Many people really believed this.

After all, Er Manzi had been helping Yu Xiaolian with work for a long time, and Er Manzi had even brought firewood to Yu's family, and even a pheasant once.

It seems wrong to say that the two of them have no relationship!
Grandma Su and Su Xiaoruan stood on the outside, listening to people's discussions, they knew that this matter could only come true.

Grandma Su shook her head, she never imagined that such a high-minded girl like Yu Xiaolian would fall in love with Er Manzi.

Su Xiaoruan doesn't think that Yu Xiaolian really has a crush on Er Manzi, after all, she fell in love with a second-generation official in her previous life!
There must be something tricky here, but Su Xiaoruan felt that the matter had nothing to do with her, so she just hung up on it.

They were enemies in the first place, Yu Xiaolian was not good, it was too late for her to be happy!
Grandma Su and Su Xiaoruan went home again, but they didn't mention anything about the Yu family.

However, when Zhao Hongmei came back later, she said that she had heard that the Yu family was going to be engaged to Er Manzi, and that the wedding was going to be held next month.

Su Xiaoruan actually didn't understand very well, how old is Yu Xiaolian?

If you are under the legal age, you cannot get a marriage certificate at all.

But Er Laizi doesn't care about this.

And many people in the countryside don't care.

After drinking, entering the bridal chamber, and giving birth to a child, where else can a woman go?
Everything in the mushroom factory is progressing smoothly. Next, we need to recruit workers into the factory, and we have to consider members from other brigades. We can't just use people from the Red Star brigade.

After discussing with Su Guoan, Su Jianye went to the commune to ask Xie Wen for instructions.

Xie Wen's instructions were also simple and clear, just don't let the captains below come to him.

The income of the mushroom factory is increasing day by day, and the smiles on Su Jianye's face are also increasing.

Xiao Ran and Song Youcheng, who came with them from the provincial capital before, are also happy every day now.

They had just returned to the provincial capital, and they were taking the car to deliver goods to the provincial capital, saving even the ticket.

What they took back was grain, white flour, cornmeal, and rice and millet, full of them.

Although there is no salary this year, by the end of the year, there will definitely be money to take.

Now the factory is considering switching to the third shift.

The market for canned mushrooms has already opened up, and it was the customers who came to ask for the goods on their own initiative.

There was only one shift before, because the mushroom production was limited.

Now that the whole commune is growing mushrooms, the output of these mushrooms will naturally increase.

Moreover, in the north, there is basically no life in the field in winter, no matter men, women or children, they can only stay at home to raise fat.

Now that there are so many side industries, the big guys are getting busier and happier.

What are you afraid of if you are busy, you can share more food and money!
Don't be afraid of being tired, the family has spare money for the children to go to school, and I can wake up laughing from my dreams this night!

The market at the farm is fixed, and because the mushroom processing factory has launched a mushroom chicken sauce, two chickens are caught from the farm every day.

This is only a limited supply of mushroom sauce, otherwise, two chickens would not be enough!

The current output of mushroom sauce is about [-] bottles a day, because there are no preservatives added in it, so in summer, if the bottle cap is not opened, the shelf life is about half a month. Eat it in two days.

In fact, because the bottle of mushroom sauce is small and not particularly salty, many people eat a bottle of mushroom sauce in one meal.

Now that it is winter, the shelf life will be relatively longer.

It is also because no preservatives are added, so the factory has not considered increasing the output of mushroom sauce.

Now canned mushrooms are the most profitable and the output is the highest, so the factory mainly does this.

In the evening, the Su family sat together in the main room drinking water and talking.

"At the end of this year, there will be a lot of money from the factory. I discussed with my cousin. When the factory was built, we borrowed [-]. We will pay back [-] this year, and the rest will be paid next year. Let the workers send some money down, which will be beneficial to the development of the factory next year."

Su Xiaoruan nodded. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that private investment is not allowed now, the 5000 yuan can be invested in shares.

"Father, how much wages will the workers get at the end of that year?"

Su Jianye smiled even more happily!

"Not necessarily. As far as the current situation is concerned, if the money is distributed on the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, on average, one person can get more than [-] yuan. The technicians should get more."

Su Xiaoruan looked at Grandma Su with a smile: "Then grandma is also a technician, can she also get a lot of money?"

"Yes, our mushroom sauce is a good one! It's a pity, because of the supply of mushrooms, we mainly push canned food. We don't plan to use equipment for mushroom sauce. It's completely manual, and the output is low. High, but it is more in line with the actual situation in our factory."

Grandma Su also nodded and said: "Yes, the main reason is that we don't have that much soybean paste. If we make two thousand bottles of mushroom sauce a day, the soybean paste will be gone in February at most."

Su Jianye agreed: "Yes, it's just right if we limit the supply in this way. It is estimated that we can survive until next year's soybeans."

Zhao Hongmei said enthusiastically, "Then let's save more soybeans and make more soybean paste."

"That is required!"

Su Xiaoruan smiled the happiest, holding an enamel mug in her hand, and took two sips of water, "By the way, how about Xiao Ran and Song Youcheng?"

"Don't worry, their wages are designated as the highest. After all, without them, our cans would not be able to be produced. And the brigade is also thinking of giving them a bonus."

Su Xiaoruan's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Of course. Not only do they have it, you have it too!"

Su Xiaoruan was stunned: "Me?"

Su Jianye nodded. During the previous meeting, Su Guoan mentioned the matter of rewards. It was only because there was no money in the factory at that time that he didn't issue them. He decided to wait until the end of the year to issue them.

Su Jianye didn't mention it to his family because he was afraid that the efficiency of the factory would not be good, or there would be other variables in the middle.

Now that it's settled, Su Jianye has nothing to shy away from.

Grandma Su said softly: "Those two technicians are still very good. If they are willing to come to our country from the city, then we can't let them down. In my opinion, it's not just money, but also more food. They're good."

People in the city have no land, so they have to rely on money and tickets to buy food.

Food is the most practical thing for urban people.

Su Jianye nodded: "Mother, don't worry, I've made arrangements for this matter, and I won't treat them badly."

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