Take the supermarket back to the times

Chapter 364 Who Came To Our House Today?

If Xu Huiyang and his wife knew that Xu Huizhi had such a weird idea, they would probably be so angry that they would roll their eyes?

You have no money in your own hands, so you have a lot of confidence to instruct others to borrow money!

The so-called thick skin is nothing more than that!
Su Wenying couldn't get a guarantee from Grandma Su, so she was naturally unhappy.

But she doesn't dare to offend this ancestor now, who made her son the most promising person in the entire old Su family now?

In the end, Su Wenying dragged Xu Huizhi away.

After putting down her things, Grandma Su went to the backyard to make sure that no one had entered the greenhouse before, so she was relieved.

At around twelve o'clock, Su Xiangdong came back with his younger siblings.

In winter, there are really few wild animals on the mountain.

And because it was winter, they didn't dare to go deep into the mountains, but after passing the ear field, they walked up another 30 meters, wandered around twice and then came down.

When I got home, I was ready to make dumplings.

Su Xiaoruan took off the thick cotton coat outside, and sat by the stove after washing her hands.

"Grandma, is anyone here today?"

Both Zhao Hongmei and Zhao Yingzi were busy in the kitchen at the back, only Grandma Su and Su Jianye were sitting in the main room chatting.

"Su Wenying led Xu Huizhi over here. I kept an eye on them and didn't let them wander around. Xu Huizhi wanted to go to the greenhouse in the backyard, but I stopped her."

Su Xiaoruan raised her eyebrows, this Xu Huizhi is really interesting, she doesn't know that she doesn't want to see her, why dare to move forward?
"Is it for work?"

Grandma Su nodded and glanced at Su Jianye who was opposite.

Su Jianye felt inexplicably shot, and asked with a blank face: "What do you mean?"

Su Xiaoruan giggled and said, "Father, what I mean is that the big lady is eyeing the mushroom factory again."

At first, the big guy was not optimistic about the work of the mushroom factory, mainly because he felt that the scale was not large, and he still gave work points instead of wages, which made the big guy not very confident.

However, after the factory started to operate, the orders became more and more, and the working hours of the big guys became longer and longer. At first, there was only one team working nine hours a day at the beginning, and then ten or even ten hours a day. For two hours, everyone saw hope.


The longer you work, the more work points you get!

I heard that some people can earn fifteen work points a day, and they may get a lot of money by the end of the year!
"It's useless to focus on it!" Su Jianye spread his hands, "The job opportunities are all for people from our commune, and it is impossible to let people from outside come over, unless technicians like Xiao Ran and Song Youcheng can do it."

Su Xiaoruan nodded, now they have started to train their own technicians, so within three to five years, don't expect people from the foreign commune to work in the mushroom factory.

"But isn't there a packaging factory in the town? I heard that the salary is good, and the work there is not too tiring. You can ask Wenying to look for it."

Grandma Su glared at her son: "Are you stupid? Do you think there are no suitable jobs in the county? Isn't it obvious that you need money!"

Su Jianye understood that it was Su Wenying's unwillingness to pay for a job for his daughter, so he came up with the idea of ​​a mushroom factory again.

However, it was destined to disappoint her.

"Dumplings are served!"

Zhao Hongmei shouted from behind, and Su Xiangdong and Su Xiangnan rushed to the kitchen quickly.

Su Jianye simply tidied up the dining table, then went to the bowl kitchen on one side and took out a stack of small bowls.

The kitchen at the back is not very big. In addition to the pot and stove, there is also a cupboard, which contains the most commonly used rice bowls and plates, and the cabinet in the main room outside can be regarded as a dual-purpose cabinet.

In addition to putting jars, there are some less commonly used things, such as this small saucer specially used for dipping vinegar.

This was specially selected by Su Xiaoruan from the supermarket on the first floor, without any patterns, which saved a lot of trouble.

The whole family gathered together to eat dumplings, steaming hot, so lively!
After eating and drinking, Su Xiangdong offered to wash the dishes, Su Xiangnan followed in and helped clean up the kitchen, and Su Jianye cleaned up the dining table.

This habit is still very good.

There is no man in the Su family who doesn't do housework, just for this, and I don't know how many girls want to marry in.

Su Xiaoruan took a look at the firewood in the small basket in the main room, and thought that he could bring a few more, so that he would not have to go to the firewood room in the west courtyard at night.

Su Xiaoruan put on a thick cotton coat, lifted the curtain and came out.

The east courtyard and the west courtyard are just one gate.

When the new house was built here, there was an earthen wall in the old yard, and it has not been demolished since then.

But the earthen wall is not high, it will be chest level with Su Xiaoruan.

As soon as Su Xiaoruan just went to the west courtyard, she obviously felt that something was wrong, especially when she stared at the shallow footprints on the front left, her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

Su Xiaoruan didn't delay, and immediately ran two steps back, shouting: "Father, second brother, come out for a while."

After Su Xiaoruan shouted, she returned to the west courtyard.

Su Jianye and Su Xiangnan came out one after the other, "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaoruan motioned them to keep their voices down, and then asked them to come over and take a closer look.

"Were there any footprints this morning?"

This morning's firewood was obtained by Su Jianye, and this question was obviously meant for him.

Su Jianye narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "I don't remember. But I was the one who came here to hold firewood these days, but yesterday I came from the east and south. But this footprint is obviously a woman's!"

Su Xiaoruan's face was serious: "But I haven't come here these days, grandma's feet are smaller, it can't be her."

Su Xiangdong also came over at some point, glanced at it and said, "This footprint is not Yingzi's at first glance. Yingzi's feet are thinner than this one, and looking at the footprints underneath, it doesn't look like it was left yesterday."

Su Jianye's expression was bad: "I'll go back and ask your mother."

Su Xiaoruan and the others continued to walk forward, but the soil in the yard was solid, and no other footprints were found.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, let's look around."

The three brothers and sisters searched separately, fearing that they might find something unsavory again.

Both Su Jianye and Zhao Hongmei came over, let's look at the footprints first.

"It should have been left in the morning, and it must have been stepped on when the sun was out."

That small area is because Su Jianye got wet when he came to peel the skins, and it is not easy to dry here in winter. It freezes at night, and it melts into water when the sun shines during the day.

Su Jianye also thought of this level: "Then someone should have come over this morning. Who else is here today?"

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