Chapter 858 Want to Expand

Yao Wang came back from leave here, and Pinganfu Food Factory is going to be crazy busy right now.

Even if they have a lot of equipment and are advanced, they dare not be careless about such a large order.

Looking at the current output and the number of orders, Su Jianye only felt a headache.

You said that you are in charge of a factory, and the things are not easy to sell, so you must worry about it; but this thing is too easy to sell, so it doesn't work!

Pinganfu Food Factory is now in such a situation.

The number of orders solicited from Su's fast food restaurant alone is already five figures, not to mention orders from other department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and some large factories.

Su Jianye called Xiao Ran over to find a solution together.

"Look, I'm really not forcing you. Our output is still low. These customers call me every day, and my ears are still ringing."

Xiao Ran is also worried, of course, it's not really worrying, he is still somewhat smug in his heart.

The things in their factory are selling well!

It's not that there are other brands of chili sauce on the market, but the problem is that the taste and texture are not as good as theirs by more than one level!

"A few of our production lines are open, and I can't do anything about it if we can't supply. Now it's non-stop 24 hours a day."

Su Jianye stood up and walked around the office twice with an irritable expression.

"You said, what if we expand, or simply build a branch?"

Xiao Ran was dumbfounded: "What?"

"I heard that several food factories can't continue to operate. Oh, it's not too far away from us, only more than 100 miles away."

The corner of Xiao Ran's mouth twitched, is that another county?

"Director Su, everything else is easy to talk about. What about manpower? We don't have to worry about ordinary workers, but what about middle-level management and some technical personnel? We need to have talents on hand!"

"You are right. So we are now vigorously cultivating middle management. What do you think of Su Xiangqing?"

"He's a down-to-earth guy, and he's a section chief now, and he's in charge of a production line. Don't take him for granted, right? If you get rid of him, our production line will have to be recruited again!"

"I know. I just want to send Su Xiangqing to the branch factory. What do you think?"

Xiao Ran chuckled: "Director Su, where is our branch factory? How big is it? What is the output?"

Su Jianye choked, and said twice: "I'm not planning for a rainy day."

"Let's keep an eye on the present first. Even if it is to build a branch factory or acquire other factories, it will not be a matter of time. What's more, these goods are in a hurry now, mainly because it is the end of the year, and the major factories are also Follow along to join in the fun, otherwise, we wouldn't be so busy."

This is also true.

The fastest they ship now is the gift box.

There are six bottles in a box, and the packaging is exquisite and festive, which is a must-have for many people as a gift.

"Yao Wang asked for leave and went back. Is there any problem with his line?"

"Don't worry, there is a section leader on duty. It's thanks to Xiaoruan who reminded us to add such a person. In this way, the big guy can rest for two or three days a month, and the salary is not too low. At most, it’s just a little loss in the factory. But if something happens, it’s still saving money for the factory.”

"Well, we need to train more people. I will talk to Xiaoruan about the branch factory. In fact, it is also possible to expand it. I just don't know if this land will be requisitioned. Remember to train more technical people here. People, when the time comes, we will specify that it will be useful."

Xiao Ran snorted: "Director Su is sure that Xiaoruan will agree to the expansion?"

"Sooner or later! You can also look at the benefits of our factory. This is not a day or two. Since the month before the Mid-Autumn Festival, our workers have not stopped. The benefits are good, but in fact it also shows It solves the problem of our insufficient production capacity. If we can’t hurry up and solve it, I’m afraid that our imitations will appear on the market.”

Xiao Ran also thought of this. It's not that there are no imitators of their products in the market. This year alone, they sued two factories. In addition to getting a large amount of compensation, they also blocked one of the other factories. months, and can no longer produce similar products, or they will go to jail.

This kind of thing, no matter how hard they guard against it, people will always find loopholes.

So, if their capacity expands, this problem will be somewhat alleviated.

After all, people recognize their brand mainly because of taste and quality.

The oil and meat in their chili sauce are the real thing, not like those small workshops that make some broken bones to deceive people.

"Okay, then I'll go back first, and I'll post a recruitment notice later. It is estimated that the factory will be lively again in the next few days."

"Well, remember, recruit some easy-to-train first, and let's reserve it. This kind of manpower can't be taught in a day or two, and a contract must be signed, so we can't waste our hard work."

After Su Jianye made arrangements here, he went back to discuss with Su Xiaoruan at night.

Su Xiaoruan lives in the compound now. Su Jianye has come over a few times, and the guards at the gate recognize him, but he still has to register.

Huo Yunting happened to be there too, playing basketball with a few children in the yard for a rare occasion.

"Father, why are you here now? Have you had dinner yet?"

"I've eaten. I've come to discuss something with you."

Su Xiaoruan invited them into the house, and after Huo Yunting threw another ball, he let the children play by themselves. With Li Zhao watching, he felt relieved and went directly into the house.

As soon as Huo Yunting entered the room, he heard the news that they were going to expand Ping'anfu Food Factory.

Su Xiaoruan didn't act too surprised. She had expected the expansion of the food factory a long time ago, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Father, what do you think?"

Su Jianye didn't go around with her, and tapped the coffee table twice: "I think the east side of our factory can be used, but I don't know if the local village committee will agree?"

"It's easy to handle. You can talk to them again. The land I got before was bought as industrial land. If we want to expand, it's better to buy it. This will prevent a lot of troubles in the future."

"Yes. What I mean is to build another factory of the same size, do you think it's okay?"

Su Xiaoruan was overjoyed. She didn't expect her father to be quite ambitious. Yes, she really broadened her horizons and gained insight.

"I think it's okay, but Dad, you have to think clearly. If you expand the building, you will have twice as many workers, and you may be even more tired when you manage it."

(End of this chapter)

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