Chapter 403
Yu Yilong is Yu Dagui's son, he rushed to find him because his younger brother Yu Erlong had an accident.

It can't be said that it's all about Yu Erlong's affairs, it's also about Yu Na's marriage.

It turned out that Yu Na was working in the logistics of the machinery factory, and a young man from the second workshop fell in love with her. He insisted on dating Yu Na, but Yu Na disagreed.

It happened that Yu Erlong went to pick up Yu Na and went to his aunt's house together, but he met him in the end.

Yu Erlong had a bad temper, and he started a fight without saying anything, and the boy was beaten up and sent to the hospital. It was heard that he had broken a bone somewhere, and Yu Erlong was also fired from the factory because of this incident.

When Yu Dagui came back from the car and heard about his second son, he was very angry immediately, and then went to find Yu Erlong's leader, but was told that there was a connection there, and no one in Yu Erlong's unit would dare to offend him. That one, it is impossible for Yu Erlong to go back to work, let Yu Dagui think about how to deal with the aftermath.

Yu Dagui had no choice but to ask Li Shuzhen to buy some supplements and go to the hospital to visit, but they didn't give them a good word. After a dispute, not only did the matter not be resolved, but Yu Dagui fainted with anger , was hospitalized directly.

The one who was beaten up by Yu Erlong was notoriously troublesome. His family was well-off and he was a stingy bastard. If it wasn't for the elders above him, he wouldn't be willing to work in the factory as a worker.

When Yu Dagui was hospitalized, everyone lost their backbone, and Yu Erlong himself was injured, so of course he had to be hospitalized. Now, the two members of Yu's family were hospitalized, and the medical expenses alone had a lot of expenses.

Yu Erlong lost his job, this is the most fatal thing.

Living in the county town, they have no land and cannot earn work points. Now that they have no jobs, how can they support themselves?
Yu Erlong's daughter-in-law yelled at Yu Na for a while. She just put all the responsibility on her and called her a vixen. If it wasn't for her, Yu Erlong wouldn't have been hospitalized, let alone lost his job.

This is actually a bit unreasonable.

At that time, Yu Na tried her best to stop the fight.

But that person named Fang Yanjun was too insignificant, not only didn't say to leave quickly, but deliberately provoked him, so the fight broke out.

In the end, both sides suffered losses, and they didn't know what Fang Yanjun was planning.

Soon, when she was looking for someone to make peace with, Yu Na knew what was going on with that bastard.

People just want Yu Na!

Yu Na looks okay, mainly because she is tall, and she has gone to junior high school, so she can barely be regarded as an educated girl.

Fang Yanjun messed around by himself, thinking that in order to find a wife in the future, he must find someone who is educated and has a job.

In this way, Yu Na just suited his appetite.

Not to mention returning to Erlong's work now, because Fang Yanjun was seriously injured, and the other party had connections, so Erlong was immediately arrested after his injuries were not serious.

When Yu Dagui was discharged from the hospital and went home, it happened that Yu Erlong was caught in the police station, and Yu's family panicked.

It was Li Shuzhen who thought of the Su family first, and Su Xiangnan was considered a person with a background, so Li Shuzhen thought of begging Su Xiangnan to see if he could help.

That's why Yu Yilong came to ask for help.

Because Su Xiangnan was away, Su Xiangdong received him.

After listening to the ins and outs of the matter, Su Xiangdong didn't express his opinion in a hurry, but thought about this kind of thing, so naturally he couldn't just listen to one side of the story.

Besides, Su Xiangnan is not here now, who knows if he has anything to do with that Yu Na.

It seemed that Su Xiangnan and Yu Na were in love with each other in Yu Yilong's words just now, but Su Xiangdong couldn't believe it all, so he had to verify it for a while.

"Don't worry, Xiangnan hasn't come back yet, and you can't help Xiangnan with this kind of matter."

Yu Yilong's face turned red, of course he didn't come to see Su Xiangnan, he came to look for Su Jianye or Su Xiangdong, the two of them still have some contacts in the county, if they come forward, at least Yu Erlong Not going to jail.

But he couldn't say it too bluntly.

Otherwise, it looks like they are dwarves.

It's not the first day for Su Xiangdong to enter the society, so how can he not know what Yu Yilong's plan is?

It's just because of Dagui's face that he didn't expose it.

When Su Jianye came back, Su Xiangdong briefly told him about the matter, and stayed in the room with Zhao Yingzi.

Yu Yilong took a sip of hot water and looked at Uncle Su expectantly, hoping that he would help out because his father was Su Xiangnan's master.

"Who was the one beaten by your brother? He is currently in the county hospital?"

"Well, that man's name is Fang Yanjun. He lives in the orthopedics department of the county hospital. The doctor said that he broke a rib and needs to rest in bed."

Su Jianye nodded: "What about your younger brother?"

"His injuries are not that serious, but he looks a bit miserable. His bones are fine, and most of them are skin injuries."

Su Jianye knew it well, "What do you think about this matter?"

Yu Yilong faltered, unable to say one, two, three.

Su Jianye also felt a little annoyed, he was such a big man, he looked like he was 24, he was bigger than Xiangdong, why couldn't he speak clearly?

"Is your father out of the hospital?"

Yu Yilong nodded: "Well, I just came home today. It's not that my blood pressure was a little high when I heard that Erlong was taken away. Fortunately, there is nothing serious. It's just that such a big thing happened. Dad must be anxious."

It's not easy for Su Jianye to just ignore it, and the more anxious the Yu family is about this kind of thing, the more confident the Fang family will be.

"Don't worry, I'll find someone to inquire about Yu Erlong's situation first, and then I'll discuss it with Master Yu. Don't be too scared, even if you are taken away by the Public Security Bureau, it won't happen in a day or two." can be punished.”

Yu Yilong breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Su Jianye is willing to help, he believes that Erlong will come out soon.

As for the work, let's talk about it when someone comes out.

On Su Jianye's side, he went to the commune to make a phone call. The road was not easy. He didn't want to fall again when the Chinese New Year was approaching, and let his whole family accompany him to the hospital to celebrate the New Year.

After Song Zhigang answered the phone, he was told to wait and get back to him within half an hour at most.

Su Jianye thanked him, then picked up the newspaper on the table and read it.

Secretary Xie went down to check the worksheets of the various teams, mainly to see how much money and food the members can get, and whether this year can be easy and peaceful!

Because Xie Wen was no longer there, Su Jianye was much more relaxed.

"Brother, I found someone to investigate the person you inquired about, and it was true that he was seriously injured. If the victim is willing to reconcile in private, it is also possible."

(End of this chapter)

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