Chapter 933 Finding a Job
In the evening, the three families sit together, there are still two tables, the children sit at one table, and the adults sit at one table.

The first thing to serve is the cold dish: mashed potatoes with jam!

This dish is still rare now, several people gathered around this dish, not knowing what it was called or how to eat it.

Su Xiaoruan smiled and distributed the spoons to the children.

"Try it. When eating, try to bring this jam with you. This one is strawberry-flavored, the green one over there is apple-flavored, and the remaining one is grape-flavored."

Aunt Zhao looked at Zhile from the side.

"I said Xiao Su, your hands are really clever, you said they are all potatoes, how did you come up with this?"

Su Xiaoruan had already thought of an excuse.

"I deal with those foreigners. They have this way of eating in the West, but they don't use this kind of condiment. I think that there will be more children. I made this fruity flavor, and children like to eat it."

you do not say!

Lo and behold, in the time it takes to speak, the plate is already more than half empty.

There are many children, you take a spoonful of mine, and after a while, there is nothing left.

"Don't eat too fast, the delicious food is yet to come."

Aunt Zhao and the others also had it at their table. She and Liu Cuihua both tried to dig a spoonful, um, it's so soft that you don't need to chew it, and the texture is amazing, so delicious!
Not to mention the children, the adults all want to rush to eat.

Su Xiaoruan made a cold salad with potato shreds and cloud shreds. There was no chili for the table for the children, and special chili oil for the table for the adults.

Tsk, that's a fragrance!

After that, there are fried hot and sour potato shreds and ground three delicacies, all of which are vegetarian dishes.

The big guys were not in a hurry, and no one asked, because they had already smelled the smell of meat, so it was supposed to be later.

Sure enough, Su Xiaoruan brought out a large bowl of beef stew with potatoes, and added tomatoes, not to mention the meat, even the soup, it was so fresh that people wished they could mix it with rice and eat three big bowls!

After that, there are potato braised pork ribs and fried pork belly with potato slices.

Sure enough, there were potatoes in every dish.

No wonder it is said to be a potato feast!
Hao Jun took a sip of his wine and said with a blushing face, "Huo Tuan, I think your daughter-in-law is too good to marry! This skill, tsk tsk, when you left Province Y, you don't know how much I miss my brother and sister's craftsmanship Well. Now we are together again, and we will have to come over for dinner in the future."

Liu Cuihua twisted his arm: "Why, is there no food at home?"

Hao Jun chuckled twice and didn't answer.

Zhao Lisong's food was delicious, and he didn't lift his head.

In the end, Su Xiaoruan was half full before going to the kitchen to bring out the baked potato chips and fried French fries.

Su Xiaoruan was also worried that this would be served first, and the children would eat too much and would not be able to eat the staple food.

Serving it up now is just right.

Zhao Lisong took a bite of the baked potato chips and said with a look of enjoyment, "Sister-in-law, how did you make this? This is too delicious!"

"If you want to eat it, tell your sister-in-law, and I will make it for you later."

As for French fries, everyone is not so rare, after all, they are sold at the fried chicken shop.

"Sister-in-law, my brother married you, it is really a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes."

After saying this, she was slapped by Aunt Zhao: "What are you talking about! You can't stop your mouth even if you eat."

The three of them were lively, but the Liu's house, which was a row of houses away, was tense.

Liu Aiguo managed to get off work early, and when he came back to see the cold pot and stove at home, he was naturally furious.

"Tell me about you, you don't go to work, and the children are all in school, why don't you even know how to do housework? Look at the old Hao's house, his wife is at work, and she still doesn't go hungry for three meals a day Man, why can't you do it?"

Wang Lanfen shrank her neck, not daring to speak because she was wrong.

Seeing the eldest son and eldest daughter busy in the kitchen, Liu Aiguo felt tired.

Did he marry a wife?
This is a special way to marry an ancestor back!
"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and cook in the kitchen!"

Wang Lanfen didn't dare to reply, and trotted to the kitchen.

When Liu Xiaomu and Liu Dani saw their mother coming in, they naturally took half a step back knowingly, waiting for her to give an order.

As a result, when the food was served, Liu Aiguo's face turned green with anger.

Is this a meal, or a pig's food?

The dishes were the leftovers from the cafeteria at noon, and then Wang Lanfen cut some potatoes and mixed them in and heated them up directly, which saves fuel and fire, but she is so proud of herself, she always feels that she is a good housekeeper Little expert.

No one of the children dared to express their opinions, and they all obediently gnawed on the black-faced buns.
With a dark face, Liu Aiguo barely ate a few mouthfuls, and then went back to the house.

Liu Aiguo usually eats in the cafeteria over the barracks, where the supplies are all rationed, and he doesn't need to pay or issue a ticket, so he didn't know that Wang Lanfen has been refusing to let the children eat in order to save money. hot.

Now that he has seen the ability of his daughter-in-law, the food is hot, but the problem is that if such food is placed in the entire courtyard, they would dare to recognize it as the second, and no one would recognize it as the first!
He couldn't guarantee whether or not fine flour was mixed in the black miscellaneous grain steamed buns, let alone the porridge that was so thin that it could be seen.

Thinking about that dish again, Liu Aiguo's expression was indescribable.

After living with Wang Lanfen for so many years, I already knew what kind of person she was, so I didn't have any hope for her. I just thought, since I can't manage the housework well, I might as well go to work.

After Wang Lanfen came here, she actually worked for a while, but she was just a temporary worker. After she was done with work for a while and had no more work, she was not allowed to go.

As for how much money he earned, Liu Aiguo didn't ask, and Wang Lanfen didn't take the initiative to say.

It can't go on like this!

Liu Aiguo made up his mind that he couldn't make up like this any longer.

His current position is not low, and he can indeed support his family with his own salary, but the problem is that the children are getting bigger and bigger, and the expenses are also increasing. Can't we worry about spending money in the future?
When Wang Lanfen came in, Liu Aiguo asked her to get the passbook.

Wang Lanfen didn't hesitate at all, anyway, she didn't spend money randomly, so she wasn't worried.

The savings in the passbook reminded Liu Aiguo that this wife is still a little bit good, at least she didn't cheat on her mother's family.

"I'll ask later to see if there is any work you can do. The kids are growing up, and it's not a problem for you to be idle at home all the time. It's better to go out to work, earn more money, and help me share the burden. Some."

Wang Lanfen's eyes lit up: "Really? Are you working in our compound?"

(End of this chapter)

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