Chapter 15
[The last batch of Zerg has appeared, and now each candidate is equipped with a lightsaber handle, the lightsaber has sufficient energy, please feel free to use it. 】

The Zergs simulated by these simulation rooms are a bit like snakes. They crawl on the ground on their abdomens.They're not very fast, but they're not slow either.

This kind of Zerg is relatively common, and Ying Jiao has seen it on Xingwang.

This is called a bellyworm.

Although the speed of celiac insects is a bit slow, they are highly poisonous. A bite from an S-class will last for an hour. The speed of the SS-class is faster than that of the S-class, and the toxicity is also stronger. After being bitten, the limbs must be amputated in time Only in order to save lives.

Of course, there is no need to amputate limbs for the exam in the simulation room, as long as you wait for the toxic attack to die, you can end the exam.

Ying Jiao picked up the lightsaber.

With a weapon in hand, she can kill insects with ease, no matter if it is a bug or a bug, she can easily clean it up.

Ying Jiao could have finished the exam quickly, but she didn't.

The score of the First Military Academy Entrance Exam is [-]. If someone gets the full score at the same time, they will be ranked according to the time they completed the task.The shorter the time, the higher the ranking.

Yingjiao wants to go, and doesn't want his ranking to be too high.

It's not okay to take the first place.

So after killing ten Zergs, she deliberately left an S Zerg to chop and play slowly.

With half an hour left in the equidistance test, Ying Jiao just gave the simulated Zerg a good time with a sword.

Then there was the boring wait.

After half an hour.

[After three hours, the exam is over. 】

With the sound of the reminder, the door of the examination room opened.

With a beep, Ying Jiao saw Guan Ye standing outside, and the male teacher just now.

The male teacher didn't know what he said, Guan Ye twisted his ears, and Qingjun's face was twisted and twisted.

Seeing Ying Jiao coming out, Guan Ye immediately stopped and drew a clear line with him, "How about student Ying Jiao, are you still getting used to it?"

While talking, Guan Ye handed Ying Jiao a few bottles of nutrient solution so that she could replenish her strength.

The male teacher also prepared nutrient solutions for the candidates he brought, but he only prepared one for each.Seeing that Guan Ye gave Ying Jiao so much at once, he said lightly:
"Mr. Guan, one nutrient solution is enough for each person. Drinking too much will lead to overnutrition."

He may be well-intentioned, but Guan Ye still couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, "What's the matter with you? Student Ying Jiao can finish his drink!" Don't be a dog man like you don't know anything, okay?She saw that classmate Ying Jiao ate a lot, so she gave her so much on purpose!

Guan Ye stuffed the nutrient solution into Ying Jiao's hand, "You think so, student Ying Jiao?"


Ying Jiao was a little dazed, she felt that these two were not ordinary colleagues, and an indescribable war had ignited between them.

And now, the fire was about to burn on her.

It was the first time Ying Jiao encountered such a thing, and she was a little flustered.

Guan Ye patted Ying Jiao's shoulder unconsciously, beaming with joy, "Student Ying Jiao, you are really great! You have passed the physical fitness test, and you will pass the mental strength test later!"


Ying Jiao opened the nutrient solution and drank a tube, and then noticed a cold stare on her body.She looked around and found that the male teacher's sharp eyes were about to shoot through her shoulders.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Totally don't know what to do.

"Mr. Gong, can you give me another bottle of nutrient solution?"

Just when Ying Jiao was about to lose his taste, the SS boy stepped forward in time to turn away the male teacher's sight.

Ying Jiao heaved a sigh of relief, and labeled SS boy a good guy in his heart.

After drinking the nutrient solution, the candidates who failed the physical fitness test went home.

Three people passed the test this time: Ying Jiao, SS Junior, and a candidate with A-level mental strength.

After the physical fitness test is the mental test.

Ying Jiao had already taken the mental power test once when she was in the [-]th Army, and this time she planned to maintain her mental power at level seven and a half—it is estimated that her mental power will be at this level for a long time to come.

After finishing the test, Ying Jiao finds Guan Ye.

"What's the matter, student Yingjiao?"

"It's something..."

Ying Jiao turned to avoid the sight of the male teacher, "I heard that there is a reward of 50 star coins before the entrance exam. I would like to ask, when will this reward arrive?"


Guan Ye didn't expect Ying Jiao to ask herself this.

She thought that Ying Jiao could pass the exam and be admitted to the First Military Academy, but she didn't expect that her goal was to be in the top [-].


This admission rate seems not low, but most of the interstellar elites prefer the First Military Academy, and at least six out of ten good candidates want to enter the First Military Academy.

If all the good seedlings go this way, the acceptance rate will increase.

The students of the First Military Academy are the best of the best.

But now, Ying Jiao wants to be the best among these elites with a face full of understatement...

Guan Ye didn't want to hurt her self-confidence, so she replied seriously: "Your specific test results will not be announced until the first day of school. At that time, your results will be ranked down, and the rewards will be issued on time on that day."

"School starts?"

Ying Jiao nodded, the efficiency is not bad, "I see, thank you Teacher Guan."

"Hey, it's okay, these are..."

"Bonuses for the top [-] inquiries? It seems that this student did well in the exam?"

Before Guan Ye finished speaking, the male teacher who looked handsome but was actually very mean-spirited came over.

The tone of voice is quite eccentric.

Guan Ye said with a muffled face, "Gong Qian, you just need to take care of yourself, it has nothing to do with you how student Ying Jiao does in the exam."

"Oh, really? I just want to tell this classmate that the top [-] is not such an easy test."

"..." Gong Qian felt sour and jealous, but Ying Jiao couldn't hear it.

She lived in the last days before and was carefully raised as a savior. She had almost no social experience, so she didn't understand the twists and turns between the two.She just felt that the teacher didn't like her very much, but he didn't seem to have any malice toward her.

Ying Jiao had never encountered such a thing before, and felt a little numb for a while.

"Mr. Gong, is the bonus for the top [-] in the entrance examination given out on the first day of school?" someone asked.

Ying Jiao took a look, it was the SS boy again.

Ying Jiao instantly changed the label of a good person on him to a good person.


Gong Qian didn't really want to find fault, so he followed the SS boy's words and exposed the matter.

After all, he wasn't some kind of devil who made a special trip to be angry with the candidates, he just didn't want Xiaoye to talk to Xiaobailian.

"The rewards will be distributed at [-] o'clock in the morning on the first day of school. Before that, if the admitted candidates do not have enough living expenses, they can live in the temporary dormitory provided by the school for free."

When Gong Qian was talking to the SS boy, his face was calm and his articulate, and what he wanted to say was on point, not at all in keeping with the yin and yang image just now.

It really looks like a personable urban elite.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Feel targeted.

But this is not a big deal, the big thing is that she can't get the money for the time being.

Although the school provides free accommodation, but in terms of meals...

She thought she might go hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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