All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 310 Don't hold back

Chapter 310 Don't hold back


Who is your friend!

Liang Wenxun stared, took a step back, and tried to escape.

"What are you running, senior?" Zhu Xingchen blocked his way.

Although Zhu Xingchen is also powerful, Liang Wenxun is not afraid of him.Everyone is a normal person with 3S mental power, how could he, a junior, be afraid of a freshman?

But even so, Liang Wenxun didn't dare to do anything.

He can't beat Ying Jiao.

Liang Wenxun has long been deeply aware of this truth.

His lips trembled.

In the end, his shoulders drooped weakly: "My father... seemed to be a little afraid of him."

After speaking, he looked up at Ying Jiao.

Trying to convince her: "Really! That's all I know!"

"is it?"

Ying Jiao glanced at Liang Wenxun.

He is lying.

But after that, Liang Wenxun refused to speak again.Although Liang Wenxun was a bit arrogant, he really did not do any heinous things.

It's not easy for Ying Jiao to use force to make him speak.

Just end the query.

Ying Jiao took out a can of candy casually, threw it to Liang Wenxun, and said slowly: "In the future, please take care of me, senior."

"Ah? Ah..."

Liang Wenxun felt that the sugar in his hand was very hot.

He wanted to return it to Ying Jiao, but she had already left.

"Old Ying." Zhu Xingchen asked Ying Jiao, "Are you looking for someone? Liang Xu? Why haven't I heard of it. He is also from the Liang family?"

"Probably so."

Should be proud to go ahead.

At this time, Gong Hui had already received the task and came back.

Seeing that Ying Jiao was not there, his heart skipped a beat, thinking that she was going to make a big one for him when she came up.Just as he was about to ask the others where Ying Jiao had gone, he saw that the man had come back from a stroll with two horse boys.

"Student Ying Jiao." Gong Hui didn't even want to laugh anymore, he asked Ying Jiao with a serious face: "I think I should have said, repair where you are, don't run around."

"Yes, teacher." Ying Jiao nodded, "You said so. But it's not that we are going to go around, but the senior said he wanted to explain something to us, so he took us there."

Finished speaking.

Liang Wenxun also came over.

Just heard Ying Jiao's words.

Liang Wenxun: "..."

Bear the big pot with tears.

"It's the first time a school girl is doing an internship, I'm worried that she doesn't understand the rules..."

This happens all the time.

Every time the upper grades were worried that the lower grades would be disobedient and slow down, they would take them to a good place and give them a small warning.

"is it?"

Gong Hui felt that something was wrong.

His eyes kept looking back and forth at Ying Jiao.

The other party was very calm, without any change in expression.

Gong Hui gave up.

He announced: "In a while, we will be responsible for the development of the center together with the team led by Admiral Liu."

He projected the approximate location of the mission.

For all to remember.

And said: "I hope everyone can work together. The basic level of the worms in the center is not low. I hope everyone will be careful, and don't be greedy and put yourself in a dangerous situation!"

The last sentence is for everyone to hear.

It was even for Ying Jiao to listen to.

Gong Hui's eyes focused on her.

Ying Jiao: "..."

Classmate Xiao Ji hooked her finger and comforted her in a low voice: "Ms. Gong has learned a lesson before, so she is more careful now."


Ying Jiao shook Xiao Ji's hand.

Gong Hui's key care had no effect on her.

Although she prefers Zhao Xinchong's trust and care, Gong Hui can't affect her.After all, she didn't reply every time he said to let the freshman be quiet.

Gong Hui repeated all the rules three times.

This did not happen before.

The juniors all knew that their teachers were warning the freshmen - all the freshmen knew that Gong Hui was worried about Ying Jiao's troubles.

"Okay! I hope everyone will keep in mind the above words!"

Gong Hui finally finished all the precautions.

He took a sip of water.

I feel a little uneasy.

He glanced at Ying Jiao again, and after confirming that she looked peaceful, he brought everyone together.


A junior who was walking by the side of Ying Jiao's class spoke with disgust: "Although I don't know how you freshmen can come to participate in the internship, but I can warn you—be careful later, and don't delay our class. Hind legs!"

"That's right, if you're injured, hurry up and leave, don't keep dragging us down!"

The classmates in his class echoed.

Everyone is the proud son of class A1.

The juniors have two years more experience than the freshmen, so naturally they don't want to be dragged down by the freshmen.Of course, more importantly, they are worried that the freshmen will die if they are not careful.

"The battlefield is not a simulation room, so don't try to force it, it's not good for everyone!"

If possible, juniors don't want to take care of freshmen.

After all, the battlefield is so dangerous.

But who made them the seniors of this group of freshmen?

no way.

After a while, I still have to look at them and click, "Generally, it takes more than ten days to kill Zerg of this level. The battlefield conditions are difficult, you freshmen, don't complain, or don't blame us seniors for being rude. !"

When the man spoke, his fingers made a "click" sound.

He is telling his juniors and juniors: If you are disobedient, you will be beaten!

"Okay, senior." Xiao Yihe was wearing a combat uniform, and waved his hands with disdain, "I'll see Brother Ying take you flying in a while!"

"That's right!" Meng Si followed up: "When you all see our brother Ying's strength, you will know that you should tell yourselves all these things!"

He was choked by his juniors and younger sisters.

Class A1 of the junior year had an expression of "you don't know what is good and what is bad".

Raise your hand.

Pretending to hit someone.

Xiao Yihe and Meng Si were not afraid at all, and their expressions became even more arrogant.

Everyone in the junior year: "..."


Let this group of ignorant freshmen suffer in a short while!


Both A1 classes have arrived at the assembly point.

Liu Hengjing stood in front of the team, and when everyone was present, he began to assign tasks to all teams.In the end, all the tasks of other teams were sent out, only the students who were interns had not yet.

Liu Heng glanced at everyone.

"You, I will lead you personally."

All interns:! ! !
No, no, no, no?Admiral Liu actually wants to take us personally!
It turned out that we didn't want to follow the squad to kill insects, but to fight side by side with Admiral Liu!
Realizing this, everyone was excited.

If they weren't on the front line, they would really like to run wildly in their mechs!


Together with Gong Hui, Liu Hengjing led all the students into the trail opened by the First Army squad.

further inward.

The higher the Zerg level.

It will be more difficult to kill.

Both A1 classes were a little nervous.

Although they had killed quite a few worms before, this was the first time they had enjoyed such high-level treatment—in the middle of the swarm, beheading the highest-level worms was so exciting!

Liu Hengjing at the front of the team beheaded a 2S worm—they had already reached the center where they could go so far.

Here, there are all 2S level bugs!

(End of this chapter)

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