Chapter 615 Huo Xiangning

In fact, Zhao Hongmei's impression of this cousin was still at the time when they were not married more than [-] years ago.

At that time, Zhao Haitang was not as clean as he is now, and he wore tattered clothes. It would be nice if he could cover his whole body. What else could he say about cleanliness?

Moreover, in Zhao Hongmei's impression, Zhao Haitang seems to have started washing clothes by herself when she was very young, not only washing her own clothes, but also washing the whole family's clothes. It is to let her drink dilute food. The dry food is said to be reserved for the men, saying that she is a girl and does not work, so there is no need to eat too much, as long as she is not starved to death.

In fact, Zhao Hongmei didn't understand at that time, isn't washing clothes a job?

Isn't collecting firewood and digging wild vegetables a job?

Isn't lighting a fire and cleaning the yard work?

Thinking back now, Zhao Hongmei feels that this cousin's life is hard.

After finally marrying a man who knew how to love her, but he passed away early, causing her to be a widow and bring up three children. She had to live her life carefully, for fear of being found out again.

It's really hard for this woman to live.

Now that Zhao Yingzi has successfully given birth to another son, the whole family is naturally very happy.

After leaving the hospital and going home, he sat in the small courtyard of Su Xiangdong's house this month.

Zhao Hongmei didn't ask for leave no matter how busy she was, she just wanted to save her vacation and go to Province Y to take care of Ruanbao.

Ruanbao also has a big belly at the moment, I don't know what's wrong, and if she is pregnant with twins, there is a high probability that she will be born prematurely. When she was pregnant with Xiangnanxiangbei, she was born at seven months.

Fortunately, there is an old lady at home to help, as well as the help of the eldest brother and the second brother. Although the child was born prematurely, the nutrition is still good. Isn't it tall and strong now?
Zhao Hongmei was thinking about the date and when would be the right time to book the tickets.

At the end of August, Zhao Yingzi was about to give birth, and Zhao Haitang was taking care of her here. Zhao Hongmei had nothing to worry about, so she thought about asking for leave and going to Province Y.

It was easy to book the tickets, so I went directly to Su Jianjun and asked him to book two tickets.

Why are there two cards?
The old lady knows that her sweet baby is about to give birth, so can she rest assured?
You have to go and see for yourself.

Zhao Hongmei and Su Jianye didn't agree with anything at the beginning. The old lady is getting old. Going to Province Y is not the same as going to Kyoto. It's too far away. It takes two days and two nights by train. It's not fun!
An old lady at this age must be tired.

But Grandma Su refused to let go and insisted on going, no matter how much she persuaded her.

In desperation, after discussing with Su Jianye, Su Jianjun and Su Jianye had no choice but to buy a soft berth for them.

Su Jianye was still not at ease. He always felt that it was not safe for the two of them to go out.

Su Jianjun comforted: "Okay, there's nothing you can do if you don't worry, so be it. I'll say hello in the car, and take care of my mother and younger siblings then."

"That's all right, that's the only way to go."

When Su Xiaoruan received the news that her grandma was coming, she was almost terrified.

"Did I hear you right? How old is grandma, and you have to take such a long train ride, are you sure grandma can bear it?"

Seeing that she was in a hurry, Huo Yunting quickly helped her to sit up, "Don't think too much about it. Second uncle said he bought a soft sleeper. You have also sat in a soft sleeper. It is much more comfortable than a hard sleeper. At least it can make grandma sleep better. I also turned over when I was sleeping. And the second uncle also greeted the staff in the car, everything will be fine."

Su Xiaoruan is still a little worried: "I know grandma loves me and wants to come and see me. She misses me, and I miss her too! But it's such a long way, grandma is so old, I, I..."

Seeing that she was about to cry when she spoke, Huo Yunting quickly hugged her and coaxed her: "Ancestor, don't cry, you are still pregnant with a child, let's be good, you didn't say it, you must find a way to persevere Yue? Let's think about the child and your own body, shall we?"

The couple were talking in the bedroom, outside a woman in her early thirties was busy in the kitchen.

This is the nanny specially arranged by Mr. Huo. He only said that it was Yun Ting's sixth sister who came here to take care of the pregnant woman.

The woman's name is Huo Xiangning. As soon as you hear the name, you can tell that she is a child of a scholar. These days, people who don't have any cultural knowledge, so the names are pretty much the same. Either they are called Hua, or they are called Li and Zhen. , so there are a lot of people with the same name at the moment.

Huo Xiangning is a distant relative of the Huo family. From the perspective of ancestors, Huo Xiangning's grandfather and Huo Yunting's grandfather are cousins. They are both in the fourth generation, and they are basically not related by blood, but the Huo family is still alive. Pay attention to a clan, so Huo Xiangning and the others are considered distant branches of the Huo clan.

Huo Xiangning is young, in her 30s, and looks very quiet, but occasionally she can see some vicissitudes in her eyes.

Before Huo Xiangning came, Huo Yunting roughly told Su Xiaoruan about her experience.

This is also a poor woman.

Huo Xiangning had a strict family education since she was a child, and she was from a scholarly family. She got engaged and married at the age of 16.

Huo Xiangning had a son and a daughter after marriage, but because of Huo's involvement, Huo Xiangning's husband divorced her, and within a month after marriage, he quickly married another woman. As for the children, Huo Xiangning At the beginning, Ning was also afraid that the child would be influenced by her, so she didn't want it.

Ever since the old man was picked up, the Huo family has also returned one after another. Huo Xiangning's ex-husband saw that the Huo family's power has risen again, so he naturally had other thoughts, thinking of getting his children closer to her . Get close, or seek some benefits for yourself.

Huo Xiangning had already seen the virtues of her ex-husband's family, so how could she do what they wanted?
When the children came to see her, she naturally treated them with good food and drink, but she didn't have any more.

If the pair of children really missed her as a mother, how could there be no news at all for several years?
Moreover, Huo Xiangning watched her two children call that woman mother, and called that woman affectionately, with flattery in their eyes.

Huo Xiangning couldn't stand this.

Afterwards, his attitude towards the pair of children became much colder.

Huo Xiangning didn't live well in the countryside in the early years, she couldn't keep up with her nutrition, and for various reasons, she hurt her body. She also consulted an old Chinese doctor, and said that she would never be able to conceive again in the future.

Because of this, after Huo Xiangning came back, she never thought about remarrying.

When Mr. Huo found out that there was such a grandniece, he was both distressed and a little bit angry. After thinking about it, he still discussed with her, and then invited her to come here to take care of Su Xiaoruan.

As soon as Huo Xiangning put the soup on the dining table, she heard faint crying from the master bedroom, and immediately rushed over with a frown: "Yun Ting, have you offended Xiao Ruan again?"

(End of this chapter)

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