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Chapter 663 Huo Yunfang's In-laws' Affair

Chapter 663 Huo Yunfang's In-laws' Affair

Seeing her reaction, Su Xiaoruan laughed first: "Why not? Look at the green under your eyes, and your pale face, it's scary to look at. It's been a few days since I haven't eaten properly. ?”

Huo Yunfang just laughed without explaining, and was dragged away by her.

In the evening, Su Xiaoruan called Huo Xiangning in and asked her about the Lin family.

"Lin Peng's family conditions are not bad. At the time when the Huo family had an accident, Yun Fang was still young. Later, Yun Fang fought her own way and went to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. She and Lin Peng met in the university, and then they got married. Married, but I heard that the Lin family disliked Yunfang's identity at first, after all, the Huo family was not doing well at that time."

"Well, Lin Peng was able to marry her at that time, so it can be seen that he is not a person who only cares about profit. But I saw that Yun Fang's face was obviously wrong, and he looked worried. I wanted to help her, but she was not willing either. Say more."

Huo Xiangning also had a difficult time. If the person involved didn't tell her, others could just guess.

"Then you mean, I'll find a chance to tell her what she said?"

"No, she may not be willing to tell you the truth. Sixth sister is familiar with the Huo family, and see who can help me inquire about the Lin family's affairs. Oh, and I have to inquire about Lin Peng's work. Good rumors come out."

Huo Xiangning's eyes widened: "You mean that Lin Peng has ulterior motives?"

Su Xiaoruan shook her head: "I don't know either, just looking at Yunfang's distraught appearance, that's all I can guess, let's see how the situation is before we talk about it."

Huo Xiangning sighed: "If Yunfang is willing to open up, it will be more effective than any investigation we have."

Su Xiaoruan said in her heart that it was not!
She is not very happy to deal with this kind of person who hides her words in her heart, she is too tired.

But Huo Yunfang, she has a really good character, and she is the eldest daughter of the second room, so she can help if she can. At worst, after finding out, send all the things to the second uncle and aunt, and let them think for themselves Ways to solve it.

Huo Xiangning's actions were still very fast, and by the end of the week, there was already news.

"A widow lived in Lin Peng's house. She said she was a distant relative of the Lin family and had a child with her. The widow was not bad. I heard that the man died in an accident. Then she was unaccompanied, so she took her son to seek refuge. coming."

Su Xiaoruan narrowed her eyes, the current control on population movement is still very strict, without a letter of introduction, it can be said that it is impossible to pass.

Moreover, the distant relatives of the Lin family want to seek refuge, but their household registration is not here, and they cannot live in Kyoto for a long time.

"What's the widow's name, and where did she come from?"

"It's called Shan Xing, and it's said to be from Jiang County."

Su Xiaoruan's eyelids twitched slightly: "Jiang county? Which Jiang county?"

Unsurprisingly, it was Jiang County next door to Gao County.

This is half a fellow countryman.

"How long has Shan Xing been in Beijing?"

"It's been almost a month. I've been living in Lin's house, but Shan Xing doesn't have a serious job, so I don't know what's going on."

Su Xiaoruan squinted her eyes. The conditions of the Lin family are not bad, but it is not enough to take in a mother and child for no reason.

Besides, this Shanxing is obviously not registered in Kyoto. What tricks did the Lin family use to allow her to stay in Kyoto for so long?
Come to seek refuge after trouble?
Su Xiaoruan doesn't believe a word of this statement!
"Does the Lin family have any relatives in Jiang County?"

Huo Xiangning was stunned for a moment and then shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. It's just that when I asked about it, it was said that they were relatives of Lin Peng's mother."

Su Xiaoruan snorted: "There must be something tricky here."

"Then I'll inquire again?"

Su Xiaoruan shook her head: "No need, the next thing is not suitable for you, I will ask Xiao Lin to do it."

Huo Xiangning guessed that the Lin family might have bullied Huo Yunfang. As a woman, some things are really not as convenient as Huo Xiaolin.

After Huo Yunting heard about the Lin family, he also felt that something was wrong.

"Lin Peng has never been to Jiang County, and he has never heard that the Lin family has relatives in Jiang County. Where did this apricot come from?"

Su Xiaoruan glanced at him coolly, if only she knew.

"Let Xiaolin check it out, you'd better ask Yunfang, if she is willing to tell you the truth, that would be great."

Su Xiaoruan nodded: "I understand."

There is no rush for this matter, if it is true that the Lin family has done something wrong to Huo Yunfang, Su Xiaoruan also appointed her cousin.

"By the way, I'm going to Yangjiaying tomorrow. I have a comrade-in-arms who is there. He died because of a mission before, leaving orphans and widows. I want to go and see."

"Well, it's time to check it out."

The place Huo Yunting mentioned is not far from the capital, and it takes about an hour to get there by car.

What Su Xiaoruan didn't expect was that Huo Yunting gave her a big surprise at noon the next day!

Looking at the thin, dark and dirty little boy in front of him, Su Xiaoruan was stunned for a moment.

"This is?"

"He is called Gouzi. His father is my former comrade-in-arms. I didn't expect that after his family received the pension from the army, no one would want to raise this child. When I went, this child was digging grass in the field. eat."

Su Xiaoruan's mouth opened slightly, so this child was born hungry like this?
Wang Caijuan also came over. She is a little older, so she can't see children suffering so much.

"How old is this child?"

"It is reasonable to say that it is six years old, but it seems that it is no more than four years old."

Su Xiaoruan opened her mouth, she couldn't bear it.

"Aunt Wang, take the child to wash up first, I'll go and see who has clothes suitable for him, change first, and talk about it after dinner."


The dog was a bit skeptical, since he came in, he has been holding on to Huo Yunting's trouser legs without letting go, on his small dark face, there is only a pair of eyes looking at it, and there is still a bit of aura.

"Go and wash with Aunt Wang, this is my home, I definitely can't leave."

Gouzi blinked, and after confirming again and again, he followed Wang Caijuan to take a bath.

Because Su Xiaoruan has children here, she usually needs to eat some complementary food, so there is a small kitchen in the yard, and she has to cook by herself from time to time.

"Yunting, you and Sixth Sister are looking at the two children, I'll go and turn on the stove, and I'll serve the children a bowl of noodles later."


This child looked like he had been hungry for a long time, with a big head propped on his thin body, it was a bit weird to look at.

The food at home at noon today is very rich, but it is not suitable for dogs to eat.

Su Xiaoruan was going to fix the stove, and someone brought lunch over there. Seeing that there was millet porridge, Su Xiaoruan immediately asked someone to bring two more bowls.

For children who have been hungry for a long time, there is nothing more suitable than millet porridge.

(End of this chapter)

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