At the Pinganfu Food Factory, Su Jianye hung up the call from the customer to urge the goods, obviously in a good mood.

The chili sauce they produce is in short supply, and their profits have been steady, so he is certainly happy.

The secretary knocked on the door and came in after getting permission: "Director, Su Xiaoyun has gone to the personnel department again, and he insists on making a fuss about changing posts, you see?"

"Where does she want to be transferred this time?"

Mentioning this niece gave Su Jianye a headache.

I have only been here for a few months, and this position has been adjusted three times. I am still not satisfied, and I have to be transferred again. It really makes people impatient.

If it weren't for the little bit of blood relationship, Su Jianye really wanted to let her go back to H province.

"She said she wanted to be a warehouse manager."


Su Jianye directly rejected it.

Su Xiaoyun only knows a few words in total, who dares to let her manage the warehouse?
In case there is a problem with the quantity of goods here, who will he cry to?

"You tell the personnel department directly that if Su Xiaoyun wants to be transferred, there are only two other positions she has worked for. She will not be transferred to other positions. If she is not satisfied, she can resign."

"Okay, director."

The secretary also has a headache for Su Xiaoyun, not only can't work, but also always likes to hang around in the factory director's office, because of this, the factory director got angry several times, but Su Xiaoyun still doesn't restrain himself, it can be seen that he is a no-brainer!
As a result, Su Xiaoyun came over again during lunch time.

Su Jianye usually eats in the cafeteria, and will not ask the secretary to send him to the office. There is no need for that, unless he is really busy here, he will eat in the office.

Su Jianye, the secretary, and the financial staff were sitting at the same table, discussing some things in the factory from time to time, their voices were not loud, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that they couldn't bother at this time.

However, Su Xiaoyun is a sightless person, so he came over with his own lunch box.

"Uncle, I want to talk to you about something."

Su Jianye frowned and lost his appetite.

The secretary on the side winked at the other two, and walked away tactfully.

I don't know if Su Xiaoyun really couldn't see that Su Jianye was unhappy, or if he could, he didn't care at all, and sat directly opposite him.

"Uncle, I want to be a warehouse manager."

"Impossible, don't even think about it."

Su Xiaoyun got angry: "Why can't you? You can use outsiders, but I'm your niece anyway. Why can't you trust your own people?"

The veins on Su Jianye's forehead twitched: "This is a factory, outsiders are all employees of my factory! If you can do it, do it, if you can't do it, go back."

Su Xiaoyun was really angry when he saw him, and said with aggrieved face: "I didn't say anything. I'm just afraid that those people will steal our Su family's things and sell them again. Uncle, I'm your own niece, I can't be trusted ?”

Su Jianye ignored her. To be honest, she was really unreliable.

Seeing that her uncle was silent, Su Xiaoyun thought her words had worked, and tried harder to sell herself.

It's a pity that Su Jianye just buried his head in eating, solved it in twos and twos, and went back to the office directly.

Su Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment, and then stomped his foot in annoyance, why can't uncle eat oil and salt?
Didn't Su Xiaoyun see that uncle was impatient with her?
She is not blind, how could she not see it?

She just felt that she was in a position of power. Anyway, she was my uncle's niece, and she came all the way to join him. Can she still fire herself?

It is precisely because of this reason that Su Xiaoyun has worked hard in the factory these few months.

Su Xiaoyun was allocated an eight-person dormitory. She and her daughter slept in upper and lower bunks. The daughter is light and the upper bunk has guardrails, so she felt relieved to let her daughter live in the upper bunk.

The little girl didn't have any thoughts about this, but felt that after coming here, she had such a clean and big bed, which was much better than living in her grandpa's house before.

Su Xiaoyun thought about doing light work. She didn't want to work in the workshop all the time. They all came to work. Look at those who sit in the office, how relaxed they are, and I heard that they earn more than them.

Because of this, Su Xiaoyun was thinking about changing the guard.

In fact, the salary of the warehouse manager is not very high, but it is easy. Every day, I sit there counting, writing lists and so on. I often eat melon seeds when I am free.

Su Xiaoyun wanted a job like this, which was easy and paid a lot.

It's a pity that Su Jianye agreed to the previous two guard changes, but this time, he said nothing.

Su Xiaoyun lay on the bed at night and began to think, the uncle disagreed because she didn't study much?

But isn't it all about being a warehouse manager? It's just those few words that are written back and forth. If she learns all of these, won't she be successful?
Su Xiaoyun thought he had found the trick, and fell asleep happily.

So the next day, she used the excuse of going to the bathroom to go to the warehouse.

There are two warehouse managers, both of whom are older. They have to go through the counts every day when they come to work, and then go through them again when they leave work.

In addition to the raw material warehouse and the finished product warehouse, the daily workload of the two of them is really not small.

When Su Xiaoyun came here, he pestered someone to teach him how to read, mainly the flavors of chili sauce and the names of the main customers.

The two warehouse managers also knew that she was the niece of Director Su. Seeing her come to learn these things, they thought they were going to replace one of them, so they were naturally a little anxious.

One stayed to deal with Su Xiaoyun, and the other rushed to the personnel department.

The people in the personnel department were also dumbfounded.

They just heard from the factory director's secretary yesterday that Su Xiaoyun can only work at the grassroots level, and she is not allowed to go to the warehouse. Why did something go wrong today?
Before the personnel department reported the matter, the workshop director came over with a dark face.


This is the job of the assembly line, Su Xiaoyun was lazy and ran away, all these things were piled up at her place without processing, and the workers of the next process can only wait there, can you not be in a hurry?

Everyone is a contract worker, and the more they do, the more they earn.

If there are fewer finished products, no one should think about getting more money.

The team leader was still clever, and arranged for someone to make up for it at the first time, but the workshop director still found out.

Knowing that Su Xiaoyun had left the post for more than half an hour, the director specially asked someone to go to the women's restroom, but he couldn't find anyone, so the director came to the office building.

In the end, it was the people from the personnel department and the warehouse management that ran into each other.

Knowing that Su Xiaoyun left his post without authorization and went to the important warehouse, the director's face naturally became even worse.

The personnel department is also dumbfounded, is this girl a bit stupid?

The director didn't care if she was the factory manager's niece or not: "I'll talk to the factory manager about this matter, you guys go back."

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