Not just pride.

The rest of the First Army also found out.

The strength of the originally powerful and difficult mechas on the opposite side suddenly weakened, and they eliminated all the mechas by themselves without waiting for reinforcements.

"Second Young Master."

The officers of the First Army reported to Ji Hanyu on the sidelines.

Ying Jiao looked around.

Every mech in Interstellar needs to be registered after the design is completed, otherwise it is not allowed to be manufactured.But this piece of high-end mechs will definitely not have a production license, so Yingjiao asked people to check their sources.

"Mr. Ying, something happened to Professor Xia."

There was news from the person who sent Huo Xun and Fu Qiuxi to Xia Feng's side.

Fu Qiuxi is crazy.

"what happened?"

Ying Jiao connected the report over there.

Half an hour ago, Huo Xun and Fu Qiuxi had a sudden headache. After Xia Feng found out, he immediately arranged surgery for them.But during the process, Fu Qiuxi went crazy because he couldn't bear the severe pain.

Xia Feng is now doing his best to treat her.

And Huo Xun carried it over. Now that he just finished the operation, he just waited for his recovery.

In addition, Xia Feng already had some clues about the eggs in the two people's bodies.

Ying Jiao checked the battle records of Peak One.It was discovered that half an hour ago was exactly the time when she extinguished that unknown spiritual force.The reaction of Huo Xun and the others is probably also related to this.

Ying Jiao frowned, ready to go over there to see the specific situation.

"Student Xiao Ji."

Ying Jiao talked to Ji Hanyu, and then drove to Xia Feng's side.

"You should be proud of your classmates."

Xia Feng blushed and greeted Ying Jiao.

Then he quickly took out the tablet.

"Hi teacher, thank you for your hard work."

Xia Feng: No hard work, no hard work!
Xia Feng: Patient No. 2's mental condition has stabilized now, but the specific recovery depends on whether she is worthy or not.

Patient 2 is Fu Qiuxi.

The society feared that Xia Feng would not dare to call people by their names, so he would number his patients first every time he treated.

Ying Jiao nodded: "Teacher, I'd like to check on Huo Xun's situation first."

Xia Feng: Patient No. 1 still needs to rest and can only talk briefly.

Xia Feng: Patient No. 1 has a slightly damaged brain region, does it need treatment?

After Xia Feng finished typing, he realized that it seemed inappropriate to ask such a question, so he covered most of his face with the tablet embarrassingly, only showing one eye.

Look at it this way.

The teacher's gloomy face made the horror atmosphere more obvious.

Fortunately, Ying Jiao had a strong tolerance and was not frightened.

The officer of the First Army who came with her couldn't do it anymore. He was so frightened that he shivered, and quickly turned his eyes away, not daring to look at Xia Feng again.

Ying Jiao: "If it can be treated, I will trouble the teacher to treat it as much as possible. If you have any difficulties, you can bring them up, and the military department will try to satisfy you."

No matter what Huo Xun said, he did meritorious service.

What should be cured still needs to be cured.

Xia Feng: No. 1 can be cured, and No. 2 is too serious to be cured.

Xia Feng: No. 2 can only recover to a D-level mental state at most.


Ying Jiao nodded and said, "Teacher, do your best."

Xia Feng: That, that...

Xia Feng: Medicines for the treatment of the brain are strictly controlled and must be approved by the military before they can be used...

Xia Feng: The earlier the drug is taken, the less likely patient No. 1 will have sequelae.

"Good teacher, I'll apply right away."

Ying Jiao asked the accompanying officers of the First Army.

I learned that a large dose of medicine needs to be approved by a lieutenant general or above, and if a small dose is required, a major general will do.

Ying Jiao just happened to be promoted to major general.

Xia Feng: Then I will go to give the medicine to patient No. 1 first, and Ying Jiao, you can come and ask him in half an hour.

"Well, sorry for the trouble, teacher."

Ying proudly nodded.

She couldn't see Huo Xun for the time being, so she went to see Fu Qiuxi first.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

As soon as he got closer, a heart-piercing cry came from the ward.

"kill me!"

"Please kill me!"

"Kill me ahhhh!!!"

In order to prevent Fu Qiuxi from committing suicide, the assistant who took care of her imprisoned her on the bed.

Because of this, even if she was tortured by the severe pain in her head, she couldn't kill herself.

"It's you!!"

Fu Qiuxi saw Ying Jiao and immediately begged her for mercy.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!" Lying on the hospital bed, Fu Qiuxi had a ferocious and painful expression, her nose and tears flowed profusely, and many of them flowed onto her messy hair, sticking together: "I really I know I was wrong! Please, please let me go!!"

After bursts of painful and desperate cries.

Fu Qiuxi seemed to be hallucinating.

"You, you, you - I didn't mean to kill your whole family! It's all Jiang Qian's fault, she taught me to do this! Don't come here!!! Ah!!!"

"Help! Help!!!"

"Save me! Save me quickly! I know I was wrong!!"

"I really know I was wrong!!"

Ying Jiao looked at Fu Qiuxi who was struggling crazily on the hospital bed, and unleashed her mental power to check her spiritual domain—that is, the brain domain that Teacher Xia Feng said.

It was all broken.

At this moment, Fu Qiuxi's spiritual realm is like a pot of porridge, utterly chaotic.

But amidst the chaos, they barely managed to maintain the situation, and did not let the chaos continue to spread until it completely collapsed.

read it.

Ying Jiao had to sigh: Teacher Xia Feng is worthy of being the top doctor in the interstellar world, and he can even treat such people whose spiritual domain is broken.

"Time is up."

The assistant who looked after Gu Fu Qiuxi gave her a powerful sedative shot.

at last.

Fu Qiuxi, who had been screaming wildly, gradually stabilized.

She had a look of relief on her face.

Then ask Ying Jiao: "I know I was wrong! I apologize! I repent! Please—please take me away! I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Fu Qiuxi believed that everything she experienced just now was caused by that gloomy and vicious doctor.

She hates it here.

Don't want to stay longer!

"Oh, really?"

Standing in front of her, Ying Jiao said coolly: "You can leave if you want to. But I have to tell you first: only Teacher Xia Feng and a few of you can cure your current situation. If you return to the First Army, you will suffer a mental breakdown The probability of death—one hundred percent."

Go back and die.

Fu Qiuxi hesitated.

She obviously didn't want to die.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come here obediently in the first place.

And now that she thought her pain was finally over, she didn't even want to die.


Fu Qiuxi thought for a while, then cried.

She wanted to grab Ying Jiao's hand and knelt down to beg her, but she was still confined on the hospital bed and couldn't do that.

So he could only try to impress Ying Jiao with his miserable crying.

"I'm so miserable!"

I don't know where she came from so many tears, they kept flowing.

Fu Qiuxi: "After I got here, I never had a decent meal. They gave me nutrient solution every day! And it was the lowest grass nutrient solution!"

She looked resentful: "They abused me! I know you can save me! You save me! Save me quickly!!"


Ying Jiao's reaction to Fu Qiuxi was not very surprising.

She looked up at the time—it was almost there.

Half an hour is up.

There should be no problem with Huo Xun.

Ying Jiao ignored Fu Qiuxi's performance and walked out of the ward.

The angry yells grew further and further away.

Fu Qiuxi, who was crazily cursing everything, didn't know that the effect of the medicine in her body could only last for three hours. After three hours, her pain covered by the maximum dose would reappear.

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