Take the supermarket back to the times

Chapter 40 The Wise Grandma Su

Chapter 40 The Wise Grandma Su
Su Xiaoruan didn't wait long after finishing speaking, and walked away bouncing around.

Ji Fengnian wanted to call people to stop, but he was worried that his status would hurt them again, so he had no choice but to give up.

Nowadays, this medicine is very rare, especially for people of their status, they usually endure it when they get sick, and it is impossible to have money to buy medicine, let alone a doctor willing to treat them.

But fortunately, the old Niutou they are with this time is an old doctor.

The old Niutou is Niu Zhenghai who lives next door. He was originally an old Chinese doctor, and he didn't know who he offended. He was sent to the farm a few years ago and suffered a lot. of.

Since then, the old bull's head has obviously spoken a lot less, and he seldom smiles anymore. He looks like he is half dead.

After Ji Fengnian rubbed Wang Qin's ankle, he hid the medicated oil.

When I was on the farm before, people would come to search for their things every now and then. I always thought that people from big cities like them must have hidden a lot of good things on their bodies.

Therefore, they naturally developed the habit of hiding things.

Su Xiaoruan also noticed just now that this old couple is as thin as a stick. These days, ordinary people with good status can barely eat half full, let alone old people like them who have been specially punished.

Su Xiaoruan sighed, thinking that he had a lot of food in the supermarket, not to mention these two old people, if they come to ten or eight lands, it will be no problem to raise them for ten years.

But she can't help others blatantly.

Even if their Red Star Brigade is very gentle with these devolved personnel, no one wants to have anything to do with them.

Moreover, if someone really reported it, it would be called suffering.

Recently, because the food at home is good, everyone works very hard. Even Zhao Hongmei, a woman who usually only gets eight work points, now often gets nine or ten work points.

Grandma Su is also in good health recently, so Zhao Yingzi is also called to earn work points in the field. The lunch and dinner at home are usually cooked by Grandma Su and Su Xiaoruan.

"Grandma, I want to eat scrambled eggs with pepper."

"Yes, there are still a lot of eggs, but there is no pepper in the house."

Su Xiaoruan smiled and pointed, and there were six or seven slender peppers on the chopping board.

Grandma Su frowned, the peppers grown at home are not edible yet.

It's barely an inch long.

"Just say that we went to the town to change it with someone."

Grandma Su sighed, in order to satisfy her granddaughter's appetite, she had no choice but to do so.

In addition to this, Su Xiaoruan also took out three long eggplants. The sauced eggplants made by her grandma are delicious.

The corners of Grandma Su's mouth twitched. The eggplants planted in the backyard are just sprouting now.

This girl, I'm afraid she only cared about asking the old man for food in her dream.

"What did your grandfather give you?"

Su Xiaoruan looked around at the rice jar and noodle jar at home, there were still a lot, so she didn't think about filling the jars.

"Grandma, do we have a kiln at home?"

Grandma Su understood, "Yes. Don't worry, only your father and I know about your abilities. If anyone asks, they will all be blamed on your uncle, and they will only say that he sent it back."

Su Xiaoruan laughed and said, "Grandma is wise!"

Grandma Su glared at her: "You can coax me! Okay, it's time to cook, should I eat steamed rice or steamed buns?"

"I want to eat rice. Eggplant with sauce is the best with rice."

Grandma Su knew what she would say, and went to wash the rice neatly.

Su Xiaoruan thought that the family hadn't cooked hot meat dishes for a few days, mainly because she was worried that the smell of meat would always spread and be envied by others.

Now the work in the field has started to increase. If I don't eat some good food, I won't be able to keep up with my nutrition.

"Grandma, how about making another braised pork?"

Grandma Su turned her head and went to the main room to take a look at the one-foot-high clock on the table, then shook her head: "I'm afraid it's a bit late. Braised pork is not easy to soften."

"Grandma, I have that kind of cooked big meat here, and it's still streaky, can it save time?"

Grandma Su stared, can this kind of thing be obtained?

The old man is too capable!

"Sure, take it out, don't make too much, just eat two yuan per person."

Su Xiaoruan knew that grandma wanted to save her some money, but there was no shortage of meat in her supermarket.

There are not many young and old of this kind of cooked meat.

Su Xiaoruan directly took out three pieces of palm-sized pieces of meat.

As soon as Grandma Su changed her knife, she could make a small pot of braised pork in no time.

Su Xiaoruan likes to eat quail eggs stewed with braised pork, so she simply took out some cooked ones and peeled them aside.

When Grandma Su saw her little action, she knew that this girl was greedy.

After it was done, Grandma Su asked her to take two potatoes to wash and add them to the braised pork.

In this way, a large pot is prepared.

A meat dish, plus a scrambled egg with pepper, and an eggplant with sauce, this lunch is quite hearty again.

When Su Xiaoruan was lighting the fire, he told about the grandma he helped today.

After a slight pause, Grandma Su said calmly: "It's not easy for them. I heard that when they first entered the farm, they were beaten a lot in order to keep the few books around them."

Su Xiaoruan pursed her lips and said nothing.

Grandma Su said again: "How bad can a person be if he doesn't care about his own safety in order to keep a few books!"

Su Xiaoruan's brain buzzed, as if she understood what grandma meant.

"Xiao Ruan, don't look at you and come back to take the first place in the exam now, but you have to understand that there are mountains beyond the mountains and sky beyond the sky. If it weren't for this situation, grandma would really let you all go around and have a look, as long as your If you broaden your horizons and experience, you won’t become like those ignorant women.”

Su Xiaoruan blinked and said, "Is grandma talking about that Song Hongjuan?"

Grandma Su smiled and said: "Although we women are weak, it doesn't mean we have to depend on men to live. Your grandfather left early, and I didn't remarry. Why don't you bring up your father and the others anyway? So children, At any time, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself!"

Su Xiaoruan immediately respected grandma!
This kind of chicken soup for the soul will be regarded as a guiding light decades later. Unexpectedly, her grandma has already seen through it.

Therefore, when a person is old, rich in experience, and rich in experience in life, that is definitely a treasure in the family!

The grandfather and grandson were talking when someone shouted outside.

"Grandma Su, there is a letter from your family. It's from the capital!"

 In the past few days, I have been receiving private messages from cute little ones about the explanation of the word 'community member'.At that time, everything belonged to the state and the collective, and the people's commune system was generally practiced in villages. A commune was equivalent to the size of a town today.At that time, villagers were generally referred to as commune members.To this day, when some villages shout some important announcements with loudspeakers, they still start by saying: Community members, pay attention.It was a style of that era.Of course, because before there was no production team, this place was still a village, so no matter whether you used words like villager or commune member at that time, it was considered to be in line with the situation at that time.I don’t know if my explanation can satisfy everyone, please leave a message to me.

(End of this chapter)

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