With Gu Wang coming forward, the Su family naturally felt relieved.

Moreover, Gu Wang not only agreed to take them to Province Y, but also directly booked a soft sleeper train ticket.

After all, it takes a two-day and two-night train ride, and to Gu Wang, Su Xiaoruan is the future young wife of their family, so he must be taken care of with extra care.

Gu Wang reserved a soft sleeper box, which happened to have two upper berths and two lower berths. In addition, the two people who were traveling with Gu Wang were also arranged by him in the next box.

Su Xiaoruan knew the previous relationship between Gu Wang and Huo Yunting, but she was not too surprised, but the sleeper ticket is not cheap, so I still have to give it to others.

Su Jianye and Su Xiangnan sent the people to the train station and helped carry the luggage up.

"Ruanbao, be careful along the way, no matter what you want to do, don't act alone, there must be someone by your side, you know?"

Su Jianye has not forgotten that Su Xiaoyun was almost abducted by human traffickers last time.

Although Su Xiaoruan has the means to protect himself, he prefers that his daughter arrive in Province Y without incident.

"Understood, Dad, you go back."

Most of Su Xiaoruan's things are placed in the space, except for a canvas bag on her body, there is only a new and beautiful suitcase, which contains a few changes of clothes and some snacks.

Zhao Hongmei knew that they were going to Province Y together, and they cooked a pot of tea eggs in the first two days, and they reheated them in the pot this morning, so as not to spoil them on the way.

Zhao Hongmei put these tea eggs in a small cloth bag, and Su Xiaoruan stuffed them into her suitcase without any hassle.

"Uncle Da, what's the current weather in Province Y?"

Gu Da has been there before, and said very calmly: "Don't worry too much, the temperature is about the same as ours now, but there will be more rain over there. Take it easy, it's fine."

The small satchel on Su Xiaoruan's body was also bulging inside. Su Xiaoruan was worried that her space would be exposed, so she obviously didn't bring much clothes and they weren't too thick, but she still brought a big suitcase on purpose. Just to avoid any suspicion.

Although this Uncle Da belonged to Huo Yunting, Su Xiaoruan still had to be on guard. She didn't want to be caught and sliced ​​up for research.

It is daytime now, so all four of them are sitting on the lower bunk.

After Gu Da put all his luggage under the bunk, he let them chat first, and went to sit outside for a while by himself.

There will be two chairs and a small table outside each soft box. Gu Da is worried that he will make a few children feel uncomfortable inside because he is old, so he just comes out and sits for a while.

Huo Yunlei is still a little excited, after all, this is the first time he takes a train every time he travels far.

"Ruanbao, Xiaoyan'er, you two should sleep on the lower bunk, it's more convenient. Uncle Da and I sleep on the upper bunk."

Su Xiaoruan has seen it, the door of this box can be locked from the inside, so the security is still very guaranteed.

"Okay, we have to take the car for two days. Fortunately, Uncle Da bought the sleeper ticket. If we take the hard seat, we will probably lose our bones when we arrive in Province Y."

Huo Xiaoyan just smiled and looked out the window from time to time.

At this moment, the train had already left, and Huo Xiaoyan found it very novel to see the scene of going backwards outside.

"Sister Ruan, I heard that taking the train is hard work, isn't it? How can it be so good and have a bed to sleep in?"

Huo Yunlei snorted lightly and said: "Do you think everyone can take this kind of sleeper car? Ordinary hard seats are the most, and even if they are hard seats, there are quite a few individuals who are reluctant to buy them."

Su Xiaoruan also agrees with this point.

When they got into the car, they noticed that someone was at the junction of the carriages. They put the big luggage they were carrying on the ground directly, and then sat on the luggage by themselves, which was equivalent to having a seat.

"Second brother, isn't it too expensive for us to sit like this?"

Huo Yunlei actually didn't know the price, he only knew that it was set by Gu Da with money from his eldest brother.

"That must have cost a lot of money."

Su Xiaoruan nodded. They noticed it when they got on the bus. There were still a lot of people on the hard sleeper side, and it was hard to see if anyone was free. The stop where they got on the bus was not the starting station. It can be seen that the big guys are all Going to the distance.

But when they got to the side of the soft sleeper car, they obviously found that there were a lot fewer people.

Moreover, most of the people who bought here dressed a little differently from ordinary people.

Those who sit on the hard seats are basically wearing the kind of handmade cloth shoes made by themselves.

Those who sit on the hard sleeper can occasionally see a pair of small leather shoes, but those who pack luggage are still mostly luggage.

It is said to be a burden, but it is actually the kind of big bed sheet at home that is directly used for packing.

As for the soft sleeper, in addition to dressing more decently, many people use suitcases.

The suitcase used by Su Xiaoruan is of relatively good quality.

Huo Yunlei and Huo Xiaoyan also brought a suitcase, which was a bit old, Huo Xiaoyan said that it was brought back by her elder brother, and it happened to be used by them.

After waiting for the freshness, several people felt a little bored.

Su Xiaoruan is smarter, and brought a few books with her to read on the way to pass the time.

Huo Xiaoyan didn't have the holiday yet, she asked for leave, Huo Yunlei simply asked her to bring Chinese and math textbooks, and now she lay down on the small dining table and started to do her homework.

At noon, there was movement outside.

They are still very close to the dining car.

Gu Da opened the door and came in, asking if they wanted to have lunch.

Su Xiaoruan basically didn't move this morning, and she didn't feel hungry, but she also knew that meals on the train were not available all the time, and there was no instant noodles these days, so if she missed lunch, she would only be hungry with.

"Then let's clean it up, but if we all go there, what should we do here?"

Gu Da smiled: "Don't worry, I brought two people over here, they are here to watch over us, and when we finish eating, they will go over to eat."

The 'watching' that Gu Da said was actually sitting on the two chairs outside the box and guarding.

Su Xiaoruan understood, and hurriedly greeted Yunlei and Xiaoyan: "Hurry up, let's finish eating, so that these two big brothers can eat. There are not always meals on the train."

The four of them arrived at the dining car, only to find that there were rice and steamed buns served, and then several dishes.

Su Xiaoruan originally didn't have any hope for the meal on the train. After all, he took the train a lot in his previous life, so the meal was really not flattering.

But smelling the fragrance now, I feel that she should not be preconceived.

Although the food in this dining car is a bit more expensive, the portion is still very good, and smelling the aroma, one knows that the taste will not be too bad.

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