provided by the Red Star Brigade, and the Weimin Brigade was responsible for giving back a certain amount of mushrooms. As for the rest, it was provided by the Weimin Brigade. brigade profits.

The Weimin Brigade just started growing mushrooms, and it was Su Jianye who took people there to teach them for two days, and then told them to pay attention to the humidity. The temperature requirements are not high, but they must not forget to sprinkle water.

Finally, at the end of November, Weimin Brigade harvested the first batch of mushrooms.

In addition to oyster mushrooms, there are shiitake mushrooms and white jade mushrooms, which are in short supply.

People from the Red Star Brigade came first to take away their part of the reward, and then began to settle the rest.

The accountants of the Red Star Brigade are still very capable. After all, the amount of the first batch of mushrooms is not very large, so it is easy to calculate clearly.

"Old Zhao, your brigade should discuss with you whether the follow-up mushrooms should be sold by our Red Star brigade, or you should find a market yourself. If our Red Star brigade sends them up together, then we have to sign an agreement. If it is You can send it to the purchase station by yourself, that is also possible. We have no objection."

Su Guoan's words were open and clear, but Captain Zhao also had a shrewd mind.

He knew how well the Red Star Brigade had a wide network of contacts outside, and they managed to get high prices for the hand-woven products before and sent them to the provincial capital.

Don't underestimate these batches of hand-knitted products, the Weimin Brigade has also gained a lot of glory.

So Captain Zhao has already figured it out, his own abilities are limited, and now that he has the thigh of the Red Star Brigade, he must hold on tightly, and he must not let go.

"Brother, what are you talking about! You are willing to lead our brigade, that is our benefactor. Although we are rough people, we still know the word gratitude. In this way, we will give you all the Red Star brigade in the future. The People's Brigade only cares about planting, what do you think?"

Of course Su Guoan was very happy.

The larger the amount of mushrooms, the higher the price he will be paid for negotiating prices with the purchase station.

After all, the Red Star Brigade is the only one that can supply such a large amount of mushrooms.

(End of this chapter)

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