Take the supermarket back to the times

Chapter 717 Huo Yungang Was Beaten

As the twelfth lunar month entered, Su Xiaoruan began to gather things to prepare for the New Year.

I don't have to worry about the place to live. Now the courtyard house where Grandma Su and the others live can completely accommodate them.

Originally planned to stay in Kyoto this year for the New Year, it happened that Su Xiaoruan was pregnant again, which saved her from running back and forth.

Su Jianjun's family received a call from Zhao Hongmei as early as November, asking them to come to Kyoto to celebrate the New Year, and said that the whole family should come, at least to recognize the family.

What Su Jianguo meant was for everyone to go to his place to celebrate the New Year. The place he lives in is not small, at least it is a two-story building.

But Grandma Su said that his place was too small to live in.

In the last discussion, they decided to wait until the Chinese New Year, stay here in the courtyard during the day, and at night, Su Jianguo and his family would go back to live.

Su Dalan and Su Erlan couldn't come, there was no other way.

Because of Su Erlan's work, they only had three days off this year, so it was impossible for them to come to the capital.

On the other hand, Su Dalan simply couldn't bear it, how much would it cost for a big family to come and go.

At this moment, Huo Yungang was really scared.

"It's useless for you to go, he won't admit it. We have no evidence for this kind of thing, even if it comes to grandpa, it's useless."

The few stores opened by Su Xiaoruan are doing very well, so naturally they are easy to attract people's attention. The newly opened branch stores are full every day because of their good location.

Huo Yungang didn't connect this matter with himself at this time, until Gao Ran found him and told him that his uncle's job is gone, and he may even be held accountable. If he can't handle it well, he may go to jail When it was possible, Huo Yun just now realized how unusual this matter was.

Why is Huo Yunting better than him in everything?

The main reason is that he felt that Su's fast food restaurant robbed him of his business, so he acted recklessly.

What else?
In terms of connections, even though he grew up in the capital since he was a child, he is far inferior to Huo Yunting.

Not to mention the swollen face, there are still several footprints on the body, and the arms and legs are even more bruised and purple, which shows that the other party has really dealt with cruelty.

Ji Fen was not convinced, so let it go?
Huo Yun just thought about the other party's threats to him, his eyes flickered, but he was still timid after all.

Therefore, it is better to wait for the old lady to come back in the future, and then go to accompany her.

It turned out that someone was sabotaging the hotel and wanted to set fire on purpose, but was discovered by the patrolling comrades.

Before Su Xiaoruan could get too happy, bad news came from the store.

But what Su Xiaoruan didn't expect was that in less than two days, Comrade Public Security caught the person who deliberately set fire.

Su Xiaoruan understood what he meant, and also knew better that the current technical means are not good enough. It is really difficult to find out who set the fire on purpose. It would be great if there were monitoring.

Su's small restaurant took the time to renovate for a day, and then opened again.

Su Xiaoruan shook her head, thinking that this person might have been kicked in the head by a donkey. At this moment, if he dared to do such a thing, wouldn't he be afraid of being severely punished?

It's the owner of a snack bar two doors away from theirs.

He went to see the boss, and after careful questioning, he was sure that this matter had something to do with his good brother.

Huo Yun just returned home crookedly, but Ji Fen didn't recognize him immediately.

"How did this happen? Who is so cruel, this is really vicious!"

It was just a loss of a day's profit, Su Xiaoruan didn't take it seriously, but Dazhuzi and the others felt a little distressed, how much money would be lost if they didn't open for the day.

How can you be so ruthless?
Huo Yunting's own life is simply a fairy life, so can't he leave a way for others to survive?
As soon as Huo Yun got home, he saw his daughter-in-law hugging her son and putting her son to sleep, so he felt inexplicably irritable.

He remembered that when Su's fast food restaurant opened a branch, he asked his uncle to get stuck with the other party once, but later the other party went directly to the big leader, and the relevant procedures were completed.

Huo Yungang sneered: "Who else? Besides my good brother, do you think it could be someone else?"

Huo Yunting is not a good-natured person.

Even if someone was willing to help them with the money, Su Dalan would not be willing.

Unfortunately, I can only think about it now.

But it's not the excitement of joy, but all kinds of grievances and unwillingness.

What Huo Yungang didn't know was that this was just the beginning of Huo Yunting's revenge.

In the end, it will definitely be jailed.

That night, Gao's family became lively as if a pot had been fried.

A week later, a middle-aged man in Gao's family who worked for the City Supervision Bureau returned home with a dejected face.

She was pregnant now, Huo Yunting didn't dare to make her worry too much, for fear that it would be bad for her health.

In this way, the loss of his little uncle's job may really be related to him.

That night, Huo Yungang was beaten up with a sack, and he was told that if he dared to show any courage again, he would have one of his legs directly crippled!

Ji Fen was stunned, and then she was about to go out: "Can't just let it go, he is too bullying, just because he is the eldest brother, can he hit people casually?"

What Su Xiaoruan didn't know was that Huo Yunting went to the Public Security Bureau and came out with a dark face not long after.

"I've sent someone to investigate. Don't worry, even if no evidence is found in the end, I will have a way to avenge you."

Su Xiaoruan didn't know the news until after dinner the next morning.

In the middle of the night, Su Xiaoruan was in a deep sleep when Huo Yunting was called up.

This threat is not trivial.

Huo Yungang stopped him.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and the loss was not too great, but the wooden door of the storefront was no longer usable, and a table guarding the door was also smudged to black, so it probably had to be eliminated.

Huo Yunting was obviously thrown into that broken mountain village, how could he have such good luck?
Compared with his grandfather's family, Huo Yunting's uncle can be said to be a big shot who can make Shencheng tremble three times, but what about himself?

The Gao family was able to get up at the beginning, it was thanks to the Huo family's marriage that they were given face.

But since the Gao family drew a clear line with the Huo family, although it has been prosperous for two years, it has fallen a lot since then, and the return of the Huo family can be said to be the beginning of the decline of the Gao family.

How can anyone care about the current Gao family?
If there is still the support of the Huo family, how can he just say no to his uncle's job?
Thinking of this, Huo Yungang wished he could just stab Huo Yunting with a knife, and the death would be the end of it all!
Of course, with Huo Yungang's soft nature, he can only think about it.

If you really let him do it, you won't dare to kill him!
Unexpectedly, two days later, another scandal was exposed in the Gao family, and this time, the Gao family's reputation fell another level.

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