All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 31 Being beaten, everyone has a chance this time

Chapter 31 Being beaten, everyone has a chance this time
The next day, the first class of class A1 was close combat again.

This time, Zhao Xinchong didn't say anything, and asked the students to conduct actual combat training in pairs.

As soon as Zhu Xingchen heard this, he immediately wanted to embrace Ying Jiao's legs and form a team, but Ying Jiao took half a step back and refused.

He went to Lu Yuan again.

Lu Yuan: "..."

He also wants to form a team with Ying Jiao.

"Old Lu, what do you mean?"

Seeing Lu Yuan was silent, Zhu Xingchen was a little angry, "You despise me!"

After all, he is also the third in the entrance examination, right?Why do you despise him!
Zhu Xingchen doesn't understand.

Zhu Xingchen couldn't figure it out.

Lu Yuan saw that he was a little angry, so he couldn't say no again, "No, I will form a team with you."

As soon as he agreed, Zhu Xingchen immediately beamed with joy, "That's the way to talk, old Lu!" He hooked Lu Yuan's shoulder, and looked at Ying Jiao with a look of embarrassment.

Ying Jiao didn't respond to his provocation.

She walked up to Ji Hanyu, "Student Xiao Ji, form a team?"


Ji Hanyu agreed.

It made some people who originally wanted to team up with him but didn't dare to speak up regret it.

Zhu Xingchen was even more sour and angry.

He whispered to Lu Yuan: "I decided to break up with Lao Ying in this class."

Lu Yuan: He chose to remain silent.


The hand-to-hand combat class adopts a lottery and beating system.

Ying Jiao's group was lucky, they got the number 25, which was the last group.

After a 10-minute warm-up, training begins.



Zhao Xinchong kicked off the two people in the first group as soon as he came up, and he didn't show any affection because the other party was a freshman.

"stand up."

Zhao Xinchong ordered indifferently.

The two who were kicked away struggled to get up, and then continued to be beaten unilaterally.

"Bang bang bang—" the sound can be heard endlessly.

The two in the next group could hear hugging each other and shivering.


The people in the first group were kicked away again.

"stand up."

The two struggled to get up.

There were constant sounds of people being kicked away, and then Zhao Xinchong coldly ordered them to get up.

Zhao Xinchong's timing was just right, and after 3 minutes passed, he immediately called for the next group.

And so on and on.

By the time of the seventh group, the situation of students being beaten unilaterally has improved a little.

The skills of the two in the seventh group were obviously much better than those in the previous groups, at least they were kicked away before they came up.

The two persisted in more than thirty tricks under Zhao Xinchong, and then...


One of them was kicked away.

The other one persisted for a few more tricks, but he did not escape the fate of being kicked away.

Three minutes later, Lu Yuan handed one of them a bottle of trauma smear.

That man is a cold and handsome guy with good looks.When Lu Yuan handed him the medicine, he froze for a moment, then politely thanked him and accepted it.


You should be proud to ask him.

"My roommate, Wei Zhuo." Lu Yuan and the others drew No. [-], and it was their turn to draw another group.

To be honest, Lu Yuan felt a little nervous now.

After all, it was the first time he took the initiative to be beaten, and he had no experience yet.

In order to ease his mood, he took the initiative to gossip with Ying Jiao, "The other one is Jiang Zhu, who is fourth in the entrance examination. I guess his mental strength should also be SSS. Wei Zhuo is fifth, so he should be too."

Lu Yuan's voice was so low that no one else could hear it except him and Ying Jiao.

After finishing speaking, he also sighed, "Jiang Zhu is similar to Xingchen, both born in a military family. They are all like this, Xingchen and I—oh..."

Ying Jiao patted him on the shoulder after listening, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll bring you a potion of Senior Sister Sheng Ling tomorrow."

Lu Yuan, who was still a little apprehensive, was instantly comforted by these words, "Okay, thank you!"

He didn't refuse.

Sheng Ling's potion, he needs it very much!
"Sheng Ling's potion?" Zhu Xingchen immediately yelled after hearing these words, "Bring it to me, I want it too!" He forgot what he said just now that he was going to break up in this class.

"Okay, I'll bring you one tomorrow." Ying Jiao was very straightforward.

After the senior sister came back yesterday, she gave her a box of repair potions, saying it was for her close combat class.

The shelf life of that box of medicine is not very long, she told her to use it as soon as possible.

Ying Jiao doesn't use it too much, so it's just right for these two.

3 minutes is up in no time.

Lu Yuan solemnly entrusted the small bag containing the medicine he brought to Ying Jiao, and then went on stage with Zhu Xingchen and was beaten.

Three minutes later, the two came back supporting each other.


As soon as Zhu Xingchen moved, he "hissed" in pain and took a deep breath.

Lu Yuan gave him medicine, and then the two of them leaned together to rest.

Zhao Xinchong has plenty of time today, everyone in Class A1 has a chance to be beaten.

By the time Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu arrived, there were still more than 20 minutes left before get out of class ended.

As soon as the two entered the field, Class A1, who had just been beaten to the ground, immediately cheered up.

They secretly cheered the two of them in their hearts, hoping that they could last a little longer under the teacher's hands.

Ying Jiao doesn't know Ji Hanyu's specific strength, but he is the only person she has ever seen with a super SSS mental strength.

The higher the interstellar mental power, the better the physical fitness.

Not to mention that Xiao Ji has been in the army all year round, so his skills must be extraordinary.

Zhao Xinchong: "Let's begin."

After speaking, he struck Ying Jiao with his palm.Ying Jiao dodged quickly, but Zhao Xinchong did not pursue, but leaned and rotated his body, driving his back foot to kick Ji Hanyu quickly.

Ji Hanyu's speed is also very fast, and he also has combat experience, so it is not difficult to dodge Zhao Xinchong's blow.

Xiao Ji is a good teammate, Ying Jiao thinks she can try to take the initiative to attack today.

When Ji Hanyu and Zhao Xinchong were fighting, Ying Jiaofei kicked Zhao Xinchong's waist.

Zhao Xinchong, who was about to punch Ji Hanyu's shoulder, sensed the danger, immediately withdrew his hand, and dodged her attack sideways.

Afterwards, Ying Jiao and Ji Hanyu cooperated tacitly, and gradually drew a tie with Zhao Xinchong, and even gained the upper hand.

After 3 minutes, Zhao Xinchong stopped.

Be proud to think it's over.

The result is not.

Zhao Xinchong untied the gravity belt on his wrist expressionlessly, and said coldly, "Continue."

Ying Jiao: "..."

After untying the gravity restraint belt on his wrist, Zhao Xinchong's speed was obviously faster, and his strikes were also heavy.

Ying Jiao and Ying Jiao who had gained the upper hand gradually began to struggle against him.


Ying Jiao turned her head to avoid Zhao Xinchong's fist, but Ji Hanyu who was beside her was hit by a punch in the shoulder.

Zhao Xinchong's punch was quite powerful, and Ji Hanyu was directly hit by him, making him take two steps back, frowning in pain.

Ying Jiao felt a little regretful - she knew that Xiao Ji couldn't dodge, she should have followed up with that punch just now!

How could she hide and forget Xiao Ji just now?He is her savior!
Ying Jiao felt a little guilty, so she lost her mind during the battle.


Ying Jiao was kicked in the side by Zhao Xinchong.

Zhao Xinchong's kick was much heavier than the punch just now. If it wasn't for the critical moment, Ying Jiao's sense of crisis acquired by fighting on the battlefield for many years made her subconsciously avoid it, and she would also be kicked away by this kick. .

(End of this chapter)

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