Chapter 943 Rumors
Some words can only be thought in the heart, but dare not say it out loud, or they will be called out of their minds.

"Uncle Zhao, you just said that there was a dispute in the factory because of cutting expenses?"

"Yes. Director Liu means to remove some unnecessary positions. In addition, there is no need to recruit so many apprentices, let alone add temporary workers."

Su Xiaoruan stared straight at her eyes: "As far as the current operating conditions of the towel factory are concerned, how about apprentices and temporary workers?"

Zhao Qingyun's face was also a little embarrassed. After all, the towel factory is now in a state of loss. Under such circumstances, there are other expenses for non-regular employees, which is indeed a bit incomprehensible.

"They were all recruited before, and they haven't become regulars yet, so Factory Manager Liu means to get rid of them all."

"Then these people are normal healthy people?"

Zhao Qingyun nodded: "Well, most of them are young people."

Those who are willing to start as apprentices are mostly young people who have just not studied.

"It's not easy."

Su Xiaoruan heard that it was because of this that the factory could cause such a big dispute. If she really mentioned other ways to reduce costs, it might not be blocked at her door.

"Uncle Zhao, let me tell you the truth. In the current state of the towel factory, there are many problems, which cannot be solved by reducing costs. And even if I said the way, judging from the actual situation in the factory, it is still a problem. Impossible to carry on.”

Zhao Qingyun frowned, apparently unable to understand her words.

Su Xiaoruan still sighed, and made an analogy: "It's like asking the police to catch the bad guys. Everything has been planned and the methods have been passed, but the problem is that the police are not equipped with weapons. Only the gangsters have enough weapons." , do you think you can still catch it?"

Zhao Qingyun was stunned, he didn't expect Su Xiaoruan to make such an analogy, let alone the current situation of the towel factory is so bad.

According to what Su Xiaoruan said, it is really too difficult for the towel factory to turn losses into profits.

Su Xiaoruan is embarrassed to directly say that this is still a difference in management philosophy. After all, Zhao Qingyun doesn't care about the towel factory, and he only made a trip here because the factory manager Liu was injured.

Hao Jun looked at the two of them, and asked carefully: "Xiao Su, I heard your sister-in-law talk about some management concepts of your fast food restaurant before, did you just mean that the management in the factory can't keep up with it?" , so it led to various problems?"

Su Xiaoruan raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect this reckless man to understand.

"It has this meaning, but it's not all about management problems. There are other details. Because I haven't worked in a towel factory, I can't give more accurate advice. But what I said from the previous director Liu In the process, I have a general understanding of the current situation in the factory."

"Xiao Su, you don't have to be polite to me. Listen to what you mean, if the factory wants to run well, it has to do something drastic?"

Zhao Qingyun mainly wanted to get an accurate answer from Su Xiaoruan, otherwise, they had a meeting and research here, and they didn't have a general direction.

"Uncle Zhao, you are not an outsider. Let me tell you the truth. You can ask Director Liu to take a few deputy directors or section chiefs to other factories to have a look. I have said some things by myself. Not counting, and I can’t say it that clearly, you have to let them see it with their own eyes, this is the best experience.”

Zhao Qingyun nodded, now many large state-owned factories in Kyoto City will also organize their leaders to visit other places, and even organize teams to study abroad.

Now Su Xiaoruan also said the same thing, so it seems that the problem of the towel factory is indeed very serious.

Su Xiaoruan is just reminding them now. After all, it is impossible to solve the problem of the towel factory at her house, let alone without the leadership of the towel factory.

Zhao Qingyun heard that Su Xiaoruan's voice was still a little hoarse, and she was embarrassed to stay longer, so she told her to take good care of her illness and left first.

Hao Jun sat for a while longer, reminding Huo Yunting that Liu Aiguo has been making small moves recently.

"Where did you hear that?"

"Don't worry about it, Boss, we are firmly on your side. That Liu Aiguo is not from our regiment, nor is it your leader. Why should he always talk for your own good? Really I thought I was an onion!"

Huo Yunting reprimanded in a low voice: "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense about this in the future."

Hao Jun curled his lips: "Boss, I heard gossip that Liu Aiguo is targeting you, and it is very likely that it has something to do with the towel factory. And I heard that there was a commotion in the factory a few days ago, and Liu Aiguo is also involved here."

Huo Yunting thought about Liu Aiguo wanting Wang Lanfen to enter the towel factory before, so he probably knew some causal relationship.

The towel factory is now in a difficult period. Even if the workers are not dismissed, at least it is impossible to recruit new ones. Isn't Liu Aiguo not clear about this?

It would be too much to spread resentment towards his Ruanbao because of this.

At noon the next day, Aunt Zhao came over with a basket of vegetables.

"I heard from Lao Zhao that you were sick, so I told you that you hadn't shown up for several days. I thought you were busy with work, but I didn't expect you to be sick. Have you seen a doctor? What do you say?"

"Let my aunt worry about it. It's nothing. I'm just anxious to get angry. Now my voice is still a little hoarse, and I'm basically fine."

"That's good. After all, you are a young man. With a strong foundation, you will get better soon."

"Why did my aunt bring food? I have them at home, so I'd better bring them home."

"This is a good thing. It can reduce the fire. If you eat this dish cold, it can really reduce the fire. I used to eat it like this."

The family also had good intentions, Su Xiaoruan didn't refuse any more, let Wang Caijuan take it to the kitchen, but asked her to take some fruits from the refrigerator to serve.

Aunt Zhao was playing with Fu Bao, but she didn't pay attention to that side.

"Xiao Su, it's fine if you're sick now, just rest at home and don't go out if you have nothing to do."

Su Xiaoruan's heart skipped a beat: "Auntie, what's the matter?"

Aunt Zhao's face froze slightly, but thinking about her old Zhao's attitude, she still said it.

"I don't know who is spreading the word outside. It is your intention to dismiss temporary workers and apprentices. There was a disturbance in the factory before, and Director Liu was injured by mistake. He has not been discharged from the hospital yet. Someone deliberately Spreading rumors, I don't think this is right, your family should be more careful recently."

"Thank you for reminding me, auntie. If you don't tell me, we don't know about it. But the rumors are interesting. I'm not the leader of the towel factory. Even if I say this, it's useless!"

Aunt Zhao patted her thigh: "That's right! I think someone wants to make trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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