Chapter 71
When Su Guoan heard that the wild boar had been hit, he was naturally both surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, the size of this wild boar is not small, about 400 catties.

The joy is that with such a big wild boar, the food of the whole village can be improved again.

After being happy for half a minute, Su Guoan came to his senses and asked quickly, "Are you all right?"

"People are all right, the wild boar fell into the trap."

Responding to him was the panting Su Guosheng, who also just ran over from the foot of the mountain.

Su Guoan learned that the wild boar was shot by Su Jianye and Su Xiaoruan, his father and daughter, and he was sweating for them again.

It's no joke that such a big wild boar is going crazy.

That is to say, the girl Ruanbao is lucky.

Su Guoan couldn't help but think of it, and his mother-in-law mentioned more than once that Ruanbao had the physique of Xiaofuxing.

Although the feudal superstition has been being cracked down on now, people in the countryside still believe in this statement very firmly.

In addition to a wild boar, Su Xiangdong also carried three hares.

This time it can be said that the harvest is full.

Su Guoan immediately called someone to kill the pigs and share the pork.

Su Guoan was the team leader and Su Jianye's cousin, so he couldn't make up his own mind about some things. After discussing with several people in the team, it was decided that the three hares belonged to Su Jianye.

It is not easy to kill such a big wild boar.

Although it is with the help of the power of the trap, if it is an inexperienced person, it is estimated that it will only be beaten by a wild boar.

After discussing with several other people, Su Guoan decided that in addition to letting Su Jianye's family distribute the pork normally, he would also distribute the pig's head to his family.

The villagers also had no opinion on Su Guoan's decision.

After all, this wild boar was shot by someone else, Su Jianye, so they were just taking advantage of it.

Of course, some people are not satisfied.

For example, Yu Zhanyong started yelling.

"The three wild rabbits have a lot of meat. The captain returned all the rabbits to the Su family, so why give him another pig's head?"

Su Guoan's face darkened and he said, "Don't be so ignorant. If it weren't for Su Jianye, would you have shared the meat today?"

The pig butcher is still busy at the moment. Hearing this, he looked up to see which idiot it was, then shook his head and continued to compete with the fat pig.

Yu Zhanyong refused: "Captain, you can't say that. This wild boar belongs to the mountain, and it is also collective property. Even if he got it, what's the matter? You are the captain, so don't favor him."

Su Guoan sneered and said: "Okay! Then let's not divide the pigs. After killing them in a while, we will go to the butcher shop in the town to see how many catties you have. How many meat tickets are in it, how much money is there, buy it yourself!"

When the captain said this, everyone became unhappy.

Not surprisingly, Yu Zhanyong was accused one after another.

"Zhan Yong, you can't say that. The wild boar is collective property, so the Su family didn't take it for themselves! Also, what the captain said is right. If we don't share it with us, then the meat sent to the commune If we go to the shop, we can exchange some money and food for the brigade, and then we will also give more to the old Su family, but we have no benefit at all!"

"That's right, I'm finally looking forward to being a little bit meaty, can you shut up!"

"I see that Lao Yu's house doesn't have a single good thing! Such a big wild boar, if it was replaced by someone else, it would have been so frightened. Although Su Jianye used a trap to kill the wild boar, but he himself He was injured, what's the point of getting more pig's head? If you want me to say that it doesn't matter if he gets more pork."

"That's right. The trap was dug by Su Jianye and his father on the mountain before. It doesn't sound good. If someone hides the wild boar and sells it secretly, what can you do? This person is open-minded, and he is a human being." You are decent, that's why you passed the news to the brigade, why are you still fighting with others?"

Yu Zhanyong couldn't hold his head up for a long time when everyone said what he said.

It's obvious that he took over the power of the Su family, otherwise how many catties of meat would he get?
Among other things, how much would it cost you to buy meat at the butcher shop in town?How many meat tickets are used?

Do you think money and tickets are enough?
Then you have to queue up at the door of the butcher shop before dawn to grab it!
Now you don’t spend a penny, you don’t need a tael of meat tickets, and you can even get meat right at your gate, what are you talking about?

Both Su Guosheng and Su Xiangbing shook their heads, they really have no brains!

The matter of dividing the meat went smoothly.

No one dared to say that the captain was unfair.

Su Jianye was injured. Although it was not serious, he still saw blood.

The three rabbits are not too big, besides, the rabbit meat is not as fragrant as pork!

Grandma Su sent Su Xiangdong to lead the two brothers to divide the meat, and asked Su Xiaoruan and Su Erlan to send a rabbit to Su Guoan's family and the third grandpa's house.

Besides these three rabbits, there are five other rabbits in Su Xiaoruan's space.

Two of them were caught by Su Jianye on the mountain.

In addition, there are four pheasants, a silly roe deer, and a deer.

Su Erlan and the others have to go to work tomorrow, so they have dinner early.

At six o'clock, it was still daylight, and they settled for dinner.

Zhao Hongmei packed a prepared rabbit and a pheasant into bags and asked them to take them away.

Jiang Dahai didn't think it was appropriate, so he didn't bring much when he came here, and he was eating and taking things here, what did he look like!

Zhao Hongmei forced the things into Su Erlan's hands, and told them to come back and sit down more often when they had time. Everyone had a meal and chatted a few words, and the old lady was very happy.

Su Erlan only felt that her eyes were hot. She was just lucky to be born into such a natal family and married into a fairly harmonious husband's family.

Compared with those neighbors and colleagues who kept making troubles all day long, she was like a fairy.

Jiang Hongqi was very strong, so Grandma Su asked him to carry [-] catties of cornmeal, which was very useful for the Jiang family who ate commercial grain.

When everyone left, Grandma Su winked, and Su Jianye and Su Xiaoruan followed the house very consciously.

Su Xiaoruan reported the number of things in her space, and the old lady felt that there was so much meat, she definitely couldn't keep it all for herself.

After all, the pork is divided, and there is still a big pig's head.

"In this way, let's keep one each of the rabbit and the pheasant, and sell the rest to the restaurant."

Su Jianye nodded. There is no shortage of meat in the house. It is more cost-effective to exchange it for money and tickets than to eat it all.

Su Xiangnan and Su Xiangbei had their summer vacation. Apart from going to the fields to earn work points every day, they also ran up and down the mountains, which also added a lot of food to the family.

Because of this, Su Xiaoruan didn't take food out of the supermarket for a while.

"Auntie, someone from Yulan Village came to deliver a letter just now, saying that someone from your Dalan family was beaten up. Who do you think will go to our old Su's family?"

(End of this chapter)

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