Chapter 17

Ying Jiao wandered around when she was full. Although she had surfed the Internet before and had a general understanding of the world, what she saw online was not as good as what she saw and felt in person.

You still have to walk around to experience this new world firsthand.

Ying Jiao puts her hands in her pockets and wanders around.

She didn't have any goals, and she didn't turn on the interstellar navigation. She just walked around and didn't care where she went.

At night, the imperial capital is brightly lit, and the excitement is not inferior to that of the day.

Ying Jiao walked and walked, the more she walked, the more she went sideways.

"Bang! Bang bang bang—"

"Find someone to help, don't let him run away!"

As we all know, remote places are prone to accidents, even the imperial capital with good law and order is an exception.

Ying Jiao felt that he was a little unlucky, and unexpectedly he could meet something while taking a walk after dinner.

She swept it mentally.

There are seventeen people in the alley ahead, one with SS in mental strength, three with S, and the rest are all A.

Ying Jiao didn't want to meddle in other people's business, so she turned around and was about to leave.

But one of them ran very fast, just as she lifted her foot, someone rushed out, if Ying Jiao didn't hide quickly, she might have been hit by someone.

"Who's there? Stop him!"

Someone shouted from behind.

Ying Jiao looked around, but there was no one there.

It was her who called.

"Stop that man, I will reward you with a hundred thousand!" The person behind shouted again.

At this moment, the guy just ran two meters away, and Ying Jiao only needs to lift his foot to get the one hundred thousand interstellar coins that the guy behind said.

Ying Jiao clicked his tongue, "Interstellar money is quite easy to earn."

Then, Ying Jiao raised her foot and stretched out her hand.

He caught the person who ran away from her just now.


This is an acquaintance - Ying Jiao grabbed the SS boy who lives next door, Lu Yuan.


Ying Jiao greeted him.But Lu Yuan obviously didn't want to chat with her now, so he kicked her, aiming at Ying Jiao's waist.

His kick was extremely powerful, and he just wanted to get rid of Ying Jiao's entanglement with this kick.

Seeing this, Ying Jiao turned Lu Yuan's body in one direction with force.


The person who was the first to catch up from behind suffered disaster, and was kicked by Lu Yuan in a fragile place, and immediately fell to the ground in pain.


His miserable state made his little friends gasp.

Ying Jiao slapped her mouth, and sighed in her heart that Lu Yuan's kick was really ruthless, luckily it didn't hit her.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the poor man who fell on the ground, but Lu Yuan didn't. He moved his body, trying to attack Ying Jiao again.

"Fifty five points."

Before Lu Yuan made another move, Ying Jiao whispered in his ear.

Lu Yuan didn't move.

"Miss, please give us the person in your hand."

The person who spoke was the leader, Ying Jiao didn't bother with him, and asked directly:

"What about the money?"

One hundred thousand interstellar currency, you have to give it.


She may have to reason with these few people.

"We are people from Yelanzhuguang. My name is Qian Sheng. We are here under the boss's order to catch cheaters. I hope this lady can make it easier for me."

Just as he was talking, Qian Sheng waved his hand and signaled his subordinates to step up and grab him without waiting for Ying Jiao's consent.

He thought that his name was quite famous, and the woman across from him would definitely give him face.

However, Ying Jiao didn't care who he was, she just wanted to make some money.

Seeing that the other party wanted to renege on the debt, she chuckled lightly and sighed, "It seems that you are trying to reason with me."

Then lift your foot and kick at will.

"Bang!" A sound.

This sound was much louder than the previous one.


The person who was kicked out spurted out a bloody tooth on the spot, which shows how hard Ying Jiao's casual kick was.

Ying Jiao said, "Guys, I'm a reasonable person, so I'll ask again—where's the money?"

In order to save trouble, she specially picked an S-level mental strength servant, so that the other party would know that the money is not bad today.

Ying Jiao's kick really shocked the opponent.

Qian Sheng's complexion was ugly. He had a dark face and warned, "Ma'am, we are people who shine in the night."

"Oh," Ying Jiao said indifferently, "where's the money?"


It was the first time Qian Sheng saw that Yelan Zhuguang's reputation was not good, and he was furious for a while, but Ying Jiao just kicked away the most powerful thug in their arena with ease, so he dared not despise him anymore.

In the end, Qian Sheng paid the money with a dark face.

As soon as the interstellar coins arrived, Ying Jiao let go.Before Qian Sheng and his party could react, Lu Yuan ran away and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Qian Sheng was startled, he looked at Ying Jiao.

What about people?

Who is he going to catch!

"What are you looking at me for?" Ying Jiao pulled his lips into a smile, "I caught him just now."

After speaking, he swayed and left.

"Director, do you want to chase?" the subordinate asked.

Qian Sheng sneered, "Chase? You go?"

The two of them are gone, and they are still chasing after a fart!

Lu Yuan didn't run far, but waited for Ying Jiao at a corner.

As soon as the two met, Ying Jiao didn't hesitate, took out his brain and transferred [-] interstellar coins to Lu Yuan.

"Thank you."

Lu Yuan was not very lucky today. He originally wanted to go to Yelan Zhuguang's place to make some money while school was not over, but before he had time to go to the gambling table, he was inexplicably given the name of a cheater.

It's fine if you don't get the money, and others almost folded it.

It's the worst of luck.


Ying Jiao is not interested in Lu Yuan being chased, she just happened to meet him to make some money.

She didn't ask anything, so Lu Yuan naturally wouldn't say much.

"Let's go, they may be catching up."


Both of them were not slow, and they left that place and entered the bustling area very quickly.

Once here, no one would dare to do anything blatantly.

The speed of the two slowed down.

Only then did Lu Yuan ask Ying Jiao, "Student Ying Jiao, are you short of money?"

"It's missing."

Why not?She is so lacking!
Lu Yuan stopped, looked at Ying Jiao, and asked, "Student Ying Jiao, do you want to make money?"

Ying Jiao also turned her head and glanced at him, "How do you make money?"

"Student Ying Jiao knows the ranking of Tianjiao, right?"

Ying Jiao nodded, "I know a little bit."

"Student Ying Jiao, you should know that most businesses now require capital, but I know one, a good business without capital." Lu Yuan whispered.

"Oh? What business?"

"Sell signature photos!"

Lu Yuan turned on his optical computer and pointed to a forum above to show Ying Jiao, "The interstellar entertainment industry is well-developed, and artists with fans and enthusiasm can make a lot of money. Of course, we don't know any artists, so it is impossible to make money from them. However, our school has a group of fans whose number of fans is not inferior to the first-line top class! Look at this, the autographed photos of the seniors and sisters on the Tianjiao ranking are at least this number!"

Ying Jiao glanced at it and counted the zeros on it.


At least six figures.

It seems that StarCraft groupies are quite rich.

"Oh, and then? Do you know the people up there?"

"No, I don't know."

Lu Yuan put away his optical brain, "But I know there is a way to get their autographed photos."

(End of this chapter)

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