All the stars are my defeats

Chapter 319 Super 3S Child

Chapter 319 Super 3S Child
Ying Jiao didn't care about the stupid Meng Si.

She went into the mud house.

Squat down next to the little girl.

He gave a "tsk" inexplicably.

"Old Ying." Meng Si originally wanted to take out the nutrient solution for someone, but she never heard Ying Jiao's order, so she put the things back.

"Is he all right?"

Meng Si also squatted beside him.

Ying Jiao said, "It's not a big problem for the time being." But if it takes a while longer, it won't be so.

She picked him up.

Going outside, I dialed a video call to classmate Xiao Ji, "The situation is urgent, classmate Xiao Ji, please come here first."

"elder brother."

The other two children followed suit.

The little one hugged the child's leg, and asked timidly, "Are they here to treat Brother Qing Ke?"

The little one's voice is a little small.

A little milk.

Meng Si saw that her hair was withered and yellow, probably due to malnutrition, so she handed her a nutrient solution.

To replenish the body.

His father suddenly realized his conscience and said that he wanted to supplement his body, so he stuffed several sticks for him when he left.

The little one's eyes are big and cute.

"Do you want it? You can grow taller if you drink it." Meng Si said.

When I heard that I could grow taller, Xiao Budian was very excited.But she didn't reach out immediately, but looked at her brother first.

Because Ying Jiao said that Meng Si was the second young master of the Meng family, the child knew that what he brought out was a good thing.

So he pursed his lips and said to his sister, "Take it if you want it."

"Thank you big brother!"

Xiao BuDian accepted Meng Si's nutrient solution and thanked her sweetly.Then he hugged it carefully, cherishing it very much: "I will drink it for brother Qing Ke later, and when she recovers, she will be able to protect us again!"



Meng Si felt a little stingy.

It's just an expensive nutrient solution, so what if everyone gets one for free!
Immediately, he touched two more and said, "You have all of them, one for each of you!"

"Thank you."

The child got the nutrient solution, opened it immediately, and drank one by one for himself and his sister.In this way, you don't have to worry about being robbed by others.

"So sweet!"

The little one covered his face with surprise, "This is delicious, thank you big brother!"

"it's okay no problem!"

Meng Si turned his head, remembering that when he drank this at the beginning, he thought it was bad, and it was his father who coerced and lured him to drink it, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

"what happened?"

Ji Hanyu came here with Lu Yuan.

Seeing that Ying Jiao was holding a child in his arms, the two of them focused their eyes on it.

"Super 3S." Ying Jiao explained simply and clearly: "The brain domain is underdeveloped."

Ji Hanyu is also super 3S.

Hearing what Yingjiao said, I immediately knew why she called me here—the usual nutrient solution, the production standard is prepared according to the highest demand of residents, 3S, and the brain development needs of super 3S are higher than 3S. The nutrient solution does not provide sufficient nutrients for its growth and development.

To exceed 3S, it is not enough to just drink ordinary nutrient solution, and you need to add some spiritual nutrient medicine.

It is in Ji Hanyu's space button.He took out one and gave it to the child in Ying Jiao's arms to drink it.

This medicine was formulated by Sheng Yu.

You can see how effective it is by looking at the child's slightly relaxed posture.

"Feed another one." Ying Jiao said.

There are still three in Ji Hanyu's space button, but, "Is it okay? Dr. Sheng said that there is at most one in a month."

Ying Jiao: "No problem, she's different." This kid, another one may not be enough.


Ji Hanyu knew that Ying Jiao's mental strength was somewhat different from theirs.She said so, probably this little girl is also a little different, so she took out another one.

The second branch goes down.

The child finally woke up.

Xi Qingke opened his eyes, and what he saw was a face with a slightly flamboyant smile.Seeing that she was awake, she raised her eyebrows, and there was something on her face that even she couldn't understand.

"how do you feel?"

The person has already woken up, and Ying Jiao withdrew his spiritual power.The child didn't hold it anymore, but picked it up with a bit of disgust.

Probably out of bad taste.

She also wobbled.

"Much better, thanks."

Xi Qingke's voice was dry and hoarse due to not drinking or eating for a long time.

"Brother Qing Ke!"

The little one who was holding the nutrient solution hurried over and handed the contents in his arms to Xi Qingke, "Brother Qingke, here it is! Sweet! My brother and I have both drank it!"

"Thank you, Ningning."

Xi Qingke didn't waste his time begging Ying Jiao to let him go.

In this way, she let Ying Jiao carry herself and drank the nutrient solution calmly.

Ying Jiao narrowed his eyes.

He didn't shake her again, and put her down with a dull expression.Then he took a potion from classmate Xiao Ji and hung it in front of her: "Want to drink it? The spiritual nutrient solution made by Sheng Yu."

Ying Jiao just finished speaking.

Xi Qingke's pupils suddenly dilated.

A sneer came - it was Ying Jiao.

She pressed Xi Qingke's shoulder, and her mental strength locked her completely, "Are you going to say it yourself, or let me interrogate?"

"What are you talking about?"

Xi Qingke didn't move, she looked calmly, looked directly at Ying Jiao, and asked her, "What should I say?"

She is calm.

Too calm.

One big and one small looked at each other for a while.Finally, Ying Jiao smiled and looked away, "It's nothing, just forget about it."

She threw the medicine to Xi Qingke, and then she took Ji Hanyu and the others to leave.

There is absolutely no intention of taking this unusual super 3S seedling back home to take good care of it.

"Ying, Brother Ying!"

Meng Si, who hadn't figured out the situation from the beginning to the end, quickly followed, and after catching up with Ying Jiao, she asked her, "What's wrong, Brother Ying? Are we leaving them alone?"

"What does it matter? It's none of our business."

Ying Jiao didn't plan to take care of it.

Ji Hanyu and Lu Yuan also followed her, but didn't say anything.

"Please wait!"

Xi Qingke has been following Ying Jiao, even if no one pays attention to her, he has been following her.


Ying Jiao stopped.

So is Xi Qingke.

She seemed to remember something, turned around quickly, and ran back without looking back.

"Let's go and have a look."

Compared with Xi Qingke's anxiety, Ying Jiaoshi is really very leisurely.

With her hands in her trouser pockets, she wasn't surprised at all even when she saw Qiu Yinworm break out from under the mud house.

Not even moving.

It was as if she had no intention of saving people.

Both Ji Hanyu and Lu Yuan moved, ready to kill the insects.But Ying Jiao stopped them.Lu Yuan glanced at Xi Qingke, and stopped taking out the mecha; Ji Hanyu didn't continue, but he had an extra light gun in his hand, so that if there was any accident, he could remedy it in time.


As soon as Meng Si saw the Zerg, he quickly took out his mech and rushed up.

Ying Jiao ignored him.

However, Meng Si's speed is not as fast as Qiu Yinchong.Before he rushed in front of the two children, he watched Qiu Yinchong rush towards them.

It's too late to rely on Mengsi alone.

Xi Qingke stopped.

He looked at Qiu Yinchong intently.


A long mound of insects suddenly collapsed.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

Ying Jiao withdrew her mental power—although she had been preparing for it all along, she didn't do it just now.

It's Xi Qingke.

Sure enough, the child's spiritual power can also be visualized.And she herself knows about it, so she can use it proficiently.

Finish this one.

There are tens of thousands of mound worms that are about to break out of the ground.

Ying Jiao didn't bring out the mecha, she was holding a red flame knife in her hand.When the next batch of Zerg was unearthed, the swords were up and down.

Countless 2S and 3S bugs dropped "snack-slap".

(End of this chapter)

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