The watches that Su Xiaoruan took out were all gifts for activities in the mall.

Moreover, Su Xiaoruan also bought a lot of gifts at that time. In addition to the goods purchased by the mall itself, some merchants at the counters on the second floor also prepared a lot of gifts, all kinds of them.

The silk scarf that Su Xiaoruan was about to sell was actually one of the gifts.

After several decades, this kind of silk scarf will only cost ten yuan a piece.

Of course, what Su Xiaoruan sold to that elder sister was indeed real silk, but the content was not that high, and there was still a difference between real silk and silk.

Silk fabrics are a large category of textile fabrics. Generally speaking, silk is actually the material for spinning real silk.

And now as long as it is real silk fabrics, the price is astonishing. People in many small places have never seen real silk fabrics.

As for the watch, Su Xiaoruan is even less worried about whether it will be sold or not.

A similar watch in the mall will cost 30 yuan. The most important thing is that there is no watch ticket, so it doesn't matter how much you pay!
So now Su Xiaoruan offers a watch for 100 yuan, I don't know how many people want it!
Su Xiaoruan didn't wait too long, and soon the eldest sister led three or four girls out.

Judging by their age, they should all be in their twenties and below thirty.

"Sister, can you show us the silk scarf?"

Su Xiaoruan grinned: "Of course!"

Su Xiaoruan negotiated the price first, and the 30 yuan silk scarf was naturally not as big as the one my elder sister bought earlier, and the color and material were also different.

The eldest sister knew it well, and after a few people muttered for a while, she quickly paid and left.

These few left, but the eldest sister did not.

"I told them that I can't come out all at once. There will be a group of people coming out later, so I'll just wait here to save myself from running back and forth."


The elder sister returned the 30 yuan silk scarf to Su Xiaoruan.

Su Xiaoruan did some calculations and gave her 40 yuan!

The eldest sister was dumbfounded.

"Hey, why are there so many?"

"I bought five silk scarves and three watches just now, can I give you forty?"

The eldest sister was stunned for a moment, hearing what this meant, would you give her money if the watch was sold?
"Sister, I still want to say, many people don't bring so much money to work, you see?"

"Don't worry, sister, I'll come back tomorrow!"

"That's fine."

The second group of people came over, and Su Xiaoruan sold another twelve silk scarves and two watches, and then made an appointment with the elder sister to meet tomorrow, and then left in a hurry.

Su Xiaoruan was not in a hurry to go back to the guest house, but went to the supply and marketing agency to buy flower cakes.

Su Xiaoruan went to two supply and marketing cooperatives in a row, and went to a state-run shopping mall, and only then bought a total of fifteen catties of flower cakes.

There are five flower cakes per catty, one package per catty, Su Xiaoruan only took out one catty, and put the rest in the space.

When Su Xiaoruan returned to the guest house, he saw Huo Yunting waiting there with a dark face.

Su Xiaoruan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that it was her own fault, and she shouldn't have gone out without telling him.

"You're back."

Huo Yunting didn't say a word, Su Xiaoruan opened the door with a smile, quickly changed his clothes and washed his face, and then opened the door again to invite people in. …

"Sorry to make you worry."

"Where have you been?" Huo Yunting's voice was still full of anger. When he just came back and didn't find Su Xiaoruan, his heart suddenly rose into his throat. If it wasn't for seeing her leave a letter for him at the front desk, It is estimated that Huo Yunting can go directly to the police.

"I just wanted to eat flower cakes, so I went out and asked people about it, and because I didn't know the way well, I went the wrong way."

Now that Su Xiaoruan washed her face clean, and deliberately put on a coquettish tone, Huo Yunting really couldn't get angry.

"Okay, you have to tell me if you want to buy something, didn't I tell you to wait for me obediently here?"

"Oh, am I waiting?"

"Dare to talk back?"

Su Xiaoruan immediately shut her mouth tightly and remained silent.

Huo Yunting was mainly worried, followed by anger.

Now that he was sure that he was fine, his anger naturally disappeared a lot.

"Okay, I've got in touch with you, remember not to run around again tomorrow. Su Xiaoruan, this is the first time I've warned you, if you dare to act alone again, then we'll go back immediately."

"I promise not!"

Su Xiaoruan raised her hand to express that she must be obedient and would not dare to mess around again.

Although it is so guaranteed, Su Xiaoruan is still thinking about selling silk scarves and watches tomorrow.

I have made an appointment with him, so I can't shake him anymore, right?
Not suitable!
Su Xiaoruan wondered if he should go with her tomorrow?

Anyway, a lot of silk scarves have been sold, and if I go today, I should also buy a lot of watches. These things don't take up much space, so they won't make people suspicious.

At noon the next day, Huo Yunting took her to a state-run restaurant, and it was a very high-end restaurant.

Su Xiaoruan sat in the box again, feeling quite valued.

The person who came was a middle-aged man in his forties. At first glance, he was about the same age as Uncle Da.

"Ruanbao, take the things out."

Without hesitation, Su Xiaoruan took out both glass bottles.

What Su Xiaoruan took was not the small medicine bottle, but the big infusion bottle.

There are quite a lot of pills in here, but she spent a lot of effort and opened a lot of boxes to fiddle with them.

That person looked at the medicines in the two bottles, smelled them again, and then poured out one pill each to identify them carefully, then nodded slightly.

"It's a good thing! I just don't know how many there are in it?"

Su Xiaoruan hurriedly said: "There are two hundred pills in this bottle, this one is only a hundred pills because the pills are bigger."

The middle-aged man nodded, and did not intend to count carefully.

"Well, I don't know what kind of ticket the girl wants?"

Su Xiaoruan thought for a while: "Are there any pastry tickets? Besides, I want to buy some local products here, so I don't know what other tickets I need."

The man smiled: "It's easy to handle, then I will give you some pastry tickets and rice noodle tickets, and you can just buy dry rice noodles and go back."

Su Xiaoruan quickly thanked her.

Afterwards, the two parties agreed on the price, and Su Xiaoruan exchanged the two bottles of medicine for 260 catties of pastry tickets and [-] catties of rice noodle tickets, plus [-] yuan.

According to the man, the price is actually a bit low, but there is no way, he only has so much authority, but he gave Su Xiaoruan an extra ten catties of rice noodle tickets.

With the money ticket in hand, Su Xiaoruan's confidence is enough.

After all, this is money and tickets that have passed Minglu.

After dinner, Huo Yunting and Su Xiaoruan were stopped by a police officer as soon as they arrived at the entrance of the guest house.

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