Chapter 453 Future Plans

Huo Yunting's heart skipped a beat, feeling like he was going to die!
"Don't think too much, I didn't deliberately inquire about her. People around me told me about it. Some comrades around me like her, think she is beautiful, and more importantly, she has a good family background. It is true that her identity can be improved to a higher level. Of course, there are more people around me who don't like her."

Su Xiaoruan was rather curious: "Oh? Why don't you like her? She is beautiful and has a good family background, and she is also a female soldier in the art troupe. No matter who marries her, she will certainly not suffer."

Huo Yunting showed an indescribable expression on his face: "Ruanbao, you don't know how troublesome this Geng Yanxia is. Ever since she came, the art troupe has been full of fuss, either fighting with this, or fighting with her. The fight for the qualification to lead the singing, in short, is all kinds of careful thinking. The head of the art troupe always has a headache."

Su Xiaoruan smiled: "Is it because of this that you don't like her?"

Huo Yunting hesitated for a moment: "Anyway, this Geng Yanxia is not likable. Compared with her, the other girl from the art troupe is more popular with the big guys, but I don't know them well, so I don't know very well."

Huo Yunting has learned to be smart this time, but he dare not speak casually anymore.

In case any word was wrong, he worried that he would have to think about how to coax people these days.

"Another girl?"

Huo Yunting cleared his throat and said: "It's not important, you just came here, and you will know when you live for a long time in the future. Ruanbao, I have to start training tomorrow, and I don't think I will be able to come out in three or four days , I have to trouble you to take care of my younger brothers and sisters when the time comes."

"Don't worry, it's all a friendship that grew up together."

Early the next morning, Su Xiaoruan got up and brushed her teeth, and noticed that Huo Yunlei's bedroom was empty, the door was open, the room was clean and tidy, it must have been tidied up.

After Su Xiaoruan finished washing, she called Xiaoyan up again, and then began to fold the quilt.

Before it was done, I heard the door open.

Huo Yunting and Huo Yunlei came back with breakfast.

Huo Yunlei held a small soup pot in his hand, and Huo Yunting held three lunch boxes in his hand, which looked heavy.

"They're all up, just right, it's time for breakfast."

There was hot soybean milk in the small soup pot, and Huo Yunting took out four bowls with a spoon.

All three lunch boxes were opened.

One of the lunch boxes contained boiled eggs, and the other two contained buns.

"Slow down, there is a little pickle under the bun. I bought eight eggs, two for each person. No one can eat less."

Su Xiaoruan was really embarrassed: "One egg is fine, there is no need to buy so many."

Huo Xiaoyan'er also nodded again and again: "That's right, bro, I'll just eat one, and keep the rest, we'll eat it ourselves tomorrow morning."

"It's summer now, and it will be broken by tomorrow morning. Eat it all, don't let it stay."

As soon as Huo Yunting spoke, Huo Yunlei and Huo Xiaoyan naturally didn't dare to have any more opinions.

Su Xiaoruan ate two eggs and drank a bowl of soy milk. Huo Yunting asked her to eat buns, but she shook her head to express that she couldn't eat any more.

I wasn't very hungry at first, how could I eat so much in the morning?

"Brother, when are you leaving?"

"Leave after breakfast. You have become more familiar with this place in the past few days. After eating, you will take Ruanbao around, mainly to familiarize yourself with the service agency and the infirmary. By the way, there is also the cafeteria You have to take her around too, the menu of the day is written in the hall of the canteen every day, you can go there in advance to see if there is any dish you like."

"Understood, brother, we will be fine here, we won't wander around, and we won't cause trouble for you, just train well."

With Huo Yunlei's assurance, Huo Yunting nodded.

Regarding this younger brother, Huo Yunting actually had other arrangements.

He can't go back, but writing letters is too slow for some things, and it's inconvenient to make phone calls, so it's great that they can come this time.

"Yunlei will go down with me, and I will tell you how to get to the barracks. If there is an emergency, you can come here and ask someone to call me."

"Okay, big brother."

The two brothers went downstairs one after the other, walking unhurriedly.

"You graduated from high school, what are your plans for the future?"

Huo Yunlei was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized: "Brother, I think it is most suitable to work in the mushroom processing factory of our brigade. It can not only guard the house, but also earn money. And, and..."

Huo Yunting said coldly: "Speak up if you have something to say, what are you talking about?"

Huo Yunlei was terrified: "Brother, I'm learning medical skills from Grandpa Niu. If I can stay in the brigade and work, I can continue to study. I don't have to run back and forth, and it won't be so hard."

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows: "Studying medicine is a good thing, why don't you dare say it?"

"Grandpa Niu's identity..."

Huo Yunting understood his scruples.

It suddenly occurred to him that Su Xiaoruan had often been in contact with them before.

This girl has never been so courageous.

"Does Ruanbao know?"

"I know. Grandpa Niu originally took a fancy to Ruanbao, but she didn't like it. He insisted that he didn't have the talent in this area. For this reason, Grandpa Niu made a big fuss, saying that Ruanbao was obviously talented, but Just plain lazy."

Huo Yunting suddenly laughed, thinking of Su Xiaoruan's lazy appearance on the kang, he really didn't look like a person willing to study medicine hard.

"I think she's just not interested in medicine."

Huo Yunlei nodded heavily: "Yes, that's what I said. And Ruanbao said that her wish in the future is to make a lot of money, and then let her family live a good life, and if she has money, she can help more people .”

"Everyone has his own ambition. Studying medicine can save people, and working hard to make money can also help others. Both are good. As long as you don't do evil, it doesn't matter what your profession is."

"What brother said is similar to what Ruanbao said!"

Huo Yunting raised his eyebrows: "She also said that?"

"That's pretty much what it means."

"It's good that you can figure out what you want to do. I originally thought of arranging a job for you in the county. After all, Xiaoyan will go to the county to study high school in the future, so it will be convenient for you to take care of her."

Huo Yunlei was taken aback, he forgot that Xiaoyan was going to high school.

Xiaoyan is currently studying in junior high school in the town, but she will be entering high school in a year, so doesn't that mean she has to run back and forth?
"How is Dad doing in the ear field now?"

"It's good, because the working environment in Erchang is special, and I'm not at home for many days in a row, so my grandma tried to come to the house several times to make trouble but failed. Dad said that if it wasn't because he couldn't worry about us, he would just live in the house. I can't come down from the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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