Chapter 608
Liu Cuihua only hesitated for a moment before agreeing, but she insisted on using her own meat, otherwise she would not come here.

Su Xiaoruan readily agreed. Tomorrow, I will have steamed meat buns and vegetarian buns, so I don't need much meat.

In the evening, Su Xiaoruan looked at the lo-mei in the pot again, and then greeted everyone to eat.

Dinner is relatively simple, Su Xiaoruan made a Hu spicy soup, and then fried a mushroom bacon, fungus eggs, it is enough.

After eating, the fire was still burning. After Su Xiaoruan tried a few kinds of meat in it, he asked Daniel to go back and get a pot, and he must remember to take the lid.

"It is said that it has been cooked through, and the taste should have gone in, but I am worried that some of the meat is almost tasteless, so I just put some marinade back for you, so that it will be simmered overnight, and it will definitely taste good when you eat it tomorrow. It's gone."

Liu Cuihua was not happy: "I have eaten two meals at your house, how can I still eat and take?"

"Sister-in-law, why are you being polite to me? Besides, I asked Daniel to get the pot because I wanted to give grandma a piece of beef too. The beef is so marinated and the meat is very soft, the old man should be able to eat it. I have to trouble my sister-in-law to help me go."

Liu Cuihua sighed: "You are good at everything, but you don't like to be a good person yourself. You gave the meat, why don't you give it yourself?"

Su Xiaoruan was very frank: "Because I'm lazy!"

When she lived in the Tongzilou before, that grandma also helped her a lot, especially when Sister-in-Law Yang came over and got weird, Grandma also helped her talk less.

Although we don't live together now, the relationship that should be maintained must be maintained.

Su Xiaoruan can see that the promotion and salary increase of these men does not only depend on their personal ability. If the family is not peaceful and people cause trouble every day, it is not up to them to do good things.

Su Xiaoruan just wanted to win a good reputation for Huo Yunting.

He is still young and has a long way to go in the future, so he cannot be harmed by a sinister villain like Song Youming.

Su Xiaoruan added a few more chickens to the big pot. He was afraid that the chicken would be stewed, so he added it after lunch. It's a whole chicken.

Su Xiaoruan scooped a chicken, two pig's trotters, three or four pieces of beef, and some vegetarian ones into the pot.

"Sister-in-law, you can heat this marinade on the stove every day, let it boil, and leave it for a while, and it can be stored for a long time. When the vegetarian dishes in it are finished, you can add it directly. If you feel the taste It's light, just add some salt."

"That's a good thing, I also save the effort of cooking."

Daniel swallowed his mouth watering looking at the meat in the pot, it was so delicious!
The two families have agreed to come over tomorrow to steam meat buns together.

Huo Xiaoyan didn't have any objection to her sister-in-law giving away so much meat. Anyway, most of them were bought by her sister-in-law, and she could spend her own money as she liked.

It was even more impossible for Huo Yunting to say anything.

First of all, the relationship between him and Hao Jun is strong. In addition, he thinks that the two families are getting along well. In the future, Da Niu and Er Niu can help with anything in the family, and the two children are also working hard to carry coal briquettes.

"Yun Ting, you go up and take a small pot, I'll fish some more out, and you send them to Li Tuan and Liu Tou's house respectively."

Everyone called Comrade Liu Liu Tou, and Su Xiaoruan was also influenced by them, so he called him Liu Tou.

After all, they are both Huo Yunting's immediate superiors. If they made these delicious food at home, it must have been spread long ago. Just because of the smell, many people know about it.I gave it to the neighbors, how could I not give some to the leader?
Huo Yunting went up to get the pot, and Su Xiaoruan filled the pot with a chicken, two trotters, two pieces of beef, eight marinated eggs, and some vegetarian dishes.

"Come back as soon as you deliver it, and you have to deliver it to Liu Tou's family."


It's getting dark, and Huo Yunting's job is to go out to deliver things.

The two leaders gave the same things, and Huo Yunting didn't come back empty-handed.

On the first trip back, Li Tuan's family stuffed them with two big fish, said to be sea fish, and gave him a lot of shrimp, which Huo Yunting estimated weighed three to four catties.

When I came back on the second trip, it was Liu Tou's lover who made the snacks himself, and brought him two bags and two books, saying they were for Huo Xiaoyan.

When Huo Yunting took it over and took a look, he knew that he was bothering too.

This is a book about learning the violin, so it can be seen that it was not prepared in a hurry.

After taking it home, Huo Xiaoyan really couldn't put it down for these two books, not to mention how happy she was.

In this way, half of the lo mei in a large iron pot was divided.

Su Xiaoruan took out the rest of the things, and carried them upstairs with Huo Xiaoyan.

As a result, the two of them had just walked two steps before Huo Yunting came back, and then went upstairs with the pot.

These chickens Su Xiaoruan stewed are actually taken out from the space, they are all white striped chickens, they were rarely taken out to eat before, mainly because they wanted to eat ready-made ones.

This time it was time to stew the meat, she just remembered that there are still a lot of raw meat in the space.

Su Xiaoruan likes to eat marinated eggs. When she was marinating, she deliberately scratched each egg with a knife a few times, just to make it taste as soon as possible.

In the morning, Su Xiaoruan scooped up some vegetarian dishes, kelp knots and lotus root were the most popular.

Afterwards, Huo Yunting asked Huo Yunting to put the pot on the stove to heat it up, and she herself had already poured the soy milk. As for the soy milk maker, no one else even had a chance to see it.

Huo Yunting never paid much attention to this aspect, and there was indeed a small stone mill in the kitchen, and he didn't notice whether the soybean milk was ground from it.

In the morning, each ate two stewed eggs, Su Xiaoruan drank a bowl of soy milk instead of steamed buns, Huo Xiaoyan and Huo Yunting each ate a steamed bun and ate up all the stewed vegetables.

"Sister-in-law, this vegetarian dish can also bring out the flavor of meat, you really are like this!" Huo Xiaoyan gave a thumbs up, not to mention admiration.

Huo Yunting broke the stage and said: "You watched her do it yesterday, have you learned it?"

Huo Xiaoyan's face collapsed: "Brother, I'm not a god, how can I just read it once?"

Su Xiaoruan smiled silently, went to the kitchen to see that the noodles in the basin had risen, she didn't do anything, and waited for Liu Cuihua to come to make it later.

She could see that if Liu Cuihua was not allowed to do more work, she would not feel comfortable eating here.

Honest people are probably like this.

Su Xiaoruan wanted to eat steamed stuffed buns with vegetarian stuffing. After eating, she began to wash the mushrooms, fungus and celery. When the ground was almost dry, she could chop them directly.

At about eleven o'clock, the three of them had already started making buns, and the work of lighting the fire today was handed over to Daniu Erniu.

"Ruanbao, come out and see who is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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