Chapter 689 Prudence
Li Xiaoxiao chuckled, feeling like she was back in high school.

"Okay, listen to you, anyway, we don't need to pay for it."

Su Xiaoruan then said with a look of knowing you: "I mainly feel sorry for my nephew. I'm really afraid that you, a mother, will be careless. Why don't you think about it and live in Kyoto after you graduate? Anyway, my brother and I will stay together. It is very possible to be in Kyoto, if you also come to Kyoto, then our family will be together again."

Li Xiaoxiao didn't believe her: "Don't forget there is another Xiangbei!"

"Oh, he will be transferred to the capital in a short time. At that time, his grandma and sister-in-law will help him find out who he is. He is still a bachelor, so he doesn't know how to worry."

Zhao Yingzi laughed and leaned forward, "You girl is getting more and more courageous, that's your third brother."

Su Xiaoruan snorted arrogantly, apparently not taking this seriously.

Zhao Hongmei was really moved by what Su Xiaoruan said.

The probability of the eldest couple staying in Beijing is still very high. The baby girl must be staying in Beijing. Now that the old lady is living in the capital again, if she and the child's father also go there, it will be just right.

However, this kind of thing is not easy to say. For such a big event, it has to be discussed carefully and made some preparations.

"Mother, I heard from Second Aunt that you are not valued much in the factory, why don't you consider going to Kyoto."

"Let's talk about it, it's easier for me not to be taken seriously. Anyway, I earn a lot of money."

It's just that the bonus is less, and she can no longer be found in the limelight.

Su Xiaoruan raised her eyebrows and said: "Mom, in my opinion, you might as well take a long vacation next year, anyway, you are not busy with work now. I will take you to Shenshi and several other coastal cities. It’s about designing, and the main thing is to open your eyes. When the time comes, what you bring out will make people’s eyes shine. Even if the factory manager doesn’t know the goods, he can’t deliberately make things difficult for money, right?”

It makes sense.

Fashion design is actually a job that is extremely close to fashion, or it is an interpretation of fashion itself, but now people don't have this awareness at all.

Especially in a small place like Gao County, they don't take this seriously.

As for clothes, the main thing is that they can be worn and durable, and the style is not so important.

Zhao Hongmei was moved, "Alright then, why don't I ask for a long vacation when you guys go on summer vacation? Then you can't get annoyed by me."

"That must not be the case! Yun Ting's uncle is in Shenshi. We have long said that we are going to visit him, but we have never had a suitable opportunity. Because of Yun Ting's mother, the relationship between the Gu family and the Huo family is not very good. The only bond is Yun Ting. Now that there is Ping An An, I believe Uncle Gu's attitude will be softer."

Zhao Hongmei probably knew some inside information, so she nodded and didn't say much.

Li Xiaoxiao is enrolled in a normal school, and the work will be uniformly assigned by the above in the future.

Teachers who have received formal education are still relatively rare, and they are very popular.

If possible, Li Xiaoxiao also wanted to stay in the provincial capital. After all, Su Xiangnan planned to do business in the future. If the two of them were not together, something would happen sooner or later.

"I heard that there is a shortage of teachers now, and the higher-ups will consider letting graduates return to their original places to become teachers."

Seeing her like this, Su Xiaoruan knew what she was worried about.

"Nothing else matters, it still depends on your own business ability, as long as your academic performance is excellent and top-notch, then it is not necessarily the school that picks you, it may be you that pick the school. "

Li Xiaoxiao stared: "Can it still be like this?"

"That's for sure! All walks of life, as long as it is the top group, which one doesn't have more choice and voice, you believe me."

Li Xiaoxiao really nodded: "What you said makes sense, it is indeed the case."

What Zhao Hongmei was most proud of in the early years was that she gave birth to four sensible and smart children. What made her happy in recent years was that the relationship between the four children was particularly good, and her two daughter-in-laws were also very fond of her. virtuous.

The only thing that made her sad for a while was her precious daughter.

At the beginning, the girl didn't know if she was lowered by someone, and she was so focused on being good to that boy Yu, that she almost lost her life later.

It was also thanks to that accident, and it got better and better after that.

Zhao Hongmei thought about it carefully, and found that if Su Xiaoruan was the lucky star of the Su family, then Huo Yunting was Su Xiaoruan's lucky star.

After falling into the water that time, the girl's attitude changed a lot, maybe it was because she was rescued by Huo Yunting.

In the second day of junior high school, Su Xiaoruan took her two children to Su's house for a meal.

In fact, eating comes second. The most important thing is that she can eat at the same table with her grandma, and she doesn't have to be stared at by Huo Yunting for snacks anymore.

Ping Ping and An An Chang are white and clean, and because they eat well, they are round and round. Anyone who sees them will call them cute, especially when some women see them, they want to hug them and kiss them.

"Ruanbao, you two children are really well raised. By the way, are their names Huo Pingping and Huo An'an?"

It was Wang Zhaodi who asked the question, and she also came to sit with the old lady and talk.

"Ping'an'an is a nickname, and the first names are Huo Jinyan and Huo Shenxing. These are given by the child's great-grandfather. They are taken from prudence in words and deeds, and they are also looking forward to the success of the two children."

Wang Zhaodi doesn't read much, but she still knows the word cautious in words and deeds.

"The old people are looking forward to the success of the juniors, so that they can win more honor for the family."

The second grandmother on the side was a little surprised: "Didn't you say that the Huo family is always casual in the word cautious? Why is this second child still called Shen Xing?"

"This is also the meaning of Grandpa Huo. The name doesn't have to be so polite. And Grandpa Huo means to be cautious in words and deeds. It comes from the "Book of Rites · Black Clothes" of the pre-Qin scholars: 'A gentleman and a Taoist prohibit others from deeds. , so words must consider what they will end up with, and deeds must consider what they will lose, so the people will be cautious in their words and deeds." Since it is taken from the meaning of the ancestors, there is no need to revise it any more."

Grandma Su laughed: "What my in-laws said makes sense! Boys, it's a good thing to be aggressive, but you can't be careless and reckless. It's the ancestor's motto to be cautious in words and deeds, and the name is nothing more than to warn them not to be arrogant. General idea. It is better to act cautiously than act cautiously, this name is good."

The second grandma didn't understand so much, she just thought it was nice to be called Jinxing, and now listening to their grandparents and grandson talking about the excitement, she felt that she had learned a lot.

They were chatting lively in the room, when Zhao Yingzi hurried in outside, his expression was not very good.

"Grandma, Su Wenying brought Xu Huizhi over again, but she didn't enter the door and knelt down outside the yard."

(End of this chapter)

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